All Chapters of Entangled Sin : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
51 Chapters
Chapter 20
Rose jolted awake and almost fell off the bed when she heard loud noises and more precisely gun shots echoing everywhere. She didn't know when sleep had fully taken control over her but right now her heart was going to burst right out of her chest. She was beyond terrified and clutched the sheets closer to herself and she gulped. The gun shots were becoming more relentless and it was in the middle of the night.She only prayed a silent prayer and hoped she won't die tonight. She still had a lot of unresolved matters to attend to before she was to ever want to kick the bucket. Her body shooked like a leaf once she saw the door knob of the door moving. Someone was opening her door and she wondered if those people came to also shoot her. It was sounding like a damn massacre out there and already the pungent smell of blood was already reaching her nostrils. She only has tears pool in her eyes and looked up to the ceiling before asking God why her. She was going to be killed once that door
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Chapter 21
“Am in love with you Stephano De Luan.” Stephano couldn't look away from her eyes. He saw only nothing but truth fueling out from those cerulean eyes of hers. She was desperate as she said those wonderful words to him. He remained still trying to process her words and it all began to make sense shortly in his brain. The way she looked at him, that feeling she always ignited around him and her always keeping him on the pedestal. It all made perfect sense.He felt her hands move up to hold his face. He saw tears pouring from her glassy eyes. She licked her lips and one more look at her lips was enough to throw his senses away. He pulled her closer to touch her lips with his. He groaned in her mouth and he could feel Rose's hands now move up and down his body in a passionate manner.Rose felt like she was already standing on fluffy clouds and the Greek angel kissing her lips and taking her soul away with him. She felt his hands grab a hold of her nape in a tight way which caused her to t
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Chapter 22
Rose was busy on the phone with her father. Her smile continued to glow on her face as she spoke. “What happened my dear? Who saved you? And...where are you right now?” Mr Foyer asked over the phone. “Am fine daddy and I can't tell you anything right now. What I can tell you is that am safe and I'll return back home tomorrow. I just called so you don't have to worry about me anymore.” Rose repiled before she asked, “Is Alana with you daddy?”“Yes dear. She hasn't stopped crying and worrying about you since this morning. I'll put her on.” The phone got connected once more and Rose heard Alana's panicked voice over the phone. “My dear girl. Where are you and who kidnapped you?” Alana asked breathlessly.“I can't tell you much about what happened but only that am safe and will return home tomorrow morning. Please don't worry about me Alana.” Rose smiled and couldn't be more grateful for having these two people in her life. “You have no idea how much I've been praying since this morning. I
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Chapter 23
Stephano's lips continued to now trace down her long swan like neck. It had never looked so beautiful and tempting under the lampshade. His hands were already shamelessly exploring all of her parts and Rose's moans continued to fill the entire space of the room. Her eyes did flutter open for a second thinking she was still in a dream. Only to receive yet another wet kiss on her nape to tell her this was her reality. Her reality which she enjoyed right now. She felt her body flying so high and her heart almost beating out of her chest. She couldn't still believe she was now completely stark naked in front of Stephano. Her body looked so delicious and scrumptious. He drew in a breath and he liked what was in front of him. Never had he imagined to be blessed with such a divine body. And, that too from a woman like Rose. Right now he was glad that no man had dared to touch this unbloomed flower. But he was going to make her rose bud bloom tonight. Using his hands to grab her thighs and h
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Chapter 24
Stephano came to settle in the bathtub with Rose already in. Fresh scents of hibiscus and lavender permeated in the air and Stephano drew her close to him. Her back colliding with his chest. For some reason his heart was beating faster than normal. And he wondered if it was because of Rose's presence.He leaned down to kiss her shoulders while roaming his hands on her body. Rose giggled and gulped when his scent found it's way to her nostrils. She couldn't believe she was now seated in a bathtub with a fully naked Stephano. She felt like light air passing admist the big chunks of fluffy clouds. A fresh scenery which she felt at this moment with this strong man by her side. The bathroom was lighted in all areas and she could see him much better. Half of his naked body was deep under the soapy bubbled water and her eyes wrestled open when she felt something hard poking her bare ass underwater.She felt his hands now making their way to her breasts and she only laid her head against his
