All Chapters of Sinful Obsession: Her Bodyguard : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
86 Chapters
Bringing home another lady
Amelia looked confused, and immediately went after Chelsea. "Chelsea, hold on. What is wrong?" She asked, as she ran up the stairs. But, on getting to Chelsea's room, the door had been slammed shut."Chelsea, open up. It's me." Amelia said, knocking on the door."Please go away. I can't tell you anything now, please just go." Chelsea responded, in a strained voice."You can't push me away, we are best friends, remember? You can tell me anything no matter what it is. I won't judge you." "No. I can't tell you this. Go away!" Chelsea yelled."Chelsea, Chelsea please.." Amelia was saying, when she felt someone touch her shoulders, she immediately gasped in fright."She doesn't want to talk." Rey said."Get your filthy hands away from me. Stay the fuck away!" Amelia yelled, slapping his chest."Hey.." Rey said, a little surprised about her outburst."You have no right to touch me against my will!" She yelled again. She was transferring all her aggression to him. She turned and began to
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He’s not my husband
"I'm busy,” Rey said, patting the lady's head on his shoulder. x x xAmelia was out of lies and tears started brewing at the corner of her eyes.She ran up into her room before letting it all out.She needed someone to talk to and her best friend was the only one she could think of.Amelia dialed Chelsea's number but got no response.Amelia didn't stop calling until she had given Chelsea up to fifteen missed calls.She sent texts too but still didn't get any response.Amelia was frustrated.Rey completely ignored her, Chelsea wasn't picking up her calls!Amelia threw herself on the bed, sobbing herself into sleep.She looked very peaceful at the moment, her hair was all over her face as she slept.Hours ticked by and Amelia finally woke up. But with a splitting headache, she lazily got out of bed.She went over to the cupboard that always had drugs in it, especially painkillers. The one she needed right now.She searched through the cupboard but she couldn't find it. She was probably
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Don’t you dare
Amelia swatted his hands away from her lips, just as a nurse walked into the room."Sir, here are the discharge papers." The nurse said as she walked towards them.Rey took the papers from the nurse, signed them and gave them back to her.He took a glance at the bed and Amelia wasn't there.He searched around but couldn't find anyone, he moved over to the little dressing room across the room."Don't you dare." A familiar voice called from behind the curtains.Rey stepped back and Amelia appeared a few minutes after.She must have gone into the dressing room while Rey was signing the papers.Amelia walked out of the room, completely ignoring Rey who had been waiting for her.He followed closely behind her and she got into the car, and waited for Rey to join her.The drive back home was silent as Amelia refused to talk to Rey. Regret started setting in Rey's mind. He felt remorseful for his actions especially now that Amelia refused to talk to him."Princess, I was hoping I could talk-"
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The call
Amelia got into her room to see her phone beeping, she picked it up thinking it was Chelsea who she had been trying to reach out to but it was her father. She was disappointed but also happy at the same time as she hadn't heard from her dad in a long time."Honey, how are you doing?" A voice said from the phone."I'm fine dad, what you been up to?" Amelia sat down on the bed, placing her food down."Uh, I've just been busy with work, how bout you my dear?""Nothing much fr. Just went out a lot with Chelsea, had a girls night out, we took long drives, also did some shopping, some movies and played some games together, went for a sleepover and attended a few parties." Amelia said, sounding as if she got lost into the memory of each one as she mentioned them."Wow, that sounds like a whole lot of fun. I'm glad you're enjoying your little holiday without me there to pester you or give a curfew, must be interesting." Amelia chuckled, "uh, c'mon dad you know I miss you a lot. I miss you so
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"You mean Greg? We never talked again after that night." Chelsea shrugged."Is this really how you plan to live your life? Making out with every available man at the club?, Get a life bitch." Amelia said, sounding irritated."But that's what I'm doing. It's not that serious, I'm just having a hard time trying to find the perfect size." Chelsea said, taking another scoop of her icecream."Chelsea! Can you hear yourself? Jeez. You sound so slutty talking about the perfect size. You better wrap that shit up or I'm never talking to you again." Amelia warned.Chelsea soon started yapping again while Amelia got lost in thoughts for some time."I think I'm in love with Rey." She blurted out."What?" Chelsea said, the surprise evident in her tone.Amelia suddenly realized she just said that aloud after seeing Chelsea's surprised look."Yeah .. I'm in love with him.""Oh my god! I knew it. I told you." Chelsea threw her cup of icecream in excitement, making a funny dance in front of Amelia.Am
