All Chapters of Sinful Obsession: Her Bodyguard : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
86 Chapters
Tension at dinner
Mr Brown still had the thought of firing Rey in mind. He didn't know how Amelia would feel about it.The next day, during dinner, he decided to talk to her.Amelia on her part was glad to see her father, he couldn't make it to dinner the previous night so she couldn't tell him about her day."Dad, what happened yesterday? You just ran away." She started."Yeah, you were having fun at the arcade so I didn't want to disturb you I got home late." He explained.Amelia's eyes narrowed slightly."The arcade? How did you know I went to the arcade?" She questioned, looking at him suspiciously."Oh, I.. um ... someone saw you." Mr Brown quickly said."Uh-okay," Amelia responded. She heaved a sigh of relief as she almost thought he had seen her with Rey."So how was your day? And the arcade?" He asked."Fine, I guess." Amelia didn't understand why her father kept talking about the arcade."Just fine?" Mr Brown asked again and Amelia sighed."Dad, is there something wrong? Go ahead and say it."
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Making her squirt
Amelia stood by the hallway pouting. She didn't like what her father had said to her, so she was determined to stand there pouting until he apologized to her. Rey was still having a meeting with her father. Amelia was tempted to go listen to their conversation but she wanted to prove how mad she was to her father, so she refused to move an inch.Rey soon returned upstairs after Mr Brown was finally done speaking to him. He was a little startled to see Amelia standing close to the stairs pouting."Princess, what is wrong with you? And why are you here?" He questioned."Go away, Rey. I am waiting for my father and not you." She responded."Really? What do you intend to say to him?" Rey asked again and Amelia rolled her eyes."That is between my father and I." She said."Is it about me?" Rey asked again."No, it isn't. Leave me alone." Amelia gasped."Yo, relax. If you are going to stand here pouting or boiling or whatever it is you are doing right now, I think it is best you go to bed b
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Ticking time bomb
Rey stared at Mr. Brown for a few seconds, then he moved out of the way."I'm sorry sir. You can go in." He said. He wondered how long Mr Brown had been standing at the door and if he had heard his daughter's moans."Leave." Mr Brown ordered, staring suspiciously at Rey.Rey bowed his head and walked out. Mr Brown shut the door behind him and stood at a spot for a while, wondering what exactly was it that Rey was doing in his daughter's bedroom. He had been called out to help pick up a friend that had been attacked by armed robbers which was why he had left earlier.He walked to Amelia's bed and sat down next to her. Her eyes were not completely shut but her breathing was steady and peaceful. He rearranged her hair strands, removing the ones that were on her face and putting them back in place.Amelia exhaled and stirred. Mr Brown covered her properly with the duvet again as she had slipped out of it. "Goodnight, Amelia." He whispered, and then he left the room.As soon as he left th
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Rey is dangerous
Mr Brown kept rolling and rolling on the bed. He was woken by several nightmares of Rey strangling him on the bed, so he could barely sleep. He stayed up throughout the night watching the news and lost in thoughts at the same time.When it was 5 am, he finally stood up. His entire body was aching. He went into the bathroom to take a shower, then he brushed his teeth and got set for the day. As soon as the clock chimed 6 am, he got out of the room and went to Amelia's room.Amelia was still in a deep sleep when he got there. He watched her for a few minutes before he decided to wake her up. He gently tapped her."Hmmmm," Amelia mumbled, she turned to the other side of the bed and covered herself completely."Amelia, it's me." Mr Brown said."Okay," Amelia responded, sleepily without even turning to look at him."Amelia, wake up already." Mr Brown ordered."I'm up. I'm up I'm up..." Amelia slurred.Mr Brown sighed, he tapped Amelia again, this time harder than before."Ouch." Amelia gro
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The investigation
Even though Rey had been banned from going into Amelia's bedroom, Mr Brown still didn't feel comfortable with his presence. The phone call he had heard that night was still bugging him but he was scared to ask Rey, he didn't want to end up getting hurt because of his curiosity.When he went to his office the next day, he immediately called his secretary, Susan."You sent for me, sir." Susan politely said on her arrival."Oh..yes. I did." Mr Brown responded, quickly glancing through the reports on his table."From these reports here, I can see that the head of the Marketing team has been absent for two days. Why is that?" He questioned."Oh, sir. She took a sick leave. She was completely indisposed the day she left here, she sent a letter to your email which I believe you haven't seen, but I did see it. Plus, her assistant is in charge of things now and he is doing a very good job." Susan explained."Alright. I think we need to go old school again, there should be hard copy letters of
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Amelia was shocked. She immediately pounced out of the chair."Dad?" She called."Yes, Amelia?" "You can't just fire Rey. He didn't even do anything." She argued."Rey, you have forty-eight hours to leave my house." Mr Brown stated, ignoring Amelia. And with that, he stood up and walked upstairs.Amelia stood confusedly, while the other staff exchanged glances. After a few minutes, they all left leaving only Rey and Amelia standing in the living room. Amelia bit her lips to stop herself from crying because she was already on the verge of shedding tears."Princess-" Rey started."No." Amelia cut in, with her back turned to him. She didn't want him to realize she was already crying. "Do not say anything, Rey. I am going to talk to my father." She stated, and then she left as well.Mr Brown had shut the door to his bedroom as he had already expected Amelia to come find him. He was exhausted from work, he didn't have the strength to argue with his daughter.Amelia went to his bedroom, b
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Don't fucking stop!
