All Chapters of The Luna Warrior : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
55 Chapters
CHAPTER 21~REGINA'S POV~ Heavy pants fell from my lips as I stood before the Crescent brothers. The bewilderment in their eyes only seconds ago bled into a dangerous anger. “What are you doing here, vermin? It isn't time for you to come back to this pack.” I opened my mouth to speak when a pair of rough hands grabbed me by the arm, and I turned to find the ugly eyes of Leonard staring back at me. “Sorry for the inconvenience, Alpha and Beta. I would throw her in the dungeon and take care of her.” Killian nodded his head, and Callum didn't even care as Leonard prepared to fling me over his shoulder to seal my fate. “They are coming!” Three words left my lips, but it was enough to pour a bucket of cold water over the heads of everyone present. The air was tense, and a sickening silence fell upon us. “Leonard.”“Alpha.” “Get out.”Leonard bowed his head and was about to throw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes when Killian spoke.“Leave her.”He pushed me away from
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Chapter 22
CHAPTER 22 ~CALLUM’S POV~“I am the backbone that gives the Blue Lily pack the courage to forge ahead in the face of our adversaries…” I am the blood that pumps the blood of vengeance and strength through the veins of our warriors…I am the bane of my enemies and the light of my people…“I am Regina Shepherd," the fucking queen of war, and when I say this raid isn't going to happen, then it wouldn't happen! Earth to Callum!I was pulled out of my thoughts by Killian’s voice. My eyes crashed against his gray orbs before I turned away and stared back into the forest. It's been twenty-four hours since Regina barged into my brother's office and dropped the bomb on us, and it's been twenty-four hours since we sent word to the Red Moon pack requesting the presence of the Alpha. Alpha Riley. The Alpha we trust the most—the man who has made it his priority to stand by us when everyone else abandoned us. Are y
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Chapter 23
CHAPTER 23~~~“Are you crazy, woman?! I asked with rage, and heavy pants fell from my lips. A sigh left Riley's lips, and he sank into his chair as he absorbed the weight of what they were asking from him.I Have terrorized you for a whole year, and you are just realizing the high of my insanity now? I feel so disappointed in myself. She pouted her lips like a child who was denied a bar of chocolate, and my blood boiled in my veins while Killian stood in the corner, too stunned to speak. This is a joke, you vermin!Well, it's a good thing I'm not smiling, little mutt.I moved with the speed of a bullet and pinned Regina against the wall by her neck. Shock ran through her form, and her eyes dilated till I almost couldn't see the blue of her orbs. I squeezed her neck, and instead of her struggling in my grip, a hiss left her lips while lust slipped into her orbs. My eyes rounded in shock, and before the beast within me could react, a voice spoke.“Can we all just calm down,” Killian s
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Chapter 24
CHAPTER 24 ~REGINA’S POV~I walked through the gates of the Blue Lily pack. The warriors in charge of guarding it gazed at me with widened eyes as I walked through the gates of the Blue Lily pack. The warriors guarding it gave me puzzled looks as I walked past them, like my whereabouts hadn’t been known for the last twenty-four hours.I walked past the people I called my family. Men, women, and children all stared at me like I was a different person and not the Regina whom they had grown to love. I walked into the pack house and headed straight for Michael’s office while masking the deception on my face.Hushed shouts of frustration and the sounds of breaking pieces of furniture filled my ears, and my brows were drawn together in frustration. I knocked on the door, and an ominous silence came from the office. The air stilled after what felt like an eternity of waiting; Michael spoke in a strained
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CHAPTER 25~SOPHIA’S POV~I walked through the rows of flowers in the garden I maintained for as long as I can remember. The bright colors blinded my eyes, and a million scents filled my nostrils. And it gave me a sense of peace in a world stricken with tension. It's been two hours since Alpha Riley left the pack, and our people have been in peril. The thought of another raid barely three weeks after the last one has devastated their minds and broken their hearts. They think it is Regina's fault. They feel that she is responsible for the raid, and the hatred my people feel towards her sits deeper in their bones. I don't hate her. I don't even hate anything from the Blue Lily pack. What I hate is the pain we all had to go through at the hands of each other. The suffering we endured and the lives we've lost. I wish I could stop all of this. I wish I had what it takes to bring peace. A particular scent hit my nostrils, and I stood to my feet and spun around the garden. I sniffed th
