All Chapters of My Godfather’s Irresistible Pet: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
60 Chapters
Caught in the act
Lord Frederick's POVI swallowed nervously at her words but didn’t move away.“You don’t have to do it,” I said firmly, not wanting her to sense the uneasiness I felt from her touch.She leaned towards my ear, her hot breath fanning my skin. “I want to,” she whispered, and I groaned inwardly. She didn’t know how her actions were driving me insane. How could she effortlessly turn me on without even trying?“Relax and let me,” she whispered one more time before she moved away from my ear.My body tensed as Aurora's hands kneaded my shoulders, her touch gentle yet firm. Each press of her fingers seemed to melt away a layer of tension, but it also stirred something deeper within me. I struggled to keep my breathing steady, the conflicting emotions raging inside me.Aurora's fingers moved expertly, and I couldn't help but admire how much she had grown. She was no longer the little girl who looked up at me with innocent eyes; she was a woman, and I was increasingly aware of her as such. The
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Let me help you
Aurora's POVI could see the dumbfounded and shocked look in his eyes when he heard me say those words. Walking back into his room, I never expected to catch him pleasuring himself, though I didn't see his Dick, I could still tell what he was doing. He was stroking himself, and his hand was still there; he hadn't taken it off, neither had he zipped up.“What are you saying?” He didn’t seem happy with my words, but I wasn't going to take them back. I could tell that he felt the same way I did about him. Although I wasn't entirely sure, walking in on him giving himself a handjob just after I had finished massaging him was a clear indication that he felt the same way. If he wasn’t man enough to make the first move, then I would.I moved closer to him and saw him quickly zip up and stand on his feet, his bulge still noticeable in his pants. I gulped at the sight of it, imagining how it would feel to be deflowered by such length.“Aurora, stop it,” Lord Frederick grunted when he caught me
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Lord Frederick’s POV I took a long draw of the cigar, and then I took a long sip of the whiskey. My thoughts flooded back to what had happened a few minutes ago, and I couldn’t believe it. Aurora had been harboring such silly thoughts in her head, thoughts I had been deliberately trying to kill. My little Aurora was having them, and she wasn’t ashamed or scared to say it to my face. I could see the desire for me in her eyes; she wanted me just like the way I wanted her, but it was a silly thing to do. Even the mere thought of it was irking me. Aurora was special to me; perhaps I might have developed some feelings for her, but they would die off really soon. Yes, I was really sure of that. “Sir, you are running late,” Fox said to me, and I nodded and handed the cigar to him. “I will be going alone,” I announced to him before walking away. I met a car already waiting for me. Taking the key from my driver, I got into the car, started the engine, and drove out of the mansion. As
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Fuck me
Aurora's POV As he kissed me roughly, I felt him search for the zipper of my dress. He unzipped it and removed the top part of the dress before pulling it down to my stomach. He groaned into the kiss, deepening it and increasing the pace. I was running out of breath, struggling to keep up with him, but I didn’t pull away because I was scared he would stop if I did. His strong grip landed on my breasts, squeezing them, and I groaned in pleasure. Swiftly and easily, he took off my bra, making me wonder how many bras he had unhooked to be this fast. But I brushed it off and focused on the intense kiss. He took off my bra and withdrew from the kiss. Panting, we held each other's gaze, and I saw his eyes lower to my exposed breasts. Feeling his piercing gaze, I felt shy. I had never been this way before a man, and not just any man but Lord Frederick, whom I had a crush on since I was fifteen. I had the urge to cover my breasts with my hands, but I knew if I showed any sign of shyness
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A mistake
Lord Frederick's POV Getting to my room, I slammed my door and kicked a stool out of my way. Pain and anger were bubbling inside me, and it seemed like they were going to explode out of me. Grunting, I walked over to the minibar in my room, took out a bottle of dry gin, opened it, and gulped a large quantity into my mouth. The harshness of the whiskey burned my throat, causing a big frown to spread across my face. With heavy feet, I sat on the couch, took another large gulp of the whiskey, and furiously threw the bottle as it landed on the floor, crashing. “Damn it!” I grunted in anger. Regrets consumed me as what we did came crashing down on me. I had sex with Aurora, the most abominable thing on earth to do. Guilt washed over me, and I got up as I began pacing around. What happened with Aurora replayed in my head, and images of her hot body flashed back in my head. Her white, spotless skin, the softness of her skin, the curves of her body—everything flooded my mind. I thou
