All Chapters of Sinful Obsession: Her Bodyguard : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
86 Chapters
Hidden identity
"I'm aware of that," Rey said curtly as he put down the apron. "But I think you should have waited for me to call you first before you come. What if she had seen you?" He added."You would have taken care of that just like you always do. But she didn't see me, we shouldn't worry about that." The man responded."Well, in case of next time. I can easily pay you for the time I use, even if I use more than the planned time. Do you understand that?" Rey's voice boomed, in an attempt to threaten the man."This is business. Stick to your end of the bargain." The man responded in a shaky voice, trying to look unfazed. He gulped as he tried to meet Rey's eyes.Rey sized him up. "My assistant will be here soon, he'll pay you up as soon as he gets here." He said, then he walked to a table by the far end and sat down there, leaving Murphy, who was the original owner of the restaurant, looking helpless.After staring at Rey for some time, Murphy walked to the door and pulled down a sign with the
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Best friends?
Amelia frowned. What the hell was Chelsea doing in her house? And with her father?Chelsea smiled and waved at Amelia."What are you doing here?" Amelia asked sternly, returning neither the wave nor the smile."Amelia, you just disappeared, I didn't see you when I got back. And, why are you being so harsh to your best friend?" Mr Brown inquired.Amelia opened her mouth to say something, but before she could even speak, Chelsea started speaking."Oh, I am used to her being like this whenever we argue. This is just one of those times, we are going to sort it out." Chelsea said with a smile that looked annoying to Amelia."Oh is that so?" Mr Brown asked, adjusting his glasses."Yes, it is. It's something so little. And I am here to solve those issues." Chelsea repeated.Amelia just stood speechless, she couldn't even imagine the effrontery Chelsea had to step into the house after what she had done. Amelia didn't say a word, she ignored Chelsea and stomped up the stairs."Amelia? Your fri
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Beautiful distraction
Chelsea felt her heart breaking again. "You are unbelievable." She said, with her voice almost in a whisper."Leave," Amelia ordered."One day, you will finally understand everything I said to you today," Chelsea replied."I don't care. Leave! And do that now!" Amelia ordered again, pointing towards the door.Chelsea stared at Amelia and Amelia stared back at her, both of them glaring at each other. The air was tense and filled with so many unspoken words. After some seconds, Chelsea stomped out of the room.Mr Brown was still in the living room when Chelsea walked down, he immediately raised a brow at her and stood up."What happened? Did you both settle it?" He asked.Chelsea picked up her bag without saying anything, and Mr Brown finally noticed the expression on her face."Chelsea, are you okay? You look..." His voice faded away. Chelsea didn't say anything still, she stomped out of the living room.Mr Brown looked confused, he didn't understand what was happening. Were they unabl
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The meeting
Rey lay on the bed, shirtless. He had his arms folded at the back of his head as he stared at the ceiling of the dark bedroom. The room was designed with fine dark wood, just the way Rey loved it. It would give anyone who came into it a chilly feeling. He was lost in his thoughts as he just stared into space without even blinking.His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. He averted his gaze to look at the door."Come in." He said. The door was pushed open and Charlie walked in."Boss." He greeted them with a slight bow."Speak," Rey ordered, sitting up to look at Charlie properly."The job has been done," Charlie revealed. Rey nodded his head."Good." He stated. That was supposed to be good news but he still didn't look satisfied. He lay back on the bed, resuming his staring competition with the ceiling. After some minutes, he turned again to see Charlie still standing there."What? Is there something else?" He asked."Not at all boss, I was waiting for an order from you,
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Fucking under the stars
Chelsea stared at Mr Brown. She didn't understand why he was suddenly mute.She began to walk towards the stairs to go to Amelia's bedroom."Stop." Mr Brown ordered and Chelsea halted. She turned blankly to look at him. Why was he acting strangely? Did Amelia tell him what had happened between them? And was he going to send her away now?"Amelia..." Mr Brown suddenly felt a lump grow in his throat. "She is at your place, right?" He finally asked. Chelsea's eyes narrowed confusedly. "My place?" She questioned again, with her hand on her chest."She said you both were having a girl's night out or whatever she called it." Mr Brown confirmed.Chelsea shook her head. "No, we aren't. We didn't make any plans for something like that. We haven't even started talking to each other yet." She said, utterly confused.Mr Brown was speechless, he quietly sat down on the couch, not knowing what to even think of Amelia's whereabouts."I don't understand what is going on," Chelsea said. There was a w