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CHAPTER 26 ~REGINA’S POV~I pushed the doors to the training hall open. The smell of sweat and testosterone filled my nostrils, and I cringed from the scent. I've been training here for ten years, and the smell still gives me the urge to vomit. The sound of punching bags being assaulted came to a stop, and all eyes fell on me—the queen of war and the only woman to set foot in a training hall. I walked to the center with my head held high and my hips swaying to the rhythm of their heavy breathing. The eyes of the men who trained by my side as comrades and the eyes of the pupils I molded into machines of war followed me as I made my way past them. I stopped at the very center of the hall, scanned their faces with my orbs, and prepared to give the speech that pumped my hate through them like the toxic influence of hard drugs when a voice echoed in the ha
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CHAPTER 27The door burst open, and Todd looked like he had walked out of a match. He had the ugliest black eye I have ever seen, and a bruise formed over the skin of his neck. Anger stained his orbs, and he walked towards me with a leap. ISeconds of silence went by us, and I burst into laughter. Tears ran down my eyes as I ridiculed my Beta for falling victim to an old trick. He was like a moth who still ran to the flames no matter how hit it was. What happened to you, Todd? We a stampede stomp di. Did you mess with my mate once again?” I snorted in his face and wrapped my around his stomach, and a fits of coughs left my lips as air failed to reach my lungs. He looked away from me and stared at the floor like it would form a hole so he could be swallowed by it. But nothing would save him from the embarrassment today.Can we please drop this, Alpha?No, we are not going to drop this. We will never drop this as long as you are alive and well in this pack. Now tell me, what are you d
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CHAPTER 28~REGINA’S POV~Sweat dripped down my temples and fell to the ground with a thud only I could hear. The air was thick with tension and the animals that inhabited the forest kept their distance watching the events unfold before their eyes from the safety of their homes. It’s been five days. Five days since I was forced to train the warriors of the Blue Lily pack to raid our enemies for the fifteenth time. I lay on the ground of the forest, watching the borders of the Moon Crescent pack. The figures of the wolves stationed to guard the borders were stiff in alertness and if it hadn’t been for the light-hearted conversation they held amongst themselves then one would think they knew someone was coming, that we were coming. The heavy whispers of the men behind me could startle a rock and Micheal had to hush one of them with his foot before the rest fell into silence. In my past life the question of why Micheal always stayed behind me in every battle had not once crossed my mi
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CHAPTER 29PRESENT DAY*Micheal and every man who prepared to go into battles stood outside the Blue Lily pack, or at least what was left of it. The gate was pulled off its hinges, and black smoke rose to the sky. Like the switch of a light bulb, everyone besides me and Micheal rush into the pack, all running to their homes, hoping that their family members were not lost to the raid. There better not be any losses, but if there are, I will make Riley pay for…“Regina!” I snapped out of my thoughts and came face to face with Vivian, who stood before me with swollen red eyes and messy hair. She wrapped her arms around me, and I did the same to her, offering the comfort I knew she didn't deserve. I pulled her away from me and scanned her body for injuries only to find not but tattered clothes and a spirit stricken with fear and terror. Are you alright?“She nodded her head, and we both turned to examine the extent of the damage they inflicted on us. The houses of the pack members were
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CHAPTER 30 ~REGINA POV~The pack's children rounded me as we played games and sang songs. It's been three days since the Red Moon pack rained havoc on us, and to say we have moved past it would be an understatement. These children would never move past the fear that sat in their bones as they watched their homes get set ablaze. They would never live past the memory of living in tents while we rebuild our homes. This is the side of war I never wanted them to see. This is the part of war no one wanted them to see, so I sat before them, telling tall tales and singing songs. I'm in the middle of the day because it's the least I can do after all I have done.The sun was reaching the highest point in the sky. The early hours of the afternoon had begun, and I looked into the forest like it had just killed my pet. It's time. I stood from where I sat and bid the children goodbye. Whimpers left their lips as they
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