All Chapters of Sinful Obsession: Her Bodyguard : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
86 Chapters
Why did you kiss me?
Max was stunned and it was evident on his face. He didn't bat an eye as he stared at them.Amelia was surprised by Rey's action but she couldn't resist those lips so she returned the kiss. Rey pulled her body closer while Amelia lowered his neck with her hands as they continued kissing, oblivious to the people staring at them.A woman in the gym quickly covered her daughter's eyes."Mom, I'm twelve can you stop embarrassing me like this?" "No. I am not going to let you see any of that. I wonder why these grown adults are getting all romantic at the gym. Jeez." The woman said in a serious tone.Amelia released her grip on Rey's neck, slowly breaking the kiss. She stared at him with so many emotions in her eyes before drawing in for a hug.Rey rested his jaw on Amelia's head as he closed his eyes, wrapping his arms tighter around her little body.Max was sick of the whole drama.He paced forward with thoughts to talk to Amelia. He wanted answers to all of the questions that brewed up
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I am falling for you
Rey ignored Amelia yet again."Why the hell are you not talking?" Amelia yelled.Rey remained indifferent. This made Amelia's blood boil in rage even with the air conditioner in the car.She sat in the car with her arms crossed throughout the drive. Sometimes she would grumble or pretend to be hurt but none of her drama got Rey's attention.Rey was just so focused on the wheels.A few minutes ticked by, and they arrived home. Rey drove the car into the driveway.As soon Rey turned off the ignition, Amelia got out of the car, rounding Rey before he could walk into the house.Amelia crossed her arms with clanked brows, "Why'd you kiss me in front of Max? Tell me."Although Rey stared at Amelia, his mind was still reeling from what happened at the gym. Max was so audacious and it pissed Rey so much that he was quiet throughout the whole drive and even now.Amelia snapped her fingers in his face, "Rey, I'm talking to you."Rey moved his focus from his mind to Amelia's face. Without a wo
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Chelsea knows
"Princess, breakfast is served," Rey called as he dropped the tray of food on the dining table. Amelia was applying her lip balm when she heard Rey's voice. She admired herself in the mirror, swaying her hair out as she smiled at her reflection.Amelia was wearing a white gown designed with red polka dots. She walked out of the room like a model on the fashion runway."So what are we having today?" Amelia asked as her eyes scanned over the table."Just some scrambled eggs, some toast, and juice. My treat." Rey said as he drew a chair out to sit.Amelia made a little clap, "Great." They soon started having their food and Amelia had a red face as Rey kept throwing naughty glances at her."I'm trying to eat Rey, stop staring at me," Amelia said.Rey shrugged, "But you're doing the same." Amelia cornered a smile on her lips, "You must feel so smart after saying that."Rey smiled, "Of course, I learned from the best after all." Amelia knew he was referring to her. She shook her head, "
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Cooking with Rey
Rey didn't drop Amelia down until he got into the kitchen. Amelia hit him on the chest as soon as her feet touched the ground."Why'd you bring me here without my consent?" She questioned, pretending to be annoyed.Rey started getting himself busy in the kitchen."You weren't willing to come princess, I had no choice." Amelia sat atop the kitchen cabinet while Rey brought out his ingredients.He was making meatloaves. Just then the cook walked in. "Ah, Ma'am I was going to prepare your meal but Rey said he'll do it for you. Is it fine by you?" Amelia smiled, "Uh, yeah sure. While Rey's busy here, I think you should go get the groceries. Don't want us running out of eggs like the last time."The cook returned the smile as she made her way out of the kitchen.As soon as the cook left, Rey wore an apron making a little bow."At your service princess." Amelia chuckled, "Just get on with it already."Rey raised a brow, "Won't you help me a little bit?"Amelia crossed her arms, "No! I
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Amelia jerked up from Rey's lap in fright. Her eyes widened in surprise as her heart raced faster than normal.Her father here? He never informed her of his arrival. No one was aware that he'd be coming home.Rey was equally in surprise but there was no expression on his face as he maintained composure.Mr. Brown stared at them with so many questions brewing up in his mind. He threw his suitcase on the couch as he walked towards them.Mr. Brown's presence was anything but ordinary. His tailored blue suit and crisp white shirt gave him an air of professionalism, while his neatly trimmed hair and polished black shoes showed respect for attention to detail. But it was his eyes that truly commanded attention, sharp and intense as they fixed on Rey and Amelia. There was a quiet, yet unmistakable sense of power and authority that radiated from him, making Amelia tremble with every step he took closer. "Dad.. you're.. you're home, welcome back." Amelia stuttered in a fit to break the awkwa