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Rey gave Amelia the best sex she would have ever asked for. They both realized that sex in the open with just the stars watching them was the best. They were both so exhausted that they slept off immediately after they were done.They had just slept for a few minutes when the watch on Rey's hand began to beep. Rey's eyes snapped open. The beeping sound of the watch was a sign that there was an armed or dangerous external presence nearby. It was something Charlie had gotten for him to protect himself in the mountain. Rey's eyes darted around the place trying to check for signs of something or someone. The moonlight was very bright so he didn't even need a torchlight to be able to see his way around. He gradually stood up, rolling Amelia off of him.He couldn't see anything, but the watch was still beeping and his nerves were on the high end. Rey always trusted his instincts so it was either whatever it was that wanted to attack them was hiding and lurking somewhere around or he just h
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Amelia woke up the next morning to see it was daylight. Her heart skipped, and she immediately picked up her phone to check the time. She had about an hour to be at work. She turned to Rey who was still asleep."Rey? Rey?" She called, tapping him vigorously.Rey opened his eyes in panic as he thought something was wrong. "What is it?" He questioned."It's daylight already!" Amelia announced. Rey stared at her confusedly. It was daylight, he wasn't blind." I can see that." He responded."I have to go to work!" Amelia reminded him. Rey's lips formed an O shape as he remembered."Yeah, that's right. You do. Are you late already?" He asked and Amelia shook her head."Not yet, but I will be in an hour. Get out of the car." She ordered."Huh?" Rey mumbled."Yeah, get out. I need to change my clothes." Amelia said again."Go ahead and change, there's nothing I haven't seen before," Ray stated, with a shrug."Rey, get out! Now!" "Really? I have- you know what? Nevermind." Rey sai
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Protect Amelia
Amelia's body was trembling. The driver of the car had sped off after hitting the man. Amelia had no idea who the brown leather jacket man was, but she felt really bad for him. Tears were stinging the corners of her eyes as a crowd began to grow around the spot. No one tried to help the man as most of them were busy recording the scene. Amelia couldn't bear to watch it anymore, she rushed into the office premises then she brought out her phone.Her hands were trembling as she tried to dial 911."911, what's your emergency?" A female voice said over the phone."An accident. There is an accident." Amelia started in a shaky voice."Calm down Miss. Take a deep breath, try to be calm. Where are you and what is your name?" The cop asked."I wasn't a victim of the accident. It happened right in front of me. He could be dead." Amelia cried."Where are you?" The cop inquired again."Uhh...Voltez Ventures. It happened right in front of Voltez Ventures, please hurry." Amelia pleaded."We are on
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Amelia didn't feel okay for the rest of the day. She was still trying to comprehend what had happened. As soon as she got home, she went into her bedroom and locked herself inside. She didn't even care about her father calling her to dinner later as she had no appetite and she didn't even want to see him.She had already drifted off into a dreamless sleep when the sound of her phone ringing woke her up. She reached for the phone, tapping the bed until she finally grabbed it. Without even opening her eyes or checking the caller ID, she pressed the power button of the phone to decline the call and turned to the other side of the bed. The phone rang again and this time, she finally opened her eyes."Who the fuck is this?" She muttered sleepily. She picked up the phone and saw it was Rey calling, her eyes immediately became fully opened."Hey." She said as she picked up the call, then she cleared her throat as her voice was husky."Were you asleep?" Rey questioned."Yeah, I was. But It d
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"Where are we going?" Amelia asked, trying to keep her feet stable.Rey took her to her car. "Get in. Give me the keys, I'm driving." He ordered.Amelia gave him the keys as she went to sit on the passenger seat, while Rey mounted the driver's seat."Where are we going?" Amelia asked again."You are not the only one allowed to look different, your car does too," Rey responded."Huh?" Amelia muttered, but she didn't get any response.He soon pulls up at a car shop. "Get down." He said, unfastening his seatbelt. Amelia did the same and got out of the car."Hey man, this is the car I told you about," Rey said to the man he met there."Oh, it's a good one. Hello Miss." He said, then waved at Amelia with a little smile.Rey cleared his throat. "Please focus on the car." He said to the man, without trying to hide his jealousy. Amelia found it very amusing."So, what are we doing?" The man asked."Just repaint the car and change its number plate," Rey replied."Alright, noted." Amelia gentl
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