All Chapters of Sinful Obsession: Her Bodyguard : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
86 Chapters
Rey helped Amelia prepare about thirty slides for the presentation, when they were done, she was so exhausted that she slept off while still on a call with him.The next day, Amelia got to work early to prepare herself more for the presentation. Shortly after her arrival, Susan, her father's secretary walked into her office."Hello, Amelia." Susan greeted me with a smile."Hi," Amelia responded with a straight face."The boss sends for you. He wants you in his office as soon as possible." Susan said then she walked out of the office.Amelia rolled her eyes after she left, she wasn't going to honor his invitation."Dana?" She called, a few minutes after Susan left.Dana walked into the office from the toilet where she had been. "Yes, Amelia?" She responded."My father wants to see me," Amelia revealed and Dana raised a brow at her, waiting for her to go on."Stop staring at me that way, you're going there in place of me " Amelia added."But he asked to see you and not me." Dana retort
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The stench of cigarette smoke was thick in the dimly lit casino. Four men sat around a table playing a game of cards."Has anyone heard from Raymond lately?" One of the men called Cyrus asked."Raymond? Who the fuck is that?" Another man called Vespera asked, his voice sounding slurred."Last time I heard from him, he no longer lived here. I hear he is now a bodyguard somewhere." The third man called Tommy responded."Hahaha. He thinks he can escape me. I have had my eyes on him for a while." Cyrus stated."Do you know where he is?" The fourth man Julian questioned."Well, not exactly. That is the reason why I called this meeting. Vespera has probably forgotten about him because he has long stopped taking orders from us." Cyrus said."Aye! He feels he doesn't need us anymore, he probably has a new boss, being a bodyguard might as well just be a facade to hide his true identity." Tommy added."That is very true. He might be working for the Enzo brothers, our major enemy." Cyrus said,
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Clueless Rey
"Mind your own business, Julian, and take your eyes off her. She isn't yours." Rey warned.Julian raised his hands in a mock surrender."I believe she is irresistible. And of course, girls like her deserve perfect men and when I talk about a perfect man, I mean myself." He said, laughing.Rey glared at him and turned to go again, but he was still called back by Julian."Hold on," Julian called."What is it this time? Why do you keep calling me back? Is there a problem now?" Rey fumed, he was already running out of patience."Listen to me. You can never tell anyone about this meeting okay?" Julian calmly said, staring into Rey's eyes."Pfft. Do you think I'm a cheap gossip? But why can't I tell anyone about it? Are you also scared of being hunted down?" Rey questioned with a smirk."That is my problem to settle and not yours," Julian said and Rey walked out.Rey finally left the strip club after being threatened by Julian not to tell anyone about their meeting.He drove back to his hou
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Chelsea’s on the team?
Amelia's project was due to begin the very next day as the board had already approved it. She had full support from everyone except Rey who had not even heard of it because he was busy. Amelia rolled her eyes with that thought. Rey was going to hear from her since he was now too busy to speak to her.While she was busy typing on her computer with a headset on, as usual, Dana walked in."Amelia?" She called.This time around, the headset was too loud for Amelia to hear. Dana had to tap her."Oh hey Dana, sorry about that. I just need music to be able to function. Are you good?" Amelia asked after pausing the music."Yes...yes, I am. Your father wants to see you. Please please please please go this time." Dana pleaded, with her hands clasped together.Amelia burst into laughter. "Why does he want to see me?" She inquired, taking off the headset."Well, what he told me was that he has gotten a few more people to join your team and you should come see them," Dana said and Amelia's eyes li
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I'll be fine
Mr Brown was speechless as his eyes darted from the teary-faced Chelsea and then to Amelia who still had an indifferent look and then back to Chelsea again."You were having sex with Amelia's boyfriend while they were still dating, is that what you are trying to say?" He asked and Chelsea nodded."Yes. And even after they broke up. I was having a rough day some weeks ago and I called Amelia to come, she said she was having some time out with you. So I called her now ex-boyfriend, and he came. I think Amelia changed her mind because she appeared some minutes later and...and..she...she caught us together." Chelsea explained, with her head bowed in shame.Mr Brown exhaled deeply."Wow. I remember that day. Amelia didn't even want to come see you, I had to force her to go and she came back home in a foul mood. In a way, I am glad she went and I am also unhappy she did. If she didn't go, she would have been happier now I guess, but she did go and she found out a lot of things and even foun
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The strip club
Charlie drove into the compound, then he parked the car at the garage before walking into the house to meet Rey."How is she doing?" Rey questioned as soon as Charlie got in, almost startling him in the process as he had no idea Rey would be there at that moment."Yo, take it easy man. You didn't even ask if I arrived safely." Charlie said.Rey looked at him from head to toe."Your body parts are complete. Now, how is she?" Rey asked again."She is okay. I couldn't see her from close range though, but I watched her drive from home to the Voltez Ventures and she was fine." Charlie explained."Perfect," Rey said as he leaned into the chair.He had instructed Charlie to secretly check on Amelia as he had failed to pick up his phone the previous day when she called. Staying away from her was torture, but he had to do it for her safety. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself back from talking to her so he had to send Charlie to go check on her instead of going himself."Why don't you
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You can never be better than her!
