All Chapters of Wanted By The Cursed Alpha King: Chapter 11 - Chapter 19
19 Chapters
Your Queen
Blue's Pov; Seven days! Seven freaking days passed and the king, not even his shadow has been sighted anywhere around the dining room. I mean- what is this? We had sex, a mind blowing sex! One that I would love to have again, and he ignores me? He goes silent?? Or was the mind blowing experience I thought it was, just me alone? But he moaned! I heard him moan, and his semen dripping out of my vagina tells a different story.Shit!Or perhaps... was it something I did or say? Nah, I don't remember saying anything that would earn me a cold shoulder from Wilder. Absolutely nothing. "Are you okay, your highness?" Sarah voiced, taking me out of my head, and I looked up at her. "Of course. I am fine.""You don't look fine.." She trailed off, staring at my plate of food. "You barely touched your food." She pointed out, staring at the plate of food. I sighed, dropping the fork in my hand down on the plate. "I have no appetite, Sarah." I rose up to my feet, feeling a bit unmotivated. "We s
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I do not belong to you
Blue's Pov; The man turned around slowly, visibly shaking by the turn of events. "You are the queen?" He asked, unable to come to terms with my truth.I released my hair from the tight bun, Rose styled it into, then I wiped off the little dirt she had rubbed on my cheeks."Oh my goodness, it is her." "That's the queen.""That is the woman that married the king.""Yes, she's the one.""But why is she here?" Whispers aroused from around us, as a small crowd gathered not too far away. "Forgive me my queen, I had no idea you were the one standing before me." The bulky man said, going down on his knees. "I should forgive you? Why should I forgive you, when a moment ago you acted so inhumanely to this poor little child." I voiced in disbelief, pointing at the child behind me."I didn't mean to act that way towards him. But I told the child countless times to leave, and he wouldn't listen." The bulky man defended himself, his eyes and knees still lowered to the ground. "Child, why won't
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-to see her smile.
Blue's POV; "What did the king say?" Sarah asked the moment I exited the king's quarters."He doesn't care." I answered swiftly, walking hastily towards my own quarters. "What! How could he say that, the rumors are indeed true!" She exclaimed, matching up to my space." So what are you going to do now?" Her question ignited an idea in my head. I halted, my face lighting up in mischief. "But, do you know what he didn't say?" I asked, grinning from ear to ear. "I do not really love the direction of your question. But fine, what didn't he say?" She responded, her eyes staring at me suspiciously.Continuing my walk to my quarters, I answered,"Our dear king never said I couldn't do anything about it." I smiled brightly, feeling proud of the interpretation I just had. "Uhm... I am afraid to ask. But what do you intend to do about it?" I grinned at her question, and grinned even more on sighting Rosemary. "Just the woman I have been looking for." Rosemary stood before my quarters, and
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You found my heart, Blue.
