All Chapters of The Luna Warrior : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
55 Chapters
CHAPTER 11 ~REGINA’S POV~I was stopped as I stared into the mismatched eyes of the youngest crescent sibling. The tension in the air thickened like butter in the cold, and the smirk on my face grew with each second that passed. I knew something was going on between them.Sophia shook like a leaf under my gaze, and a mild glare formed in her colorful orbs, driving away the lustful look it held only minutes ago. She tried to make a run for it. Her body was trying to zip past mine in an attempt to escape my questions, but I was faster, and just as her fingers grazed the doorknob, I pulled her back by her head and pinned her against the wall. “Where do you think you're going?” I asked with an amused tone in my voice. A growl left her lips, and I almost laughed at the pitiful sound.“Doesn't this position remind you of something?” The smirk
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~REGINA'S~ POV Callum snapped his eyes open, and his muscles went rigid as he rose from the bed, only for them to relax when his eyes fell on my frozen form slightly. “What are you doing here, Vermin?” His calm tone betrayed the anger that burned brightly in his eyes. “I'm leaving. I already went to tell your brother, but it seems the both of you are too busy being man whores to remember our agreement.” He stood from the bed in all his naked glory and walked towards me in slow, calculated steps. My eyes trailed the length of his well-defined abdomen, and it took all the self-control I had to stop my wandering orbs from going lower than the valley of hair that led to his manhood. He stood inches away from me. His breath fanned my face, and a shiver crawled up my spine.And what is it to you that we were being a couple of man whores?Well, I'm your… And don't say that word in my presence. Just because your mate is plotting your death doesn't mean that you can get your hopes up wit
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Chapter 13 I Entered the pack house and walked to Micheal's chambers when I came to a halt. Fits of laughter came from the other side of the room, and the subtly sounded moans reached my ears. I burst the door open, and the sight before me had my jaw hanging from my face. What the bloody hell?Michael sat on his bed with Vivian on his lap, feeding him grapes with one hand while using the other to give him pleasure. What the hell are you doing?!Micheal choked on a grape and pushed Vivian off him. She fell to the ground with a thud, and they looked at me with wide eyes and pale skin.Regina, I swear it's not what it looks like.I stormed out of the room at the sound of those generic words, but I couldn't get far before he held me by my arm and pulled me to his chest. Let go of me, Michael.Please, Regina. Just let me explain…What do you want to explain? How you ran into another woman's arms while I was away fighting for the freedom of your pack?” Regina—Is this why you refused t
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CHAPTER 14 ~KILLIAN’S POV~ The sound of broken glass being swept away filled my eardrums, and the dreadful noise fueled the anger within me. Damn that woman. The door burst open, and the sight before me almost had me in a fit of laughter. Standing by the doorway was my brother, dressed in a simple T-shirt and jeans. Claw marks decorated his skin while, his right eye was swollen shut, and the left side of his hair was shorter than the rest. “This place looks like shit.” “You look like shit.” He stepped into the space of my office while the maid stepped out. The door shut behind him,r and it was just my brother and I in the room, now free from the chaos the queen of war left behind. “ What happened here?” “Regina. She barged in while I was busy with Lilith, and she almost disfigured the woman with every vase I owned. Lilith vowed to never go near me because of that. Wh
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CHAPTER 15~REGINA’S POV~I sat on my bed and listened to the breathing of the backstabber I once saw as a friend. The smell of her flowery scent hit my nostrils, and the only thing stopping me from going into a rampage was the pounding of her heart against her chest. She's afraid. It's good to see she hadn't lost her brain cells. I know you're there, Vivian. You can come in. The door cracked open, and the snake I grew up with walked into my bedroom; her face was unreadable as she stared into my eyes, and a fake smile crossed her lips.“Hey, bestie.” “You've got some nerve!” I yelled in her direction when she used the phrase that always dissolved in our disputes. But today, the only thing that dissolved was the ice that shielded the heat of my rage from her weak form. Look, Regina. I know you're mad…Mad! Would I be mad that I caught the love of my life pants down with my best friend? I am fucking pissed, Vivian!! How could you?!I questioned her with anger in m
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Chapter 16