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Chapter 25
Rose's POV This was really happening. I stared in front of the mirror in the bathroom and saw the eminent glow on my face. To think that I just kissed Stephano minutes ago before walking in here only told me that all of these wasn't a dream. It was still a bit difficult to believe that we were actually in a relationship. We hadn't talked about it but last night said it all. There wasn't need for words. I found myself jumping in excitement and let a tear fill my eyes. It was a dream come true. The man whom I love so much with all of me also loves me back. He didn't say it to me last night but he did tell me countless times in the past. I couldn't see it earlier but now i do. I feel like such a fool for not realizing his advances in the form of being my friend. He actually loved me and I saw it as the reason why he was always there when I felt all alone and unwanted. I touched my face and giggled from ear to ear knowing that it wasn't too late. We had hit it off and even though someti
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Chapter 26
Stephano's POV Recalling her angelic smile always puts me in such high spirits. I don't know why it felt very different spending time with her this time. This wasn't the first time we even stayed on the same bed or should I say a mat. I remember camping during our end of highschool. I shared my mat with her because at the time no one wanted to have her as a partner. I just knew I loved being with her last night. And, I wanted to have that chance again. Lighting up my cigarette, I held it between two of my fingers and directed it straight for my lips. I was in my chamber and already I could smell her presence all around me. Her ambience seemed to be stuck on my body and I feel the scratches on my back from her nails dug in me. There was this kind of rush of emotions that pounded me. When I saw her eyes staring up to me with watery eyes that only spoke of her honest love for me, I knew I wanted her close. I wanted her to only look at me with the love she said she felt for me. I believ
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Chapter 27
Rose brought the bouquet closer to her nose and perceived the sweet roses. A smile adorned her face and she looked up to Stephano with pure love. “These are beautiful.” She uttered as her cheeks tainted red when she found him looking at her with so much interest. She had expected him earlier but now seeing him come through her balcony was another feeling altogether.“I thought you wouldn't come.” She said and looked everywhere except at him. Stephano got his other foot into her bedroom and smiled down at her. “I always keep my promises my babygirl. You should know that about me by now.” His words were unknowingly stirring up her insides and she felt flushed. It was true. Stephano always kept his promises by always being by her side when she needed him the most. The only person who didn't judge her and now taking this next step with her. She was on typical cloud nine.She held his hand and led him more into her bedroom. It was the first time she had welcomed anyone other than her fathe
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Chapter 28
Rose woke up to have her body caged by two pairs of calloused hands. His scent evaded her sense of smell and looked down to also see his left leg towering over her her right knee. She could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as his front clashed against her back. A bright smile played on her face. She recalled last night and the thought of her loosing her virginity to Stephano was only making her heart slowly flutter.“Thank you God,” She slowly uttered her thanks as her bright innocent eyes stared up to heaven. She only wanted this from God for as long as she was taught how to pray. She only asked God for one thing. To make Stephano love her the way she had always loved him for years. And her prayer seemed to have become more than a far fetched dream. It was now a reality. She closed her eyes tightly causing a tear to squeeze out from both her tightly shut eyes and clasped both her hands together. Her face still staring up to heaven.“Please God. Don't let anything nor anyone se
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Chapter 29
Feeling her lips against his was supposed to feel good and satisfying. It was to be tempting for him to now grab her thin fancy dress and tear it apart to reveal her naked body to him. But this time Stephano felt nothing. He was blank and his heart didn't rush up like it should have. His arms were still down on both sides of his body and he didn't react to even welcome her properly by caging her waist. On the contrary, he felt she was intruding by coming over to his home. His eyes were still opened and didn't even shut for a second to welcome her kiss. Her kids felt bland and not nourishable for his mouth. Stephano pulled away immediately and Angelique looked into his eyes. His eyes which didn't return her gaze and looked everywhere except at her. Even Angelique could feel something was cold about him. His expression was boldly written on his face. It seemed she had come at a bad time. “How did you get in?” His voice was cold matching his expression. Angelique blinked and wondered w
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