All Chapters of The Luna Warrior : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 Chapters
CHAPTER 31~~~~~~~~~~And why is that? Because I am your Alpha, I demand that you stay in the pack to help me reshape her into her former glory. As I said, I'm doing this to get intel on our enemies. We can't defeat them if we don't know anything about them. And besides, you are the Alpha of the pack. You are enough to help reshape our pack to her former glory. What if the Red Moon pack attacks again? Who would we turn to for defense? Who would protect me…I mean, the pack? It took all the self-control I had not to roll my eyes at the stupidity of the man before me. How had I not seen these signs? “Micheal. The Red Moon pack should be the least of our worries. This was just a Russ orchestrated between both packs so that we would drive our focus away from the main enemies. If we give in to their plan, the Moon Crescent pack would grow under our noses and strike at us when we least expect it…And even if they should attack. I know you have what it takes to bring them to their knees.” “
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CHAPTER 32 ~REGINA’S POV~I ran through the forest with the speed of a bullet. Branches of trees whipped my skin as I headed for the Moon Crescent pack. The sun had long made her descent, and the moon peeked from the darkness of the clouds. Her beautiful face gave me the light I needed to complete my journey. The creatures of the day have retired to their homes, and the creatures of the night have made themselves known, crawling on the soil and flying in the sky.The outline of the Moon Crescent pack came into view, and I increased my speed, determined to cover this as soon as possible. I zipped through the border and headed for the pack house without disturbance from the guards at the border. They looked over their shoulders and stared at me with hateful eyes. I ignored their emotions and ran into the pack house
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CHAPTER 33~~~~~~~~I walked through the hallway dressed in an oversized button-up shirt that reached my knees. After Angeline pointed out that I was still, in fact, dressed in my birthday suit, Riley took off his shirt faster than I could process the speed and forced me into the piece of fabric. A smile covered their faces when I accepted the sweater, and Riley fell to his knees, thanking me for saving his mate. They returned home with the biggest smiles, and my heart stung with pain and my soul green with envy. I was so stricken by pain that I ran out of Killian's office and found myself in a storage room after running for what might have felt like hours but couldn't be more than a couple of minutes. And even now, as I walked back to Killian's office after hours of cradling myself in silence, the whirlpool of emotions still existed in my soul. As I neared Killian's office with my shoulders held high and my mind a mess, I was stopped by a woman who had a scowl on her face. Her plat
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CHAPTER 34 ~~REGINA POV~~After leaving Killian's office, leaving him to have since they did not care about me and the bond, I think it would be better to reject them. I took a lot of effort to calm my wolf down. I ran out of the pack and, taking my clothes in my mouth, ran down to a distance where there was a clearing away from the pack and shifted back when I reached a lake. Dropping my clothes on the grass, I jumped into the water to calm myself down. I did not have anyone to depend on or to share my feelings with. I was all alone. Even my best friend betrayed me. I was strong physically and intelligent, but that does not mean I am strongemotionally.A splash of water brought me back to reality. Turning around, I saw a man with his head above the water. He was pretty handsome, but I needed to be alert. But he did not smell like a rogue, so maybe he's from a closer pack.Noticing that I was looking at him, he swam closer and, looking at me, said, “Clearing your head,” I looked at
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CHAPTER 35~~REGINA’S POV~~Waking up, I felt like that dream was absolute, and I felt refreshed; it was like I was energized, feeling all good. I stood up and went to shower and dressed because today I needed to talk to the Crescent brothers. I can't be the only one who is going through the pain, so I decided to reject them, but we will still work together. I went to eat. At least a few minutes should be enough for them to prepare because I knew they had been pretty active last night, but I decided to shut my mind because I could hear my wolf in pain, and her pain was my pain.Standing at the kitchen counter, I saw the warriors training. Although they were lacking a little bit, they were pretty goodBut they had so much to learn. Seeing the sun had risen, I quickly walked to Killian's office. Opening it, I noticed he had just come because he just opened the windows and was about to sit down.Don't you know how to knock? Oh, it's a habit hard to get rid of. Please call your beta becau