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Doctor’s report
"Okay, so what else did you do?" Mr Brown asked as he dropped the glass of water.Amelia sat on a couch across the room, staring into the night from the window."Well, I didn't do much. I spent most of my time on outings. Went to the beach, went for a picnic, went to the cinema, went to a few nightclubs, did some shopping, attended lots of parties, and had a sleepover. Honestly, I had a lot of fun these past few weeks, I can't even keep count of the places I went to."Mr Brown hummed."Night clubs?" He asked, looking surprised.Amelia wasn't supposed to talk about that. Her dad hated her attending those and she just blurted it out amidst her talk."Umm…no no. Did I say nightclubs? No no no." Amelia chuckled nervously as she rose from the couch.Mr Brown stared at her intensely."I meant Chelsea went to a few nightclubs. And she made video calls while she was at the party so that's what I meant."Amelia's lie sounded so stupid and she only realized it after she finished talking. Mr B
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The explanation
Amelia banged her leg on the door. He already left, she said to herself."I can't believe he left without me seeing him." Amelia frowned as she walked into her room.She had gone to check her dad in his room but he had already left for the meeting.Amelia looked forward to having breakfast with her dad. But now that he already left for the office, she didn't feel like having breakfast anymore.Amelia's frown softened as she felt her phone in her jeans. "I'll just put a call through." And with that, she dialed her father's number but it forwarded into voicemail.She called a few more times and then it rang. Amelia's heart raced as she waited for a response.The call went through, Amelia didn't wait to hear who was on the phone before speaking."Dad, why'd you leave without seeing me? Couldn't you at least wait for us to have breakfast? Yes, I know you told me about the meeting but you could have at least come to say bye. Dad, I'm so mad." She complained."Uh.. ma'am Mr Brown is curre
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Defending Rey
Amelia covered her mouth as she tried to endure the pain from Rey's massage. Tears brimmed at the corner of her eyes before they finally coursed down her cheeks. Rey took a glance at Amelia's face, "Princess, you're crying? I'm sorry if it hurt you that much. I was being as gentle as possible."Amelia breathed in and out, "You don't have to apologize, just continue."Rey twisted her toe and Amelia whimpered in pain.Amelia's whimpers aroused Rey but he maintained composure. He couldn't be thinking about that right now, Amelia would call him a pervert.He swallowed hard as he massaged her toe, the feel of her skin on his palm made him feel excited.Her feet were so soft and it made Rey's mind run wild with thoughts.Rey took another glance at Amelia. Her face was a pool of tears already. He stopped massaging her legs as he reached out to wipe her tears with his thumb. He caressed her so tenderly that it made Amelia red."You're such a crybaby." Rey teased."Don't call me that," Amelia
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Growing suspicions
As the days went by, Mr Brown's little spark of suspicion grew.He knew there was something between Amelia and Rey but he was yet to figure it out. Or maybe, he was yet to find enough evidence. They were keeping their tracks clean so he was going to create his evidence himself. He drummed his fingers on his glass as he created schemes in his mind."Hey Dad, what are you thinking about?" Amelia's voice snapped him out of his thoughts."Oh dear, you're here. You're looking so beautiful." Mr Brown complimented his daughter in a fit to distract her from her question.Amelia tugged a shy smile as she swayed her hair out, "Thanks, Dad." "So, any outings for today?" Mr Brown asked.Amelia got lost in thought for a while and then she shook her head, "No. I doubt it." Mr Brown dropped his glass on the table as he turned to the sofa, "But then what would you be doing all day?" Amelia shrugged, "I don't know. I didn't set out any activity for today so I guess I'll just stay home."Mr Brown sm
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Trust issues
Mr Brown didn't say anything about what he had seen. He went into his car and drove away in a rage. He almost crashed into two other cars twice as he drove. He got to the office and when he was greeted by the secretary, he ignored her greetings.He finally sat on his chair, placed his hands on his forehead, and shut his eyes, trying to calm himself down.The secretary, Susan, was at her table when the accountant walked up to her."Is Mr Brown in now? I have to see him,” she said."Oh yeah. He finally came. You must be exhausted from coming down here multiple times." Susan said, her voice laced with laughter."You understand. I am exhausted. I'll just go see him now.""Careful. He seems to be in a bad mood today." Susan warned."Don't worry about me." The accountant responded. Susan only shrugged in response.The accountant walked in to see Mr Brown sitting on his chair with his hands on his forehead. She thought he was sleeping, so she turned to leave."What do you want?" She heard h
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