All Chapters of The Luna Warrior : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
55 Chapters
CHAPTER 41~~DYLAN’S POV~~I felt pain, and I knew she was in pain, so I looked for her and saw her in the hospital. Still, I was shocked to find out she had two other mates. Although I was jealous, I knew it would take a long time for us to get together, but I needed her. I've been hiding from her to protect her. I think it is time for her to see me because “if I keep hiding, it would take longer for me to finish this mission, and am sure the clan would be shocked to find out that my mate is a werewolf because we don't have packs we stay together if you count us we are not more than one hundred because our types are rare and extinct and we rarely get our mates so we always pick a woman to spend the rest of our lives with or just sleep with one or two in the human world. Most of our kind stay there, but although it is allowed, I did not want to because I am fifty years old, being one of the youngest among our kind, which is good, and I am not in a rush because I am here to find out ab
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CHAPTER 42 ~~DYLAN’S POV~~Killian, Callum, this is Dylan, and he is my mate. Dylan, this is Killian, the Alpha of Moon Crescent pack, and his brother Callum, the beta to Callum, and they are both also my mates. I was shocked beyond words the three of us were her mates. Seriously, what was the moon goddess thinking? I am pissed because I have to share her with them, which means we have to become blood brothers for us not to fight frequently about her. Looking at the two brothers, I could feel they were looking at me. Then Killian spoke, “Can you tell us what brought you here in thefirst place.” I knew he was telling the truth. I came for a reason.First, start with the war between the Moon Crescent and Blue Lily packs. It's more than it Looks to the eye. This war began when you guys were kids, but you don't know the real cause of the warI will tell you from the beginning.My father is the king of the dragons, and before the war, all the spices got along together. Still, the witche
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CHAPTER 43 ~~REGINA’S POV~~After the meeting, I took Dylan to my room because he had to rest while waiting for Callum and Killian to think about what he had said. Immediately we entered the room, he pulled me to himself and started kissing me. I was blushing hard, but I wanted to be in control now. I don't know why I was feeling bold; I did what I felt like doing, although I hesitated because this was my first time doing this; when I saw how he enjoyed it, I got bolder and dipped him into my mouth, and he hardened I could feel myself getting wetter he dragged my hair into a fistful. He pushed his dick down my throat, making me gag, but we continued until he came into my mouth, and I swallowed him down before he let go of my hair. He kissed me hard before kissing my neck. I shivered, and I could feel the excitement building up inside of me, and he started going down my toes curled up in excitement the moment he started sucking my clit. I moved closer so he could go in deeper, my hand
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CHAPTER 44~~REGINA’S POV~~I felt satisfied, although I wanted Killian and Callum. I had to wait because I didn't want them to hurt me like before. And I needed to find out the reasons for my parent's death. I feel like it is not straightforward because even if the professor wanted me, he wouldn't know about our weaknesses that much since he did not know about us that much. Now I know what is missing. I felt like I had so much load on me, making meFirst about my mates, then Micheal and Vivian, the witches and the people responsible for my parents' death. So much I wished after this talk that everything would end up well so I don't have to worry about least I should be able to rely on them. I need to finish Michael and Vivian immediately to focus on the witches and investigate why my parents died. Just when I was lost in thought, I felt a tap. When I returned to myself, looking at who was tapping me, I noticed it was Killian. I was thinking too deeply that I did not smell th
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CHAPTER 45~~KILLIAN’S POV~~I was pretty agitated about everything, and I felt Regina was hiding something from us, and we needed to settle down before tomorrow. We needed to understand ourselves, so after the training, we returned, and I couldn't find her. I went towards the garden to look for her, and there she was. She seemed so fragile; like every average person walking towards her, I started calling her and tapping her to wake her up. I could see her eyes fluttering, but she did not open her eyes since she wanted to play sure. I kissed her, and immediately, her eyes opened up. I guess she was too shocked. I started Laughing at her before turning my face, and I stopped laughing. “I need to put on a serious face.” looking at her, I thought we needed to discuss some things urgently. I could see her tensed up, although I felt bad we needed to clear up things to understand each other more and work together. We returned to the house; Dylan and Callum were already waiting for us.I sa