"You love threesomes, don't you?" Flora asked, looking up at Rey.Rey glanced at Charlie who urged him to say yes."Umm...yeah. I guess." Rey responded."Yes! That is perfect. Let's go." Rose said.Charlie watched as the girls dragged Rey away with an amused smile on his face.The room they had gotten for Rey was on the right side of the strip club. It was a different building, built for any sexual acts they wanted to do as it had been banned inside the club itself.The girls couldn't wait to get into the room before they started taking off Rey's clothes.The room was small and filled with pictures of naked girls. Flora pushed Rey to the bed and was just about to climb him."Stop," Rey ordered and she paused in her tracks."You are both dancers right?" He asked and they nodded."Well, you have the floor," Rey said."That sounds like fun," Rose stated as she began to dance. Flora also followed suit. Both of them were dancing an erotic dance and touching themselves. They also gradually
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Dana’s advise
Amelia was holding her pen against a piece of paper, she was going to write something but now she was lost in her thoughts. She was wondering what was going on with Rey and why he had not bothered to reach out to her yet even though she had been calling him and texting him, she couldn't lie, she was worried about him. Dana walked into the office with a packed-up food she had ordered for Amelia as she hadn't eaten anything yet. Amelia was so lost in thoughts that she didn't notice when Dana walked in."I won't have you pass out, not under my watch. Eat something." Dana said. She kept the food on the table and turned to go but as she got to the door, she turned to look at Amelia again to see that her eyes were still glued to the same spot."Amelia?" She called. She walked back to her and tapped her, dragging her out of her thoughts.Amelia blinked twice. "What? Is there a problem?" She asked."You have been staring into space. What is going on?" Dana inquired."Oh, nothing. What is th
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The deal
Rey sat in the middle of the restaurant. He had rented it again, but this time, it wasn't because of Amelia.He was waiting for Charlie to arrive with someone, he had no idea who the someone was going to be, but it was going to be a girl. He was going to strike a deal with her.After waiting for some minutes, Charlie arrived with a familiar red-haired girl. It was Flora from the strip club.Immediately she saw him, she tried to hug him, but Rey stretched out his hand, stopping her from coming any closer."Hey." She said."Sit down," Rey ordered and she immediately sat down.Rey walked towards Charlie and pulled him to a corner."Why her? Couldn't you get someone else?" He questioned, his voice almost in a whisper."Do you think anyone would want to be your fake girlfriend for a week? She was the only one who agreed and besides she has some similarities with Amelia, she can make it believable." Charlie responded, whispering as well. He glanced at Flora and smiled at her to prove everyt
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Amelia found Rey eating with a girl who had red hair similar to hers. They had not even noticed her presence yet as Rey was saying something to her and she was giggling like a fool.Amelia walked towards them with a frown on her face."Rey?" She called. Rey was shocked to hear Amelia's voice, he immediately stood up to look at her."Baby, who is she?" Flora's annoying voice asked."Baby? Did she just call you baby? Rey, what is going on?" Amelia questioned, with tears gathering up in her eyes.Rey was speechless. He had planned all this because of Amelia, but he didn't expect her to come almost immediately. "Rey...why aren't you saying anything? So this is the reason why you have been avoiding me? She is the reason why you haven't been taking any of my calls or even replying to my texts. This is it right?" Amelia questioned, her throat was throbbing as she was trying to hold back tears. Chelsea had betrayed her, but it was nothing compared to Rey's betrayal.Rey couldn't even explain
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