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CHAPTER 36~~REGINA POV~~I was left alone; why didn't they reject me since they hated me so much? What game are they playing now? Leaving me all alone thinking about it all again. I was angry. Why would they play with my feelings? Do they think it was fun to go through the pain? I angrily walked back to the guest room I was assigned to, but it didn't make me feel better, so I took my shorts and a top to go for a run; after running through the woods, the air around it made me feel better running to the lake I stared at my wolf's reflection on the water making me feel bad I felt so many emotions at once hate, anger, pain but I never once felt what it was like to be cared and loved for. Still, maybe it was because I was strong, so this was what came with being strong and having powers. Or perhaps I don't know what I am or what I want. I shifted back and wore my clothes to walk around admiring how free the plants are and how beautiful they are flying around and the freedom they have with
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CHAPTER 37~~REGINA'S POV ~~Reaching the guest room I went inside and lay down am sure I couldn't sleep walking down the stairs I went to the kitchen to get myself drunk and numb the pain in me, because i can't go to a bar here in moon crescent pack because am sure they would try to attack me in any way possible especially in my weak state but i forgot that no where is safe here in moon crescent pack especially when am everyone's enemy while drinking i felt like someone was watching me but when i turn back i saw no one and it stoped after a while so I left it at that I was pretty drunk and feeling pressed I went to the restroom to relieve myself I came back after few minutes later and continued drinking but I felt weak after a couple of minutes like all my strength was drained I tried standing up to no avail and my mind was in a mess so i dropped my head and fell asleep , afterfew minutes i heard hush voices then i saw Lilith, Leonard and three other girls with some warriors coming
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CHAPTER 38~~CALLUM’S POV~~I was surprised, which was an understatement; I was meant to be happy that she was about to die, but I could not bring myself to be satisfied. I felt her pain, which made me realize we were terrible; when the doctor asked us to step out for him to perform the surgery, I did not want to go, but since her life was on the line, I had to step out I felt like I left a path of me in the emergency room. Still, I had no option. I turned to look at my brother, but he was also devastated.I wanted to go and kill those who harmed her, but it was also our fault because we treated her anyhow while all this time she had been helping us. Looking at how she was lying down on the sick bed, she didn't look like the queen of war; instead, she was a fragile woman whose life was on a thin thread and was at the mercy of the doctors. She didn't know when tears started dropping from my eyes, praying to the moon goddess for a second chance to make things right. Killian looked like
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CHAPTER 39~~REGINA’S POV~~I woke up, and I was feeling sore all around my body. I was no longer curious about my parents because I realized they left me since at least they once loved me, which was my joy. I looked around, and I noticed I was in the pack hospital. I wanted to talk, but my throat was dry. Then, the wardroom was opened, and Killian stepped inside. I was shocked that he came to see me, and he was not looking vibrant like he usually does, but before I could open my mouth to talk, he rushed to my side and hugged me. I was too weak to protest or move, and then I felt something wet on my neck and a restrained sniffing. That's when I knew he was crying, which left me shocked. He looked at me before kneeling beside me, saying, “ I am sorry. Please, can you forgive me?” but before he could complete his sentence, Callum stepped inside. Seeing I was awake, his reaction was more intense than Killian's because he cried, then walked over to me and hugged me. I was surprised. I f
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CHAPTER 40 ~~KILLIAN’S POV~~I felt relieved that she would give us a chance to mend things. I don't know if my actions were right, but I knew I needed her by my side. I focused back on the training I was doing with the warriors to keep them in check because we don't know when things will get worse again. I walked up to Callum. What do you think? Although we are prepared to give us a chance together, what about the people? What would they say? Callum looked at me and said to show them what she has, and they would trust her as long as she proves her loyalty. Still, I have a feeling she is keeping something from us about that night she was crying, and I have a bad feeling about it because we felt the pain, and the last time we went through this was when our parents died, so what she might have gone through was maybe worse that than the pain we went through.We finished training in the night and then we both went to check up on her but she was asleep then we waved each other and went to
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