All Chapters of Entangled Sin : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 Chapters
Chapter 10
Just as it was enchanting for her, it only took less than three seconds for Stephano to abruptly pull away. His face dreaded with guilt as he looked at her. Rose felt something deep inside her chest. It meant something. It was her first ever kiss with a man and it was none other than Stephano. “...Am sorry,” He only could whisper before looking away. He felt ashamed for acting on an impulse. It shouldn't have happened. He was only worried about her and didn't mean to convey his worries for her in this manner. It felt wrong in so many distinct levels. He was with Angelique. He loved her with all of his heart and Rose, on the other hand was just a good friend. A friend very dear to him.Rose moved her fingers to trace her lips. She couldn't believe he had just kissed her. Call it a peck or just lips touching lips, the truth was he had disvirigined her lips. The loud thunder roared again but it's effect didn't shake the both of them who continued to sit under the heavy rain. “It was out
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Chapter 11
“Please come in Azazel,” Mr Foyer smiled warmly before eyeing Alana for a hint. Azazel slowly pushed the door open and walked in. His eyes glanced at Rose firstly before he turned his attention back towards Mr Foyer. On any normal occasion, Rose would be annoyed to even glance his way but since they had the heart to heart talk, Rose somehow thought he wasn't that bad.“How are you Mr Foyer? My brother told me what happened.”“Stephano was here?” Mr Foyer glanced at Rose and even Alana raised her brow a bit shocked. Azazel smiled with a nod. “Yes, but he had to return back to his party. There can't be a party without it's host right?” Mr Foyer chuckled with a nod. Rose looked over to Alana who already had lots of questions in her eyes and Rose only got her cheeks red and shy. She couldn't stop thinking about how Stephano kissed her at the cemetery. It was still a fresh memory fully and permanently engraved in her mind.“Am glad you're doing alright. My dad promises to visit you in the
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Chapter 12
Though Stephano was seen in all the photos and magazines with his dashing smile on the display, only he knew the inner turmoil that was surging through him. He didn't even have the time to talk with Angelique and Angelique knew when Stephano needed to be alone. “I'll leave now. It's okay if you don't want to talk but I want you to know am always here for you Stephano.” Angelique rubbed his shoulders but her words only made Stephano more restless. The vivid image of him kissing Rose continued to play more and more in his head. Rose was his best friend. They were only in the friend zone and he loved the woman who was seated beside him right now. The door opened abruptly and prompted the two people in the room to look up straight to the door. Azazel walked in with his eyes only directed to his brother. “Can you leave us alone Angelique?” He asked calmly and Angelique smiled before she pulled Stephano towards her and kissed him. There was no hiding their relationship in front of Azazel.
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Chapter 13
Rose couldn't stop peering her eyes back and forth towards the wall clock in her office. She was already signing the last documents which Pamela had sent to her office. Stephano had given her a call to take her out on their usual outing every week. It was already five in the evening and she dropped her pen on her desk before spinning to her feet.She was excited more than ever just to spend time with Stephano. This wasn't their first outing together but this time it was totally different. Back then they only went on outings as friends. Even back then she had some insecurities thinking that Stephano only went out with her out of pity but today she wasn't. After knowing his feelings it was only natural and she couldn't help but think this was her first actual date with the man whom she loved so much with all her heart.She heard a knock on her door and Pamela walked in after Rose permitted her. “You have a pushed up meeting right now Ms Foyer...”“Please cancel it Pamela.” Rose already
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Chapter 14
One of Stephano's ranchmen came out of the stables with a horse. It was beautiful and light brown and it glistened like gold under the magical hour in the clouds. Rose fell instantly in love with it's beauty. “Would you like to ride it?” Stephano asked catching on her awe at the beauty. Rose immediately shooked her head. She did love the horse but she wasn't stupid to hurt herself if she got on the horse.“I can't... I don't know how to...” Rose hid her face with a small smile. She was embarrassed of this fact especially when it came to one of Stephano's hobbies. Since she could recall, she always wanted to be good at everything Stephano loved. It was a must she became very compatible with him in every sense. Only she wanted to be by his side.“I can teach you.” Stephano offered and walked ahead to hold the reins. Rose watched him pet the horse as he came towards her. She was nervous but since Stephano offered such a kind gesture, she would be foolish not to accept, and besides this c
