All Chapters of The Luna Warrior : Chapter 51 - Chapter 55
55 Chapters
CHAPTER 51~~KILLIAN’S POV~~After our discussion, I went with a heavy heart towards my room. At least her scent was still on me, so it calmed me down. I just went to my bed, stripped, and lay down. I did not want to think about anything or stress myself because of tomorrow. I felt my body was tensed. I felt Regina's pain; I could not imagine what she went through. I felt that would have taken a toll on her, and for her to forget, the pain stopped, and when she remembered, the pain came back. I felt like the witches had something to do with this. Maybe they manipulated her, or the science teacher was manipulated. Wait, there is no way they would manipulate him, only what about her and what mission were they always sent on, which was weird. I need to sleep to be prepared for the next day because no one would arrange it; it has to be us so that it would be perfect.*•*•*•*•*•*•I woke up and showered, then went to the training ground to train with Killian and Callum. From there, we went
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CHAPTER 52~~DYLAN’S POV~~While we were creating our bond, I felt like something was off, but I couldn't understand where, or maybe the bonding was making me feel stressed, so I chose to ignore it immediately after the connection was made. I was happy because it went well. After all, if there were any distractions, it would be dangerous. I turned towards Regina, and I felt something was wrong. Her expression was unexpected, so I walked towards her only to see her falling. I quickly rushed towards her to catch her before she fell and got injured, and I immediately noticed her. I felt the presence. It only meant a witch wanted to stop our bonding, and she blocked her, but how could she do that? It seems like there is more she did not tell us about herself, and we needed to know to avoid things like this happening. Since we were done eating and drinking, I carried Regina back to her room after excusing myself.Meanwhile, Callum and Killian followed me out. Once in her room, I kept her o
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CHAPTER 53#*#*#*#*#***** How did my wolf separate from me, and who is this woman? What is she doing with my wolf? Looking at her, I was ready to attack if she made any moves, but my wolf looked at me, shaking her head for me not to. The woman looked at me for a few minutes before saying you are not evil; those books taught you well I looked at her, still not settled. How did you know, she looked at me before saying I know everything about you. Come, let's sit. I will tell you everything you need to know. I looked at her carefully before sitting next to her, but the first thing I asked her was, am I dead? She looked at me before saying no, you are in your time and training space; I looked at her, shocked. How come I never known of this all my life until now, “because the force from the magic triggered your powers, you were not meant to have control of it completely until you are twenty- five years old, although you can sense it.” I was happy to listen to her; why do I have time
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CHAPTER 54 ~~REGINA’S POV~~*** Killian got down; Dylan took my hand to help me balance as I lowered myself onto Killian's hard cock. He spread me open, and I groaned. Killian's hands went to my waist as his fingers dug into my skin. He thrust once inside me, “Fuck, hurry up, Callum.” Callum moved behind me and pushed me down onto Killian's chest; he spanked my ass before pushing inside of me, too, I closed my eyes, and Dylan gripped my neck. My eyes opened, and he leaned down to lick my lips, “Eyes on me.” The other two began to move inside of me as I rocked my body.Dylan pulled his cock, moving closer to us. He used my hair to pull me upright, and I moaned as I got wetter. Dylan stroked his cock once. “Give me your tongue” I stuck my tongue out, and Dylan tapped his tip on it; he stroked his cock as he watched Killian and Callum fucked me. He pushed his tip into my tongue, “Close your mouth and suck.” I sucked hard, and his hands weaved through my hair. As he closed his eyes, I co
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CHAPTER 55~~MICHEAL’S POV~~I have been feeling that there is something I am missing, especially since the day Regina left her. She hasn't gotten back to us, and my wolf has blocked me out. Sometimes, I can't feel him, which is so strange. Before, it would have been for some moment, but now it lasts for a long time. It's like he is no longer part of me. And recently, I've had a feeling that makes me agitated. I don't know what it is, but it makes me feel stressed and angry. Something isn't right. Just when I was lost in thought, Vivian entered my office, and I decided to use her to vent all my emotions by having sex with her. Just as I was about to come, someone knocked on my door, but I ignored it, then it became louder again. It made me pissed that I was not able to release it. I swear, if it were nothing important, I would be that useless beta of mine. I came out of Vivian and wore my clothes, walking towards the door of my room. I opened it and walked out towards my office.
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