All Chapters of Pregnant for my husband’s father : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
12 Chapters
Chapter 1
AMELIA POVWaking up from my bed with a smile on my face, today is a new day, and I’m so excited because tomorrow I will be clocking 18 years old and I will finally get to see my wolf and my mate.All my life I have been waiting for the day I clock 18, so I get to meet my mate, who will love and care for me, who won’t treat me like a trash or homeless omega like everyone else and most importantly I will get to leave this god forsaken palace.Well let me formally introduce myself to you all, my name is Amelia Lockwood, well there is nothing much about me, just that I’m an orphan, who doesn’t even know her real parents.I grew up in the palace, well from the little I know, or should I say from the little I was told, my mom was a slut who opens her legs for any man that comes in her way, so she got pregnant and ran away after giving birth to me in the palace dumping me in the palace and also running away with the palace funds.The queen who we all call the luna took me in and raise me,
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Chapter 2
KLAUS MIKAELSON POVi slowly opened my eyes, feeling a striking headache, i slowly turned my head and was shocked by the sight of the figure on my bedFuck!What is this slut doing on my bed?!Damn!Memories of last night kept flooding in my headDid i really have sex with the daughter of a slutNo! No!I stood up from my bed and stare closely at the figure on my bed, she was sleeping soundly Which annoys me more, i walked closer to the bed were she was, I took her hand and drag her out of my bed.Making her body hit the floor, she yanked up in pain.“Ahhhhh….” She screamed while slowly opening her eyes.“You slut, what are you doing In my bed? get out now, I don’t want to see you here, when I come back from the shower.” I said to her then head to the shower.AMELIA POVAs I watch him walk into the bathroom, I felt pain all over my body, not only that, I felt my heart split into pieces.His last words kept on playing in my head, it hurt to hear that from him after taking my virginit
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Chapter 3
AMELIA’S POV I knew he was going to reject me, i prepare myself for the excruciating pain that comes along side rejection from one’s mate “I Klaus Mikealson reject you Amelia…..” “Stop!..” a voice from behind came, we all turned our faces to know who was the owner of the voice, only to find out it was the king, Klaus father, alpha Mikaelson “Father…” Klaus called out surprise To see his father. “You are not going to reject her, you are going to marry her today, I mean now.” The king said with authority, silence befallen the palace every one was silent no one dare say a word. Everyone was surprised by the king’s word, I was more surprised, though the king has always been like a father to me, he was the only one, who didn’t rain insults on me, he was the only one who didn’t look down on me or treat me like trash. But I didn’t expect him to stand by me, instead of his son, I look at him with tears in my eyes, he look at me and smile “Father what do you mean by that?.” Klaus asked
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Chapter 4
AMELIA POVTwo months later…It’s been two months of hell and torture, marrying Klaus is my worst nightmare, as much as I love my life, I also wanted the torture and pain to end, I wanted to end my life.I am done with this suffering, all my life, I struggle to live and survive because I believe one day I will be happy, when I find my mate, things we change, little did I know, finding my mate would be my worst nightmare.I walked into the room, only to hear moans“Oh…umm…Klaus…” a lady moan loudly.These has being what I have been facing for the past two months, different whores sometimes he force me to watch him and his whore fuckingHe torture and cause me pain day by day, he calls me names, I have become the laughing stock for everyone in the kingdom.He starve and humiliate me.He saw me and smile devilishly, he knew I was in pain, he love inflicting pain on me.Just when I thought I was use to his torture, seeing him banging a whore in our matrimonial bed, brought back pain.I ca
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Chapter 5
AMELIA POV“Fuck baby you are so tight.” He grunted while, going in and out of me like a werewolf that he was“What the fuck” a voice came in from behind and it was KlausWe turned our back only to see Klaus standing on the door and watching his father fuck me.“Dad..” He call out slowly and surprised, Mikaelson immediately pull out off me.At this point I was shivering, I was so scared that I didn’t know what to do,What the fuck came over me that makes me have sex with my husband’s father.Even if I’m tired and I’m pain is it really right for me to have sex with my husband’s father.I tried to use my hand to cover my face, I look at the king he was quite and calm as if nothing happened He walk straight to where Klaus was standing, he was about to say something when Klaus interrupted him “Dad who is she, don’t tell me, you took a new wife and i wasn’t informed.” He said which got me confused, Wait! Isn’t this Klaus, why is he acting as if he don’t know me.“Kai, when did you get b