Mr Brown staggered backwards. He looked at Rey again, giving him a deadly glare. Amelia stood behind Rey, holding his shirt tightly to protect herself from her father."Oh, this is what you want, Amelia? You want him to beat me up now, right?" Mr Brown fumed but Amelia didn't say anything.Mr Brown made a move to hit Rey again, but he had a change of plan immediately as he remembered Rey's phone call. He didn't know who Rey was so he couldn't afford to endanger himself."You cannot be around my daughter or my home, Rey. Earlier on, I gave you forty-eight hours to leave my house, but now I am taking that back." He started.Amelia stepped out a little to look at her father, hoping he retracted his words about firing Rey completely."You have twelve hours to leave. By 8 am tomorrow, you shouldn't be here anymore." Mr Brown stated in a tone of finality."Dad, please." Amelia pleaded again in a low tone.Mr Brown stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind him, almost pulling it out
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Weird questions
Rey rolled on his bed till it was daylight. Just as he had told Amelia, he got up and picked up his things. He knew she would still be deep in sleep after everything that had happened the previous night.Amelia was exhausted when she slept. From the events of the day to the steamy sex she had with Rey. She woke up with her head banging. She was having a serious headache. Her brain soon adjusted to the environment and she realized it was daylight already. She hastily got down from her bed. She wanted to see Rey before he left. But as she got to the door and tried to open it, she realized it was locked. She had been locked inside the room.Without asking anyone, Amelia knew it was her father's doing. Little wonder Rey came to meet her through the balcony.Speaking of the balcony, she went there to see if she could try climbing down just like Rey had done but as she looked down from there, she gulped. It was just too high and she wasn't Rey. She sighed and went back to bed.Rey was ful
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Missing Rey
Chelsea caught the keys, she glanced at Mr. Brown strangely again before finally mounting the stairs and grateful that he didn't call her back for anything.She got to Amelia's bedroom and finally unlocked the door."Why the hell did you-" Amelia started when she noticed Chelsea was the one who unlocked the door."Hey, it's just me. Calm down." Chelsea said.Amelia didn't say anything, without warning, she ran towards the door to go outside. Chelsea quickly caught her by her waist."Let me go! Leave me alone!" Amelia struggled. But Chelsea dragged her back to the bed and quickly ran to close the door."Why did you do that?" Amelia questioned, her eyes tearing up again."Hey, why are you crying? I didn't even do anything." Chelsea responded."You just shut the door. I was going to leave. I wanna go find Rey! He can't just leave me here all alone." Amelia cried."No no no no Mellie, you have me. I am here. You are not alone." Chelsea said as she hugged Amelia."Why are you even here? Di
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Max and Chelsea
As Chelsea walked out of the house, she instantly brought out her phone to make a call to someone."Hey, Where are you?" She asked as soon as the call was connected from the other end."Hi baby, I just walked into a coffee shop for a bite. What's up?" The deep male voice asked."Umm- Can I see you?" Chelsea stuttered."I am always available when you need me, you don't need to ask this. I'll text you the address." He said."Great," Chelsea responded as she hung up the call. She kept the phone back in her pocket and walked towards the major road to get a taxi.Chelsea finally hailed a taxi and climbed into the backseat of the Toyota Camry. Just then, the address she was waiting for got sent to her. She immediately gave the driver the address of her destination.About ten minutes later, she was dropped off in front of a coffee shop, she paid the taxi driver and walked towards the main entrance, sneakily looking around to make sure no one had followed her. After making sure of that, she w
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