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One sided
Aurora’s POV Hearing those words from him made my heart clench in my chest. It was painful to know that our first time together was a mistake for him. “Aurora, I'm sorry.” He apologized, and my heart ached. “What are you apologizing for?” I said, tears clouding in my eyes. He grunted, stood to his feet, and turned his back to me. “We'll have to pretend that this never happened; this was a mistake, and it should be put behind us.” He spoke so casually like it was the easiest thing we could do. “I can’t…” I whispered, “I can’t see this as a mistake.” I spoke stubbornly and heard him grunt; my words must have angered him. Swiftly, he turned around and looked at me, his green eyes void of emotion. “So, tell me what now?” He asked with clenched jaws. “Are you suggesting we become lovers? Or we become sex mates, or do you suggest I take you to your father and tell him, Hey, listen, man, I just fucked your daughter, and we both liked it, so I will want to let you know that we are now lo
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Let him go
Aurora's POV After hearing all I had to say, Sophie remained silent over the phone as if she were trying to gather her thoughts. But after a long minute of silence, she spoke. “Can you come over?” she asked, and I nodded. I needed to leave my room; it was beginning to suffocate me. The smell of our sex lingered in the air, making me more uncomfortable. “Yes, I can come over.” “Alright, I will be waiting for you.” “Alright,” I said and ended the call. Getting up, I went over to my wardrobe, took out a simple fitted gown, put it on, and dried my hair, packing it in a bun. After checking myself in the mirror, I picked up my things and left the room. Between my thighs felt a little sore, but I was grateful that I could walk properly. Reaching the sitting room, I met a maid who approached me. “Good morning, do you want breakfast?” “No, thank you.” I flashed a weak smile and walked out of the sitting room. Getting to my car, I hopped in, started up the engine, and drove out of the ma
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BDSM club
Aurora POV Sophie gave me a fitted, revealing, sexy black gown to put on. The gown stopped at my thighs, and then she gave me heels to match. After that, we did our makeup, and I decided to pull my hair into a ponytail while Sophie let her hair fall freely on her shoulders. Getting into my car, Sophie decided she should drive since I wasn’t in the right frame of mind. “Are you okay?” she asked as she turned on the car engine. “Yes,” I assured her, and saw her nod before she started the car. As the drive went on, I rested my head on the window while I hummed to the song playing from the music player. I was curious, eager, and nervous to be in a BDSM club, but just as Sophie had said, it was an adventure. My thoughts drifted to Lord Frederick, and I wondered what he must be doing. It had been hours since I left home, and he hadn’t called to check up on me, nor had any of his men, which was unlike him. It was as if he had totally forgotten about my existence, and the thought of that
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Aurora's POV As I made my way out of the room, I noticed I couldn’t breathe; it felt like my breath was being hitched in my chest. Getting to the bar, I sat on the long stool and ordered a bottle of beer. The moment it was given to me, I took a long gulp before settling it down. Pain and torture consumed me as I recalled all that I saw in the room. I couldn’t believe that what we had last night really meant nothing to him. How could he be with another woman and act like nothing happened between us? Did our time together mean nothing to him? Tears clouded my eyes, but I held them back, finished the bottle of beer, and requested another one. “Can I join you?” A male voice spoke from behind before he moved over and sat on the stool beside me. Glancing his way, I noticed he wasn’t masked, which gave me the opportunity to see his face. He had striking blue eyes that seemed to see right through me. His presence was both comforting and unsettling, a strange mix that made me wary yet curi
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Mutual feelings
Lord Frederick’s POV “Let go of me," she spat, but I ignored her and reached for her face. Swiftly, I took the mask off her face, and our eyes locked. Anger and pain washed over me as what I saw in the club came rushing back into my head. The jealousy and pain I felt when I saw her with a man, the anger that consumed me when I saw his hands on her; I almost went insane, and it's only my ability for self-control that prevented me from exploding. “Let go of me!” Aurora demanded, but I didn't; instead, I tightened my grip on her. “What were you doing there?” I asked, with jealousy evident in my tone, and heard her scoff. “The same thing you were doing there,” she responded, and I swallowed hard. “I was in the playroom…” “With whom? Who took you there? Was it him?” I asked, referring to the man I saw her with. She shot me a challenging look. “And how is that any of your business?” she sneered. “Let's talk about how I saw a masked lady sucking you off!” She snorted and I swallowed hard.
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