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Chapter 6
AUTHOR He was about to say something when he heard a voice behind him“The prodigal son has returned.” He and Amelia turned back only to find out, it’s was Klaus Klaus stood there, arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face. His eyes flicked from Kai to Amelia, then back to Kai. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife.“Kai,” Klaus said, his voice deceptively calm. “It’s been a long time.”Kai nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving Amelia. “Yes, it has. Too long, perhaps.”Klaus stepped closer, his gaze now firmly on Amelia. “Amelia, what are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be resting?”Amelia swallowed hard, her throat dry. “I… I needed some air,” she stammered, her mind racing for an excuse. “And then I ran into Kai.”Klaus turned to Kai, his expression softening slightly. “You’ve met my wife, then?”Kai’s jaw tightened, and he forced a smile. “Yes, we’ve met.”The silence that followed was deafening, each second stretching out painfully. Klaus fin
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Chapter 7
AMELIA’S POVI sat on the floor, crying my tears out because there was absolutely nothing else I could do. I walked to the mirror and saw the bruises on my face. I was about to wipe off the blood when a knock came on the door. My heart skipped a beat, but it was just the maid.“The king asked you to come down for dinner,” she said quietly.I nodded, forcing a smile. “Okay, I’m coming.”As she left, I felt the weight of the evening press down on me. I needed to wash away the blood and pain, so I headed to the shower and let the warm water run over me, cleansing my body and giving me a momentary reprieve from the horror of my reality.When I was done, I dressed carefully, choosing a long-sleeved dress to cover the bruises on my arms. I applied makeup, gingerly dabbing foundation over the bruises on my face. It wasn’t perfect, but it would have to do.Taking a deep breath, I descended the stairs and entered the dining room. The king, Kai, and Klaus were already seated and eating. I joine
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Chapter 8
CLARA POVI was racking through my wardrobe trying to find something seductive to wear to a club night when my mother walk into.“Clara, have you done what I ask you to do?.” She asked , while going through my clothes.Yeah, she is back again with her nagging, she is basically the reason I’m going to the club, she has been adamant on getting me closer to a sister I don’t even know.“Mom, that is what I’m doing now, I hear her husband Klaus is coming to the club today, that why I’m going, maybe I can get close to his brother that way I can follow them home to check up on her.” I said still racking through my wardrobe.“Look, baby I know you have you own life to live, but i just want to make sure you twin sister is okay, when I gave birth to you two I couldn’t, cater for you two, so I had to leave her in the palace, thinking she will have a better life, but with the rumors I’m hearing, about her being maltreated and disrespected, after getting married to Klaus, hasn’t sit well with me,
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Chapter 9
CLARA’S POVHe took my hands and kiss it, looking at me seductively, well to be honest that was the look I was expecting.Like come on guys, have you seen me, I’m fucking attractive.I’m an epitome of beauty…I know if you see me right now, you will also have that look on your face, be it girl or boy…I’m just too pretty..I smiled shyly, he led me to the VIP section, where I saw Klaus sitting before, while Klaus follow behind us.I sat on the couch, and pour my self a glass of wine, to be honest i really needed it, to calm my nerves down, Klaus sat on the opposite chair facing me, and kept on staring at me, as if undressing me with his eyes, but i just ignored him and continued sipping from my glass of wine.“So, Clara, why are you so interested In me.” Kai asked with a childish smile on his face, I was about to reply him,When some beautiful ladies walked in, I guess some were strippers , they walked towards Klaus who was still staring at me“Undress” Klaus said smiling devilishly
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Chapter 10
KLAUS POVI shifted my glance to Clara, she wasn’t looking at us but the sound from us was making her uncomfortable.“Are you uncomfortable? Will you like us to go outside.” Kai said to her, but to my surprise she refused him and told him she was okay.“Wow!” I said in thought, she really surprised me, with her response, I pull my dick out of the bitch mouth and shove the dick on the other bitch I was fingering.“Ahhh… ohhhh…yessss.” Moans of us filled the room, that was when I saw Clara stand up, I thought she wanted to join us.“Kai, please excuse me, i really need to use the restroom.” She said and left, well that was disappointing but I think it will work on my Favour.I immediately pull out, of the bitch pussy I was fucking.“Kai, I want to use the restroom.” I said, I was about to walk to the restroom, when he stopped me, fear cloud my mind, did he know I want to go and meet Clara?I thought to myself, though I was scared of getting exposed, I also needed to say strong, and act
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