All Chapters of Sinful Obsession: Her Bodyguard : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
86 Chapters
Are you crying?
Amelia was bubbling with joy the next morning. She got up very early to make breakfast for her dad. The cook was surprised as Amelia rarely ever comes into the kitchen."I am making breakfast for my dad today. So please give me a minute, you can go catch up on some sleep or something." Amelia said. The cook only smiled at her and left.When Mr Brown got down to leave, Amelia quickly went to call him back."Hi, dad." She called, with a wide smile on her face.Mr Brown turned to look at her, surprised. He looked at his wristwatch to confirm the time."You're up... early." He stated."I knew you were going to say that. You can't just leave without eating breakfast." Amelia responded."I don't have time to eat dear." Mr Brown replied, adjusting his tie properly."But I made it." Amelia voiced, looking disappointed."You did?" "Yes!" She said, her eyes hopeful now."Then I guess I have all the time in the world." Mr Brown responded. He kept his briefcase on the couch and walked to the din
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Chelsea returned to her house without eating the breakfast Max had prepared for both of them. She was sulking all through her remaining stay in the house and despite how many times Max asked, she insisted that she was okay.On getting home, she flung her bag to the couch in anger."I can't believe this! After everything I've done, he still has eyes on Amelia?" She yelled."This is ridiculous! I'll make sure Max pays for this, I swear it. I will set him up with Rey and Amelia, he probably needs some good beating from Rey to be able to notice me." She grumbled.She angrily picked up her phone and tried to look up the plate number of the car that had picked Rey up.After trying for some minutes, she couldn't get any results."Urgh!" She groaned in frustration. She ran her hands through her hair, scattering it in the process."What do I do now? Is there anyone who-" Her eyes suddenly lit up."-Alvin! Yes, Alvin. I think I still have his contact." She muttered. She checked her phone for h
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The past
Amelia lay on the bed, rolling from one end of it to the other. She had been waiting for Rey's text as he had promised to text her, but still he hadn't. He hadn't forgotten his promise to her right? Amelia hoped he hadn't forgotten about her.After waiting for an extra hour, Amelia decided to text him first."Hi Rey, I'm sorry I couldn't wait for you to text first, I kinda of became impatient. Hoping to hear from you soon. Love, Amelia." She dropped the phone and covered her head with the duvet hoping that when she opened it, Rey would have texted back. He probably forgot and her text was going to remind him.Just then, her phone chimed. She rushed out of the duvet to read Rey's text, but it was just an old friend texting her through her old phone. In her high anticipation, she had almost forgotten she had been using a different phone to text Rey. She couldn't wait any longer so she decided to call him.After calling multiple times without getting an answer, Amelia gave up. She switc
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Someone to talk to
"What did you do that for?" He snapped."Alvin you fucked me! You said you were going to help me if I gave you my body! I gave you my body, Alvin! What do you mean by there was a blockade?" Chelsea fumed, glaring at him.Alvin let out a mocking laugh."Oh, now I fucked you huh? Stop acting like you didn't enjoy the sex. You were moaning my name a few minutes ago." He spat out.Chelsea's eyes widened on hearing that."Shut the fuck up, Alvin! You could have tried harder, but you chose not to because you wanted to have your way with me again, listen to me, if that is what you think, then it is not going to work." She stated."I already had my way with you. What else do I need to do with you? We've had sex five times in a space of two days and that is more than enough for me." He responded with a smirk on his face.Chelsea's eyes were tearing up again, she quickly used the hem of her shirt to wipe the test off before Alvin would notice it."You are a terrible person, Alvin. You only want
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" did you get here so soon?" Chelsea questioned, her heart racing."You wanted me here so here I am," Max replied, his voice almost in a whisper. He brought his lips to her neck in an attempt to kiss her."Max, stop please," Chelsea muttered, pushing Max away from her."Don't push me away baby. I know you missed me and I did too." Max responded. He grabbed her two hands with just one hand and pinned it behind her."Max please, I was just about to take a drink," Chelsea said as she pushed Max away from her."Makes it even more fun." He mumbled. He held Chelsea's waist and turned her, now her ass was tightly pressed on his dick."Much better, now go ahead." He ordered.Chelsea smirked as she uncapped the bottle of wine and poured a little amount of it into the glass."Want some?" She asked."I want you," Max replied. He gently pushed her hair to one side and began to kiss her upper back, and up to her neck sending tingling sensations down her spine."Max, not here." Chelsea re
