All Chapters of Wanted By The Cursed Alpha King: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
15 Chapters
He is coming
Blue's POV;"He is coming, he is coming to get me. I don't know who he is or what he is. But I know, he would come get me. You should leave Sarah, run as far as you can get. If you don't, he would burn you together with this temple." I whispered, my voice hoarse. "And why does this powerful stranger want to rescue you?" Sarah asked, wiping my hands clean with a towel. She doesn't believe me. I can't blame her for that. What possibly could a blind chained girl know?"I don't know. I don't know why he needs or wants to rescue me, but what I do know is that he would come. My flames can sense him." "Do you know what I think?" She sighed. I could picture her frowning as she said her next words, "I think spending thirteen years in a cage, with no one to talk to has messed up with your head, and your flames." She exhaled even more, her hands reaching out to cup my cheeks... but sadly the metallic helmet covering every bit of my face, stood in the way of her affectionate hands. "I feel sa
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Our destiny’s were meant to collide
Wilder's POV;"How do you know my name?" I asked, shocked that she knows my identity. "My flames, they told me." She answered, her eyes staring into mine. Then I had a realization, "you can't see me?""She's blind. And.. you are the man she's been talking about. You are real." The screaming lady said, standing right outside the cage. "I thought she was going mad.""What? You didn't tell me that she is blind." I uttered, staring at Hershel ignoring the lady."I had no idea, sire." He responded, bowing slightly. "Someone is coming, we should leave." Blue muttered, and I carried her up in my arms immediately, and together we walked out of the cage. We were about leaving the dungeon when the screaming lady said... "I'm coming too." "No, Sarah. You can't. Go live your life. Be happy." Blue countered, as I turned around to face Sarah."No princess, I'm coming with you. How can I live my life, without knowing how you are faring or if you are being treated well. Besides, I do not trust hi
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I want you to see me
Blue's POV:"I don't like him. Princess. He is dangerous and I can tell." Sarah expressed worriedly, pacing around restlessly.Wilder had taken us to his pack, Night Shade Pack. And a maid led us to the room, that Wilder prepared for me. "How many stairs did we had to climb down, before getting to this room?" I asked, sitting up on the bed, ignoring her restless chants. She halted, "About four. Why do you ask?" "Does this mean our bedroom is like— underground?" "Yes it is." She answered, unsure of where I was headed."What! We are underground???" "Yes we are,. What's wrong with that?" "I don't want to be hidden, Sarah. I have been hidden all my life, and I am not about to continue living that way. I want to be out there in the open!" I declared frowning, folding my hands below my chest. "Are you not listening to me, Blue? We have been taking by a man who we don't even know, what he wants with you, and he has a freaking black hole in his chest!" She paused, "And if he's truly the
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Yes, I see you.
Blue's POV;"I can't believe him, Sarah! He is the most annoying human on earth. I hate him!" I exclaimed, pacing around the room angrily. "Who are we talking about?" Sarah asked. "Wilder Reagan." I groaned in annoyance. "Okay... why do you hate him?"I halted, turning to face her. "He threatened to kill you." "What?" She yelled, standing up from the couch she was sitting on. I snapped my fingers, "Exactly! And why? Because I simply requested to have a room up there." I pointed up at the ceiling, "I would have burnt him with my flames, but he has no soul." Or should I perhaps, cut off his head? Nah, he is definitely a skilled warrior and I have no skill in fighting."No soul!" Sarah repeated in exclamation. "I knew it! He is indeed a dangerous man.""Yes he is. He is very dangerous, and if I am not careful I might end up have S. E. X with him.""S. E. X? Sex? You want to have sex with him?" She yelled at the top of her voice, sounding confused. "I think so Sarah. I mean— his vo
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Promises were meant to be broken
Scarlet's POV:"What did you say, Harriet?" I voiced, sitting up on my bed. "That... that there is a rumor, my lady. About... about a girl... that the king brought to the pack." Harriet stammered, kneeling down before me. Standing up, I asked, "The king brought a girl to the pack?""Yes, my lady." "And where is this girl?" "She's at the underground room." I walked around my room slowly, taking in the information my personal help had just passed to me. The king isn't one to just bring any woman to the palace, if he did that... then it means she's important to him. The question now, is.. how important is this woman to him? I can't have anyone lady been so important to him. "And what those these rumors say about who she might be to the king?" "That she might be his Luna." Harriet replied, staring down at her feet. What? Luna??No one owns that position, except me. I am to be his next Luna, and no one else. "Take me to her." I instructed, already walking out the door of my chamb
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Beautiful Colors, Wonderful World.