Blue's Pov:"Blue! Blue! Blue! Blue!!" Sarah's voice invaded my dream, waking me up with a jolt. "Yes." I answered, opening my eyes slowly as I yawned loudly."The Lords, they are all here." She informed me with a smile. I sat up with a jolt, blinking my eyes rapidly as I tried to have an understanding of the message Sarah just passed across. "What?""The Lords, they are in your meeting room as we speak." Sarah voiced once more. "I.. I heard you the first... the first time. But how? I thought they didn't want to see me. I mean, they had obviously ignored my call yesterday." "I also have no idea why they are here, and so early at that." She shakes her head sideways, also trying to have an understanding of why the Lords had come to me so early. I mean— it doesn't make any sense. I stood up from my bed, then sat down on the chair in front of my dresser. I took a napkin from my dressing table, poured a little bit of water from the jug on the dresser, and then used the napkin to wipe
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I love you, Blue
BLUE'S POV"You found my heart, Blue." His eyes. It was those beautiful orbs of his, the way he had stared at me... of his own freewill showing me a glimpse of his true self— those bastardly beautiful eyes of his, had caused my insides to rupture with wants, one that I had tried to bury this past few days."You have to take responsibility, Wilder." I muttered, my breath unsteady. His eyes gazed into mine, confused. "For?""You've made me horny, Wilder Reagan." I confessed, wrapping my hands around his neck. "Then for that, I shall take responsibility." Staring at me with lust-filled eyes, his hands encircled my waist, grabbing me closer... and his lips crashed into mine without hesitation, his tongue plunging into my awaiting mouth as our spittle mixed. I moaned in his mouth, as he pushed me against the wall in a rough way but yet still gentle. His hands parted my legs through my silk gown, as his fingers played with the opening of my vagina. I wanted more... I wanted the piece o
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Blue's POVFluttering my eyes opened, a contented smile graced my lips, as I stared at Wilder's face. I listened for a minute to his chest rising and falling like the tide of a subtle sea.I watched his face up close for a few more minutes before deciding to exit his bedroom. I need to start investigating the tax issue, and I can't lay in bed with Wilder all day. Although I really wish I could, but for that to happen, I have to trash my sense of justice.With a little heaviness in my chest, I pulled myself out of bed and sat still for a second, because I had suddenly felt dizzy. Then I attempted to stand up once more, but my tired self wasn't in my way this time— Wilder was. "Leaving my bed so soon?" He questioned, and I could feel myself twitch almost immediately.I rolled my eyes and turned back to face him. "You were asleep the last time I checked." He rested his head on my shoulder, then slowly planted kisses on the blade of my shoulder and I found myself falling into his arms.
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A secret Army
Blue's Pov;"Why... why is this empty? Not even a single gold or silver coin? This, it can't be right." Rose mumbled, walking around the big store room crazily. She just can't believe that the lords she trusted so much are actually snakes in disguise. "I guess the lords have been busy filling up their pockets," Wilder voiced, standing right beside me."I guess so." I nodded in agreement, "but what I do not understand, is why they need to fill up their pockets with such an amount of money." "The tax ledger had so much money recorded on it, enough to be distributed among thousands if not millions of men." Sarah chipped in. What she said gave me an instant idea... one that was still forming up a little in my head. But first...I turned to stare at the accountant, but he wasn't in the room, neither was he anywhere to be found. When did he leave?"What is it?" Wilder asked. "The accountant, he is gone." I pointed out, walking out of the treasury room, but I still couldn't find the acc
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You are the one, saving me.
Blue's POV"I found them, Blue." I heard Wilder say, grinning from ear to ear, and oozing with so much pride and enthusiasm. Not that I was bothered about the army, but I knew we had to do something about them. We have to play this game of chess properly, or we will be kicked right out of it."Okay. Give me some minutes to think of the next step." I uttered. And as if I had said something completely bad, I watched as Wilder's enthusiastic expression sank at once. He suddenly looked confused. Like there was something about this situation he wanted me to address. Something I was not doing."What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow."Er, think? I thought we were just supposed to like kill them all, to avoid them being a threat to us later. Then maybe we can keep about two or three alive to tell the tale of their survival to the rest." He paused and walked towards me. It was a bad time to flirt, but the way his eyes stared into the depths of my soul made me shiver in excitement. I wanted to
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And so would I..
Wilder's POVI fixed my gaze on Blue, with a lot of thoughts running through my head. I stared at her with concentrated gaze, as I watched her munch delightfully on the pears.I asked her what she wanted, that I would give anything to her... anything she asked for— ironically, Blue only wanted me to get her some pears. "Why pear? A fruit? How could it be the only thing you could ask for?" I asked, my voice slicing through the quiet atmosphere that was only filled with Blue's happy humming.She shrugged, picking up another pear from the silverware. "Pear was my favorite fruit as a child, but since I was locked up... I never had the chance to have it again. Simply because it was too big of a fruit for Sarah to sneak into my cage." "Then I shall ask the kitchen to bring you a whole sack." Her eyes grew wider in complete astonishment, "Really?""What no. I was... would you really eat a sack of pear?" I asked with bewildered eyes. She stared at me for a second long, then laughed. "Of
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