All Chapters of Sinful Obsession: Her Bodyguard : Chapter 81 - Chapter 86
86 Chapters
Ended deals
Rey stood weakly. It all seemed like a joke to him, but it was reality. Amelia was gone and it was all his fault. Flora walked up to him. "Why did you let her hit you so bad? Look at the state of your face, why did you...""You stay out of this. Have you forgotten the rules so soon? Get your filthy hands off of me and get out! The deal is off." Rey stated, as he violently pushed Flora away."What do you mean the deal is off? I didn't even do anything, I was only trying to attend to your face like any human with a conscience would do. Isn't it supposed to be a one-week deal? It is barely even one hour yet and you are saying the deal is off, what are you talking about?" Flora questioned."I am well aware of everything I said, and now I have told you the deal is off, so it is. Get out!" He yelled at her trembling with rage. Flora frightfully picked up her bag and went out of the restaurant, wondering why Rey was so scared.Charlie went after her immediately to stop her."Flora?" He ca
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Amelia finally arrived at Voltez Ventures. She remained in the car for a while as she was totally confused. After some minutes of contemplating, she finally got out of the car and went into the building.She pushed the door to her office open and walked into it weakly. Dana's eyes were glued to the screen of the computer in front of her."You're back already, how did it go?" She asked, with a grin and her gaze still affixed on the computer's screen.Amelia let her bag drop to the floor and she also crumbled against the door. Dana turned her eyes away from the screen to look at Amelia."Are you okay?" She asked as Amelia had folded up her knees and buried her head into it in tears. Dana got up from the chair and walked to meet Amelia.She tried to raise her head, but Amelia refused. Dana sat on the floor as well. She sat next to Amelia and began to pat her.Amelia finally looked up and Dana saw how puffy her eyes were."Oh my gosh! How long have you been crying?! My goodness. What the
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The next day, Amelia woke up with a splitting headache. She curled up in bed for a while, trying to calm herself down but it didn't look like it was working as she started sweating instead.She sighed as she got off the bed. When she checked the time, she realized she was already late for work by two hours, so there was no need trying to force herself to go there. She had to call Dana."Hey Dana." "Hello, Amelia. How are you? Do you feel better now?" Dana's voice asked over the phone."No, I don't. And that is the reason why I am calling," Amelia started."What is going on? Are you fine? Do you need me to send help over?" Dana questioned, full of concern."No, you don't have to. Can you help me manage things over there? I do not think I will be able to make it." Amelia added."Oh! Sure, no problem. Just get enough rest okay? And try contacting the secretary as well to let her know about your health status." Dana advised.Amelia rolled her eyes. Did she really need to call the secret
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Amelia’s decision
The next day, Amelia drove into Voltez Ventures company exhausted. She had barely slept the previous night as she was packing up her things to leave the city. Dana was excited to see her when she walked in. "Hey, Dana." Amelia greeted."Hey, Amelia. It's good to see you today. You look.... different." Dana stated, with her gaze fixed on Amelia's hair."Yeah. I am not here to work today, I only came to let you know that I will be joining the travel research team for their two-week exercise." Amelia announced."Ohh..." Dana mumbled "I need a change of environment right now. Everything that has been happening is just so overwhelming, I think if I leave for at least two weeks, my brain will be able to function well. I need to clear my head." Amelia said."Oh, that sounds good. What happened to your hair? Did it grow longer overnight?" Dana questioned. She had barely even been listening to Amelia as she was more concerned about Amelia's new look."Oh, this?" Amelia asked, caressing the
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Rey’s goodbye gift
"Hello, how may I help you ma'am?" Murphy asked, staring at the red-haired lady in front of him." Where is Rey?" Amelia muttered. Murphy raised a brow at her."Ma'am, if you are waiting for someone, then you should sit at a table. I do not know the names of the customers here so I have no idea who Rey is. You can try calling him, that would be better." Murphy said."No, he is not a customer. He works here. I have met him a couple of times here." Amelia tried to clarify with a desperate tone."Hello...this is my restaurant and I also do most of the work here," Murphy responded, wondering if Amelia was sane."No. I have never seen you here before, I....""Miss please, you are holding up the line. There are people behind you who want to get food." Murphy cut in.Amelia turned back to see a couple behind her, then she turned again to look at Murphy."Please listen to me. His name is Rey, he is tall and he has a broad chest. He has invited me over a couple of times, I have ne
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Amelia’s attack
Amelia's heart skipped a beat as she subconsciously moved backward. The masked man walked towards her, clutching a gun in his hands.Amelia moved backward towards her car in fright, the moment she felt she was close enough to the car, she turned to go into it when the door was slammed shut. Someone had just entered her car and locked it."Who are you and what do you want?" Amelia shrieked, with her voice laced with panic and her heart pounding against her ribcage."Here, if you want money I can give you everything I have on me, just let me go. I'm innocent, I have never hurt anyone." She said again. She threw her purse towards the masked man and it landed on his foot.He looked at it and looked back at her without attempting to pick it up. For some reason, he looked familiar but Amelia just couldn't put things together at that point.She hoped the owner of the restaurant would have noticed what was going on and would have called for help as there was no way she could do that herself.
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