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The kiss
Chelsea was startled by Rey's presence. She suddenly felt uneasy but she tried to act normal."Uh, nothing, we were just talking." Chelsea said, trying to avert Rey's gaze.Rey really wanted to drag Chelsea out and ask her if she told Amelia anything but right now he could only stare at her."Chelsea, let's go upstairs where we can talk about good things without nosy people bothering us." Amelia said, pulling Chelsea up the stairs.Rey leaned his hip by the kitchen door, holding a cup of coffee in his hand as he watched them walk upstairs.Worry surged in his mind that Chelsea might have told Amelia what she had heard the other night. He couldn't afford to have Amelia find out about that, not right now. He really needed to talk to Amelia, to be sure that she didn't know anything.Chelsea on the other hand was surprised at Amelia's behavior."What was that?" Chelsea asked as Amelia shut the door."Nothing." "Why did you act like that? I thought you love him. Dude, that's crazy." Chels
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Avoiding Rey
Rey slipped his hands inside her skirt, shifting her panties to the side revealing a wet pussy in his warm fingers.Amelia moaned softly in his mouth. She grasped his shoulders tightly as he slid his fingers inside her. Her moans turned into soft whimpers as Rey thrusted his fingers deeper.Amelia's legs grew too weak to stand, she didn't have to say.Rey lifted her up, placing her on the bed.Amelia removed her top, her nipples poked hard behind the bra.Rey unhooked her bra, nibbling on her nipples whilst fingering her. Amelia bit her lip in pleasure. She tightened her legs around his fingers. She lifted Rey's face above her breasts and kissed him like her life depended on it.**********Amelia couldn't stop thinking about what happened between her and Rey.She tried to forget it but she was constantly reminded especially whenever she saw Rey. She didn't know how to handle it, so she stopped going out with Rey and if she really needed to, Amelia would rather sneak out of the house
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Why’d you do this to me?
"Amelia, please I can explain." Max said, stepping in front of Chelsea.Amelia's shock turned into anger. "I wasn't talking to you asshole!" She yelled.Chelsea looked so jittery behind Max like she was afraid of something.Max still tried to talk to Amelia. He wasn't even expecting her to be here this soon but now he had to tell her anyway."Please don't be mad at Chelsea. It was all my idea, I couldn't think of any other way to bring myself in front of you so I asked Chelsea to help me ask you to the movies so I could apologize to you because…. because I miss you a lot." Max said, feigning sincerity in his voice.Amelia's red face softened a little but she was still mad. She turned her gaze away from Max with her arms crossed.Max examined her, he saw she was a little calm and then he continued talking."Listen, I'm sincerely sorry about everything. I shouldn't have treated you like that and I really wanted to make things up to you and that's why I came here today." Amelia was qui
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The promise
"Hey princess, don't cry, please talk to me." Rey patted Amelia on the head as she sobbed.Amelia hugged him even tighter as she wailed in tears.Rey's big arms wrapped Amelia's little body, cuddling her like a child. His jaw was on top of her head as they stood. He didn't try to ask her anything after she held him tighter, he allowed her to let it all out.After some minutes, Amelia was finally calm, calm enough to talk. Rey gestured for Amelia to sit, they had been standing throughout her crying session."So princess, what happened?" Rey asked, in a very soft voice as he took her hands in his while fixing his eyes on her.Amelia's eyes were red and swollen from all the crying but she still looked cute. Her lips were hot from all the crying so she licked them before speaking."Well, I sneaked out of the house to go to the movies with Chelsea." Her voice sounding rasp.Amelia stopped for some seconds, as if to gather her thoughts together. She shook her head before speaking."Actually
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To the gym
Amelia went out often with Rey. She had to keep to her promise. As time went by, they grew fond of each other. Sometimes they acted like friends, other times they were lovers and most of the time they were enemies but in all, they couldn't stay apart from each other.Amelia was packing some fruits into the straw bag. She stopped to check the time and shook her head in a resigned manner. "Rey!! It's been fifteen minutes already, we're running late!" Amelia yelled.It has been twenty minutes already and Rey still hadn't shown up.Did it really take that long for a man to get dressed?Amelia sighed heavily as she dropped the last piece of bananas in the basket.It had been a while since she last visited the picnic area, she was so excited and it was obvious in her style.Amelia was dressed in a silky flowing maxi dress with pink floral prints. Her hair flowed down from under her wide brimmed hat. She always liked sandals with little heels and the espadrille wedge was just the one.And
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