All Chapters of Entangled Sin : Chapter 51
51 Chapters
Chapter 50
Stephano's eyes were blazing with rage as he watched the news of her engagement to his own twin brother. Their engagement was filling the entire Internet since last night and taking the entire media by storm.To think he was holding himself for four days to give her time. Time to accept that they belonged together. Only he knew how cruel it was for him to not pick up his phone and call her, nor even choose to drive over to see her. Back at his office he saw how scared she was of him for the very first time. He saw fear and terror gleaning in her blue pooled eyes.And, he only got to his office this morning after forcing himself out of bed because all he dreamt about was her. It was the only place he could find her looking at him with all the love she had for him. It was only in his dreams that she was willing to kiss him and allow him to make love to her countless times. His heart was aching beyond measure and all he longed for was to see her. But this time he had chosen to not think
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