CHAPTER 16 ~REGINA’S POV~I stared back at the reflection of the woman in the mirror. Her curly blonde hair was being brushed by my hand while her blue eyes shone under the moonlight like a precious gem. The sun has set. The creatures of the day have gone into their homes to rest, and it was now time for me to do the same. I stood from the chair in front of the mirror and walked to my bed, ready to get some shut-eye, when a knock halted my movements. The smell of smoke filled my nostrils, and a sigh left my lips. "Now what?"Come in, Micheal.The door cracked open, and the form of Micheal filled my room. He walked to the bed I lay in and sat by the corner—smiling. What does this man want from me? My pretty mate.I narrowed my eyes at his praise and almost flinched when he touched my face and moved closer to me on the bed. The smell of arousal hit my nostrils, and suddenly, I knew what he wante
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Chapter 17
CHAPTER 17~~REINA'S POV~~A whimper left my lips, and my words of protest died on my lips when he flipped me on my stomach and pulled me on all fours before he entered me. A gasp left my lips at the sudden intrusion, and before I could adjust, he began to thrust into me. Brutally rough thrusts were rained on me, and a strangled moan left my lips as the feeling of pain and pleasure pulled me into a sea of ecstasy as a groan left his lips. The bed frame creaked under the force of his heavy thrusts, and I feared that the wooden piece would be shattered if he kept on going like this. But was I going to interrupt a good time over a piece of wood? No.“Please…don't…” I didn't know if I was begging him to stop, to keep going, or to be careful with the wood, but one thing was certainly amongst this midst of sexual chaos. I need to cross the cliff. I need to get the other side. And I don't care how I get there or the identity of who takes me. My eyes roll to the back of my he
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Chapter 18
CHAPTER 18~REGINA’S POV~***Blood stained the snow, and the bodies of my comrades fell to the ground with a thud. My claws sank into the flesh of an unsuspecting male. I watched the life drain out of his eyes, and his body fell to my feet. Heavy pants fell from my lips, and I watched the horrific scene unfold before my eyes. Killian and Callum fought the man I once loved while the rest of the Moon Crescent pack fought against the Blue Lily pack. They must win this war. They have to; We cannot lose; they must not lose. All is fair in love, hate, and war, including the sacrifices made for the people.***The feel of a pair of lips against my skin pulled me out of my restless slumber. I peeled my eyes open to find Micheal kissing the skin of my arm. His indigo eyes crashed against mine, and a playful look danced in his orbs. “Good morning.” Goosebumps crawled on my skin from his touch, and my hair stood., I begged the goddess to make him stop his actions, and as if she answered my pra
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Chapter 19
CHAPTER 19**********He peeled his eyes from the papers in front of him. His indigo eyes and Todd's ugly orbs bore holes into my form. And why is that?“Because there isn't going to be a raid.”Thunder boomed in the sky, and Micheal stood to his full height while Todd stared at me with shock-driven eyes. Michael's muscles went rigid, and the air was thick with tension. “What did you say, Regina?” Anger dripped from every word he uttered, but if he thought that that was enough to intimate me, then he had another thing coming. Suppose you had consulted me on this decision to raid the Moon Crescent pack. I would have given you enough reasons why this raid is a bad idea.”Micheal turned to his Beta, and the ass-kissing moron opened his mouth and spoke. The Moon Crescent pack is still recovering from the aftermath of the last raid. Attacking when their defenses are at their lowest is a golden opportunity we shouldn't throw away.But what if we think they are at their lowest? It might a
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CHAPTER 20KILLIAN’S POV~***A groan left my lips, and my vision blurred as the woman on her knees before me pleased me with her mouth. Her hand massaged my balls while her tongue licked the entirety of my length before taking me back into the warm heat of her mouth.My climax came before the act began, and a groan left my lips as I fed her my seed. My vision cleared, and I looked at the woman who just gave me the best orgasm of my life, only to come face to face with her curly blonde hair and blue eyes. ***I jerked out of my slumber at the sound of thunder; the shock almost sent me flying off the mattress. A thick coat of sweat covered my skin, and my member was as hard as steel. A sigh left my lips, and I rose from the bed to the bathroom to wash myself of the taboo I had committed in my dreams. Why her? Of all the women in the world, why did I have to dream about the fucking queen of war?I stood under the shower, waiting for the cold water to ease the hardness between my legs,
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