Wilder's POV;What? I belong to her?? She's audacious. Audaciously cute... 'Don't you dare touch her! I don't care if you don't have a soul, but the moment you lay a finger on her. I will find a thousand ways to kill you, Wilder Reagan.' In that moment, I was much more interested at the way my name rolled out of her beautiful lips, than the threats she made. I had found her extremely attractive.. I don't know why? Was it perhaps... because she is the only woman to have ever threaten me. Every other lady would shiver in my presence including Scarlet(she tries to hide it, but I see her fear) but Blue, she didn't. She looked me in the eye and threatened me. Ha!"Sire." "What the hell, Hershel!" I let out in shock, as his face appeared in front of my eyes bringing me out of my head. "Forgive me, sire. I didn't meant to startle you." He apologized, lowering his head.I closed my eyes, and then opened them. "What is it, Hershel?" I asked, sighing tiredly.He stared at me for a second,
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Don’t keep me waiting, Blue.
Blue's POV"What?? It didn't work!" Sarah exclaimed staring at me worriedly. I nodded slowly, "yes. And he was really mad about it." I could still remember the look he had on his face... he looked disappointment, but at the same time he had murderous eyes. "Oh my goodness, what are we going to do?" Sarah voiced fearfully.I stared at her, confused by her sudden worry. "We don't have to do anything. It is none of our business." "Can't you see what's going on??" She asked, her eyes wide open. "See what?" I answered, still unable to understand what she had in mind. "The king, he got you out of your prison because he needed your flames. And now that you are of no help to him, don't you think he would want to return you back to the prison he got you from or send you out of his pack?" I stayed quiet, her words repeating in my head. "But.. he gave Hershel until dawn to come up with a solution." "What if he doesn't?" I bit my lower lip, standing up from the bed. I walked around, as I
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As your queen, I demand it.
Wilder's POV;"Why in the world do I have to marry her??" I asked Hershel, shocked by what he had just said. "Her flames had refused to accept you and that is why the hole in your chest won't close up." He answered. "Explain, Hershel." I snapped, "Why won't it accept me?" I asked further. I need him to go straight to the point, not to say words that I barely understood. "Her flames, it's alive." I rubbed my forehead tiredly, "I know that, Hershel." He had already explained this to me, I don't know why he felt the need to say it again. He had explain that the reason why her flames would eat a person soul, instead of burn the person's body like a normal fire would... was solely because they live. "So... normally her flames would devour on their victim's soul, but because of the mystical wolves in you... the flames actually quenches once inside your body." He explained even more, but nothing he said made me understand why I had to get married to Blue. "Hershel." I called, annoyed.
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You belong to me, Wilder Reagan.
Author's POV; Perhaps it was the tone in which she had said it, or the fire in her eyes when she said it. Wilder couldn't tell what it was that had suddenly set his insides ablaze, but he knew that the only person capable of quenching the fire inside of him was the petite gorgeous woman, standing before him. Without a word, his hands encircled her waist.. And he drew her even closer, her naked breast slapping against his chest. In silence, with only the rhythm of their beating heart evading the room, he carried her up in his arms and, without breaking eye contact, walked over to the bed, and laid her on the bed. Kneeling down on the bed, he stared down at her naked body. His eyes roamed around her body hungrily, his lips begging for a taste of her. He lowered his lips down to her pointed perky nipples, and once his cold spittle touched her nipple, Blue shivered. He twirled his tongue around her nipple, making it to shoot out even more and causing Blue to tremble even more.His fi
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-not as a queen, or a person
Blue's Pov; "Are you really that happy?" Sarah asked, placing her head on the right side of my shoulder, as she stared at me through the mirror. I looked away, my cheeks morphing into a deep red color. "Woah! Don't tell me the great Blue Flames, is actually blushing!" She exclaimed, teasingly. I hid my face away in my palm, giggling in excitement. "That's enough Sarah, or my cheeks will burst." I voiced, trying to regain my composure, rubbing my cheeks lightly, but the events of last night swarmed in my head once more, and I blushed even harder."You said I should stop, but your cheeks are getting even redder." She commented, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh my goodness! Don't tell me that's what you are actually thinking about—""Stop it Sarah." I laughed out, blushing even more. It is not my fault that I can't seem to think of anything else, but Wilder's hands all over my body, his tongue lashing deep into my pussy, while his hands holding onto me all night. "Where the hell is my
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