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CHAPTER 46~~REGINA’S POV~~I was thinking about what they wanted to talk about. Immediately, we entered the private sitting room, and I saw Callum and Killian sitting down. I got nervous. Killian sat down. I was about to sit beside him, only for him to drag me to his lap. I tensed immediately, but I sat down. I knew he could feel me tense, so he rubbed my back to calm me down. Immediately, Killian spoke. I knew I could not avoid this topic anymore since we were getting closer. They would want to know why I was in that state; this was the first time I felt they wanted. They wanted to share my burden with me. I am no longer alone; I didn't notice that I was shedding tears until Kullian wiped them off and patted me to encourage me to continue.When I was twelve, I stayed with my parents in the human world. I always went to school happily until I noticed that my claws would appear. I was scared to tell my mum, so sometimes, instead of going to the classroom, I would go to the bushes and
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CHAPTER 47~~CALLUM’S POV~~She has a nice body tho, I couldn't take my eyes off her. I've been imagining her body after seeing her having sex with Dylan, and it was frustrating to me that I have not tasted or had sex with her. We went and had a discussion and said we had to become blood brothers before we could mate with her. We decided to do it immediately to avoid obstruction, and we could think of a solution for the Blue Lily pack and the witches. Although we don't trust Dylan enough, at least he would try not to hurt his mate because dragons were possessive. When we stepped out of Killian's office, I saw Regina. She was waiting for us. Walking towards her, we told her our conclusion, and since tomorrow was the full moon, we would do it once and for all to get it out of the way. She looked at us and nodded, but we could see her mind was bothered. But we had to do this first and get it out of the way before Michael found out; that's why only the elders and Alpha Riley were coming
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CHAPTER 48~~SOPHIA’S POV~~I've felt peace these few days, and I was happy when Reginald apologized to me, and I understood him. I knew he felt like this since we picked him up after the war. Although we struggled that period when I saw him, I made sure my brother took him back with us, although, ugh, the pack protested because he was human. But I insisted, so we still took him in, and since then, he’s been staying with us. I took good care of him, and when I turned eighteen, I found out he was my mate, but I did not know if my brothers or the pack would approve, so we avoided each other sometimes and met in private for the past two years, but we have never slept together except kissing and touching. It made me sad that we have to hide it.I was thinking before Regina, my brother's mate, asked if she could sit with me. “I don't hate and am happy that she and my brothers were trying to resolve their issues, but I can feel tension in the air even though the warriors were training harde
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CHAPTER 49 ~~UNKNOWN POV~~The only news I've been hearing is about those pathetic things fighting each other, but no news about that girl is what frustrates me the most. Where in this world would she be? I am getting frustrated.I don't know where that bitch is. I need her powers, and I haven't heard of anyone having the same powers as Luna; if she is dead, I am fine, but if she is alive, I will look for her. I need her to destroy the creation of the moon goddess one by one.Turning to my right-hand man, what about those pathetic ones you caught? “They are in the testing room.” pick the strongest and the weakest and kill them. Then you come and call me so I can start my experiment. I feel so accomplished that as long as that girl is dead, I can turn the remaining werewolves and creatures into my puppets. I can rule the forest. If those two had chosen me, their generation would have been saved. The knock on the door interrupted me coming in, and she finally entered. How has it been t
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CHAPTER 50~~DYLAN'S POV~~I was angry. How could someone be so heartless to break up a little child like that? However, something crossed my mind: she was hiding something, and it might be related to the witches. It might lead us to know what the witches want. But seeing her crying broke my heart; I could feel her pain. I tried to comfort her till she slept. Still, Killian said we should let Callum and Regina amend their relationship the night before tomorrow, so I slept in Regina's room to calm myself with her scent. I will reduce the headache I have while thinking, but from what Regina told us, they are looking for someone while misleading us into believing they were killing the werewolves. Some disappeared, so it means they are using them for experiments, and I feel like Regina might have seen only her science teacher, but maybe the witches manipulated both of them to see only what they wanted them to see. It's like they are waiting for something to strike or happen; I can't think
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