All Chapters of My Godfather’s Irresistible Pet: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
60 Chapters
Aurora’s povMemories of last night played in my head. His words, his confession, and his rejection—all of it came crashing down on me, and I didn’t know how to take it. A part of me was happy that our feelings were mutual, but another part of me felt terrible. Despite his feelings for me, he didn’t want us to be together. Instead, he was sending me away. My heart tightened in my chest, and I felt like tearing up, but I held myself back and left the bed.After showering and dressing up, I decided to go downstairs for breakfast. Reaching the table, I found Frederick already seated. He was dressed in casual black jeans and a black T-shirt with two buttons left open. He looked so hot that I couldn’t help but fix my gaze on him.“Good morning,” I greeted, and he responded with a nod, glancing at me for a moment before returning to his food. My heart clenched, but I composed my emotions and poured myself a cup of coffee. I forced the food down my throat as we ate silently. I would constant
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No one has to know
Aurora’s POV“Aurora!” Lord Frederick voice spoke from the other end of the phone.“We are being attacked; two black vehicles are following us,” I said in panic, and Lord Frederick grunted. “Put the phone on speaker,” he demanded, and I quickly did.“Fox, where are you guys?” he asked calmly, but I could sense the panic in his voice. “We are coming back to the mansion, but the cars are…” Fox couldn’t finish his statement as a loud gunshot fired into the air.“Jesus!” I blurted out in fear.“Aurora, calm down. You are inside a bulletproof car,” Lord Frederick assured me, but my heart was still racing.“Stay on the line,” Lord Frederick urged. With panting breath, I watched as Fox accelerated the car, driving at a fast pace. I looked through the mirror and noticed the cars were so close to us, and again another gun was fired at us.“Aurora,” Lord Frederick spoke over the phone, “Calm down. My men are already on their way; they will meet with you.” He assured me, and I nodded, fear still
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Lord Frederick POV “Yes, daddy,” she responded submissively, and I groaned. How could she be so perfect? “Get down on your knees,” I demanded, and obediently she fell to her knees without hesitation or asking questions. Seeing how submissive she was triggered my dominant spirit, and I groaned as I felt my Cock jerk in anticipation. “Good girl,” I complimented as I gently stroked her hair while I watched her close her eyes to my touch. “You will stay in the position until I return, okay?” “Yes, Daddy.” I groaned at her calling me Daddy so submissively. “That’s my girl.” I leaned and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “I will be back,” I said and saw her nod before I stepped away, left the room, and closed the door. I went downstairs and met Fox and a few men waiting for me. “Any updates?” “Yes, sir. We were attacked by Clifford. We were able to capture one of the men, and I recognized him as one of Clifford's men,” Fox muttered, and I scoffed. “Clifford has just touched the lion'
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Trust me
Pulling out of her, I got up and took off my pants along with my underwear, making my full length in display for her. I saw how she swallowed nervously but obediently opened her mouth for me. Holding my dick, I put it into her mouth and began thrusting in and out of her mouth while I took hold of her hair for support. As I fuck her warm mouth, I looked down at her and saw how her innocent sea blue eyes were filled with lust and desire for me, and the sight was fucking hot. Feeling more engrossed, I pulled out of her and took a step backwards while I watched her catch her breath. Her breath hitched as I traced my finger down her cheek, trailing it along her neck and over her collarbone. I could feel her heart pounding beneath her skin, the rapid beat a testament to her arousal and anticipation. “You're going to be a good girl for me, right?” I asked, my voice a low growl in her ear. “Yes, Daddy,” she replied, her voice trembling. “Good,” I said, stepping back to admire her. “Remem
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Please fuck me
Lord Frederick’s POV I see…” I smirked and went down to run kisses all over her body. When I reached her abdomen, I inhaled the fascinating scent of her pussy, which sent my whole being on fire. Slowly, I placed her feet on the bed and then lowered my head between her thighs. When she realized what I was about to do, she tried closing her legs, but I held them apart and lifted my head up at her. “Stay calm,” I instructed, and she nodded with a gulp. “You will enjoy it,” I assured her, and she nodded. I went down to her pussy and sniffled her alluring scents before placing kisses on her pussy. I gradually spread her legs to gain access to her cunt. I breathed in her feminine scent, and dammit! Her cunt smelled so inviting. I got down on my knees on the floor in front of her and reached out with my hands to grab her thigh before drawing her down to me on the edge of the bed. Her cunt was so enticing and slicked with her juice. It made my dick so hard to see that she was wet for me.