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Broken heart
There was a sudden hush in the kitchen as both Max and Chelsea watched Amelia exiting back, not knowing what next to do. Everything had happened so fast.Suddenly, Chelsea's face contorted into a frown and she turned to look at Max, angrily."Are you crazy? Why did you tell her, Max? Why did you have to be so honest with her? Do you think telling her that all this started while you both were still in a relationship is going to change anything? Do you think it is going to make her see you as a better person?" Chelsea fumed."I had to tell her. I guess it's high time she knows, she might not see me as a better person but at least, she has to know the kind of person you are." Max replied, pointing a finger at her."What kind of a person am I?" Chelsea asked."Is that even a question? Isn't it obvious? You are someone who has sex or has been having sex with her best friend's boyfriend." Max blurted out and Chelsea gasped."Really? You made the first move, Max." Chelsea accused."Because t
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New job
Amelia woke up the next morning feeling a lot better than the previous day. She checked the time, it was 10 am, she wondered how she had slept till that time. It was probably because of how exhausted and stressed she was the previous day. She was very sure her father had already left for work, so she didn't bother going to his bedroom to search for him.She was just lazily eating breakfast when she got an email."Meeting with the CEO of Voltez Ventures by noon. Do not be late." It read.Amelia found it amusing at first as that was her father's company. If he wanted to see her, he didn't have to make it so official, right? She thought it was a kind of joke or something, but when she checked the sender's email, she saw it was the company's official email.What the hell was going on?Amelia had never been to Voltez Ventures before as she had no interest in her father's business, not like he even tried to force her into it. She had no idea where it was even located. As if reading her tho
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"Sure, I'll be there in about two hours." Amelia quickly typed before dumping the phone back into her pocket.She looked up to see her father smiling at her."What?" She asked, a little confused."Welcome to the Voltez Ventures family, Miss Amelia Voltez." Mr Brown said professionally. He stood up and extended his hands towards her for a handshake.Amelia returned the gesture as she also stood up. Taking his outstretched hands in hers, she said;"Thank you, Mr Brown Voltez. I hope to have a memorable time here." They both burst into laughter after Amelia's statement."That was a really interesting act, Dad," Amelia remarked."Well, you played along." Mr Brown said with a shrug."I sure did. I am beginning to think that one of the skills needed here is acting. Good thing I'm a good actor." Amelia stated."Fair enough. On that note, when do you intend to resume?" Mr Brown asked."Right now!" Amelia responded without thinking, then she remembered she was supposed to meet with Rey. "Uh..
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Amelia opened her mouth, letting Rey's tongue into it. She gripped his shoulders tightly, passionately kissing him back, as she moaned softly. After a few seconds, Amelia pulled away, gasping for breath."What the hell was that? Do you think kissing me is going to solve anything?" She snapped."But you kissed me back." Rey retorted."Yeah, what if I did? It doesn't mean anything anyway." Rey pulled Amelia, holding her still."I am sorry, okay? I just couldn't call, if I did, you would have gotten into trouble!" He stated."Pfft. You think I'm a fool, Rey? Do you think I'll be so careless in front of my father? I can take care of myself! Don't worry about Mr getting into trouble! I can handle it myself!" Amelia retorted."I wasn't even talking about your father," Rey muttered."What did you say?" Amelia questioned as she didn't hear what he had said."Nevermind. I am sorry, I just had to. There are a lot of things going on, and yeah, I could be tracked down by your father. You just ha
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Rey’s words
Rey released all his cum inside Amelia before pulling out of her. Her legs were trembling as she tried to stand still, her eyes still dilating from the ecstasy. Rey helped her clean up herself before taking her back to the main eating area."This is your fault, you would have listened to me when I said you should remain here, but you insisted on coming with me," Rey stated with a playful smirk on his lips."Oh shut up, you bad bad boy," Amelia responded."Say it again and you'll get punished," Rey said and Amelia burst into laughter."I see what you are trying to do, Rey. But trust me, it wouldn't work this time. You think I would tell you I love being punished huh? No way big boy." She stated, sticking out her tongue to him.Rey's lips curved upwards into a smile. "You caught me so fast. Wait for my comeback." He replied and they both laughed.Amelia looked around the restaurant and her laughter faded. There were no customers.She wondered why the restaurant barely had any customers
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