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Chapter 15
“You.” She gave her honest answer.His eyes sparked slightly in both surprise and another hidden feeling. It was good to know what she thought of him. It shouldn't have mattered but it did matter to him what she thought of him. And now his heart wasn't restless but calm. Calm like the still waters.“You aren't saying anything?” Rose asked.“What should I say?” He looked at her. “Or what do you want my words to be when it comes out of my mouth?” A tugged up smile formed on his lips. He was anticipating her reaction towards his question. Rose inhaled before she looked ahead. The view of the city through it's lighted tall buildings came before her eyes. They were heading back into the city and although she would love to go back home, she did want to spend more time with him. His question baffled her all the more. Was he catching on towards her feelings. She wanted to say it but she had planned to reveal it on his birthday.She smiled again recalling their date before she said. “It's noth
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Chapter 16
Rose didn't know why she felt panic slowly making it's way inside her chest. The black car with the unknown driver kept on tailing them. “Who is following us?” Her voice came out shaky and low. “Don't worry Ms Foyer. I won't let anything happen to you. Please hang on tight.”Grant had taken another turn towards a more isolated road and he hoped to get away from them. Rose wondered what was happening. She didn't have any enemies and knew her business rivals won't stoop this low due to their reputation. “..Am calling the police right now.” She desperately rummaged through her bag for her phone and the bag fell from the seat due to her anxiousness.She reached down to grab her bag to now pick up her phone. She already dialed the police when the car came to an abrupt halt almost sending her to hit her head against the driver's seat. Her eyes looked ahead to spot a van blocking their path. It took her three seconds to figure out they were totally cornered and surrounded. “Stay in the car
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Chapter 17
“She's the woman you saw with him?” A deep threatening voice echoed in the silence. The entire room was bathed in nothing but darkness. Only the light emitting from the television which was capturing all of Rose's movements. “Am positive boss. I saw her with him in one of his properties outside the city.” Another manly voice replied. Both voices cold and thrilling.“Perfect. We've found his weakness. Now, let's see how this all plays out.” The man with the much deep and cold voice said teasingly. “She's a blonde beauty. No wonder she swoops him off his feet. Got her full bio?” “Yes boss. Her name is Rose Foyer. Twenty-three years of age. Mother died while giving birth to her. Single father Mr Harold Grigg Foyer and C.E.O and owner of Foyer enterprises and it's branches located all over the world. She's also owns her own company that produces perfumes and her company is amongst the best there is in the country.” A hum was followed as a pair of sharp jade green eyes continued to stare
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Chapter 18
Rose refused to eat anything that was offered to her. She asked the servants who brought her food about their boss and specifically why she was being kidnapped and kept here. She had already deduced the fact that her kidnapping wasn't done for ransom. The whole room was filled with exquisite furnitures and a king sized mahogany bed. Expensive paintings hanged on the walls of the room. Each time she would ask about who kidnapped her, it felt like she was asking a brick wall or a robot because that was exactly how the maids were acting around her. They came earlier to drop her food and now they returned with dessert. Even their movements remained robotic and their expressions remained void of any clear visible emotions. They simply dropped the tray on the table and left immediately shutting the door.Rose sighed and couldn't even count for how many hours she had been locked up in this room. She could see the sun slowly setting from the locked windows and she thought of her father. She
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Chapter 19
She thought she was going to pass out at any second. His hands had gripped her throat hard and he didn't even flinch on wanting to end her life. Rose's eyes were widely open and tears squeezed out as her lungs continued to desperately grasp for the air. Despite the air fully surrounding her, she couldn't inhale any of it because of her closed throat. She was close to giving up as everything in front of her was getting hazy and blurry.The door was opened with an abrupt bang and two men rushed in before an older man with bits of grey hair on his almost bald head walked in. Those two men rushed over to grab Sayidrad by the arm forcing him to let go of Rose. Sayidrad's eyes were red and he wasn't seeing anything not even the pain of the woman who was close to giving up.The two men got him away from Rose in time and Rose had to inhale deeply with her chest hurting her in the process. She coughed while holding her chest as she stared at Sayidrad in horror and fear. She instinctively glued
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