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You are mine
Aurora’s POV After nodding to my desperate plea, I watched him leave the bed and stand before me. Slowly, he unbuttoned his shirt while I held his gaze until he took off his shirt and stood naked before me. I swallowed hard as I stared at his hardened dick, which was displayed to me. Damn it! He was so huge. He climbed onto the bed and lifted both hands above my head, and then he cuffed them to a mental I didn’t even take notice of. “Are you ready, baby?” He asked, his voice horsed with emotion. “Yes, Daddy,” I mumbled and saw desire flickering in his eyes. “Spread your legs for me.” He demanded, and I submissively obeyed by parting my legs. I heard him groaning, and then he leaned towards me and took my left breast into his mouth. A soft moan left my lips as he licked on my nipple, circling his tongue on my hardened nipple, while his fingers played with my other nipple. “Daddy!” I moaned out his name at the pleasure he was giving me with his tongue. He sucked my boobs hungrily
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Do you treat them this way
Aurora’s POV We lay silently as we pondered our different thoughts. Today was one of the best days of my life. Until now, it still felt like a dream. Although I knew this was going to be a secret, I didn’t care; all I wanted was him, and that was enough. “What are you thinking?” Lord Frederick asked, and I lifted my eyes and held his gaze. “Thinking about you?” I smirked, and he raised a brow. “What?” He asked, and I grinned at him and slowly worked my hand into the blanket and took hold of his dick. “Don’t start what you can’t finish, Little Aurora. Go to bed,” he warned, but I stubbornly shook my head and slowly began stroking his dick. A throaty groan left his lips, and then he sealed his lips with mine. I increased my pace as I continued stroking his dick, and then he broke the kiss and released soft moans. I took off the blanket, and then I bent my head and took his full length into my mouth. “Fuck, Little Bird,” he groaned, running his fingers through my hair. I deep-thr
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Lord Frederick’s POVUnfortunately, she didn’t know how special she was to me, if she knew, she wouldn't have been asking such questions. If only she knew that I have done things with her that I haven't done with anyone. If only she knew that she was my precious little girl—a girl I would do anything for.“I'm sorry; I was just curious,” she whispered, and I nodded. “I understand why you are curious, but I want to let you know that I never had a girlfriend, nor did I eat breakfast, bathe, or share a bed with them. We only have sex, and after that, they are gone.” I explained, and she gulped.“And my marriage you know is all for a business strategy and that’s all.”I held her cheek and stared right into her eyes. “Listen, Aurora, you are special to me; you are my precious little girl and shouldn't burden yourself with my past relationships,” I pleaded. She nodded and hugged me. “Thank you,” she whispered softly, and I smiled. “You are welcome, little bird.” We pulled away, and I smile
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Acting Differently
Aurora’s POV“Who is there?” Lord Frederick asked in an annoyed tone, obviously not happy that we were being disturbed.“Apologies, sir, but Sir Reed is here to see you,” the guard announced, and I swallowed nervously.“Tell him I will be with him shortly,” Lord Frederick said to the guard, who obeyed and left. Afterward, Lord Frederick stared at me for a moment before he took another step away. “You should prepare for school.” With those words, he turned and left my room.After he left, I sat on the bed and pondered on his attitude the moment he knew my father was around. There was this glint of guilt in his eyes, and it scares me to think that one day he might have a change of heart.Sighing heavily, I stood up, packed my things, and left my room. Taking the stairs to the living room, I met Father and Lord Frederick. The moment Father saw me, he had a relieved look on his face. “Aurora,” he called out to me, while I frowned and made my way towards him.“Good day, Father,” I greeted
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Punish me
Aurora’s POV“It's past 8 pm, won’t you go home.” Sophie sounded worried, but I only sighed and remained on her bed. “I don’t wanna see him,” I murmured bitterly, the morning event still in my head. “This will cause trouble for you. He has been calling you, and you have refused to pick up his calls and reply to his messages; why don’t you at least respond to his calls.” She pleaded, but I rolled my eyes and looked away. I just wasn’t in the mood to speak to him. A knock landed on Sophie's door, and she asked the person in, knowing it was her mother. The door opened, and Sophie's mother looked worried and concerned.“Aurora, a man is here to take you home.” She said while I exchanged glances with Sophie. “Could it be fox? How did it get to locate this place.” I murmured as I got down from the bed. After picking up my things, Sophie and I left her room, and when we arrived at the sitting room, I was shocked to see an angry-looking lord Frederick, standing on his feet. Our eyes interlo
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