All Chapters of Entangled Sin : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
51 Chapters
Chapter 40
“You use your story to get pity as your strength. So that everyone feels sorry and comes to you. You even go ahead to steal other people's boyfriends!...” And, Rose had tears in her eyes but the last part of Angelique's words got to her. Her body trembled and her hand already moved up to slap her across the face.“How dare you...” Angelique got her hands towards Rose's hair but she was quick to grab Angelique's arm in mid air. Her blue cerulean eyes were fierce and sharp. Her lips did quiver but her expression was that of an angry woman. Angelique blinked gritting her teeth before shoving her arm away.“You will respect me.” Rose said. She was done and tired of being the victim without raising her voice. Not once did she dare to fight back but this time she wasn't going to let Angelique get away with her insult. She was no longer the timid and low self esteemed girl from the past. She had decided to turn away from her past the moment she walked out of her home tonight.Angelique took
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Chapter 41
Stephano checked the time on his wristwatch for the umpteenth time. He wondered why Rose hadn't yet returned back. His gaze kept on lingering in the direction to which she had disappeared. How long did it take just to apply some touch-ups? He drew a breath and thought of looking for her but then heard the sounds of the loud thunder and lightning. Taking his eyes towards the large opened windows, the heavy rain came like snow and along with it came with a strong breeze. And, his mind thought of her. Her smile which could light up his entire world. He was still anxious about her not returning. He was tapping his feet continuously and couldn't wait any longer. The woman was taking too long to arrive and he wanted this out of the way. If this could mean that Rose could only belong to him then he wouldn't mind at all. He was ready to take it without any ease. His insides were jolting up with impatience and with a low hiss straightened his suit. He decided to go and bring her out to the
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Chapter 42
Stephano was horrified to the bones as he knelt by the bathtub to pick her up. Getting her out of the tub, Rose instantly coughed before her lashes fluttered to then reveal her dull eyes. Her eyes were heavily burdened with her sadness and his strong betrayal. She looked up to him as he nessled her up into his arms. His eyes gazing at her with tenderness. His hold on her, soft but firm. His heart wasn't at ease seeing how she almost tried to kill herself. And, it was all because of him. “What are you doing here?...And, put me down.” Her tone came out sharp but also hazy from weakness. Her tender eyes glared sharply at him. Her face scrunched with anger and hatred as the source of her anger was staring right at her. “A-Are you alright baby?...” Stephano asked softly. His voice going so low that it was merely a whisper. He was heaving a sigh of relief that he got to her on time before she could harm herself. He knew he wouldn't be able to go on without her. “I said put me down!” She
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Chapter 43
Rose flickered her eyes open. Her eyes were first casted upon the familiar ceiling in her bedroom. She hissed a little feeling a little pang in her head. “You are awake my love.” Her gaze sharply turned to her right to see Stephano seated so close to her on the bed. His eyes on her were soft and a smile adorned his lips. His expression had softened and his lips let out constant sighs of reliefs. Rose only blinked at him but didn't say anything before she felt him holding her hand and bringing it to his lips. He gently pecked her hand not taking his adoring eyes away from her. The eyes that would once stir her insides. And, now she only looked at him coldly. Wondering why he did what he did with her and somehow acting casual about it. It was irritating her more than ever. “You had a very high fever and your blood pressure spiked up a little. Thank God you are alright my love.” He brought her hand to kiss it again but she took her hand away from him before she turned to the opposite
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Chapter 44
“Mr De Luan? Your brother Mr Azazel De Luan has been arrested and confined at the police station.” “What are you saying? And, who's speaking to me on the phone?” Stephano asked dumbfounded. It couldn't be a prank call especially this late at night. “My name is Andrew, an officer at the station. Your brother is with us and in a cell. He's been arrested for murder.” The person on the other line repiled and Stephano blinked before getting into his car and seated behind the wheels. He disconnected the call immediately before driving towards the hospital. He refused to call his father right now until he knew the situation at the station. All the while he was wondering why Azazel had ties to a murder case. Sure Azazel was sometimes restless and doesn't think things through but it wasn't enough for him to be associated with killing someone. Stephano knew for certain that Azazel had never even touched a weapon used to kill before much less killing someone with it. It had to all be a misunde
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Chapter 45
“You want to travel to France?” Mr Foyer was surprised that his daughter asked for this. His brows knotted lowly eyeing his daughter who seemed to be in deep thoughts. Her fever had long subsided and she was a lot better. “Any sudden commitments or plans over here dear?” He enquired but only realizing Rose wasn't even paying attention. She had been in her own world since he walked into her room this morning to check up on her health. “Rose? What's the matter?” He held her hand and Rose had to blink before looking at her father. “What were you saying father....” “I was asking why the sudden trip to France? And, right now?” Rose forced a smile before shifting on her bed. “There is nothing as such father. I just want to take some weeks break from here that's all. Yesterday's launch party was a success thanks to Alana and so I would like to provide myself a solo vacation. Just to relax.” She said but she knew this was her only way to escape from Stephano. She didn't like his tone and wh
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Chapter 46
“You are here?” Rose refused to turn around before gulping. She had her eyes situated against a center table with a flower vase on it in the middle of the front hallway. She inhaled before his steps came to echo in her ears more profoundly. He was in front of her in seconds. Her eyes were casted everywhere except at him. This was what she was afraid of. To bump into him at his home and now thinks of going back into her car. The atmosphere was already beyond tense at the De Luans home and she didn't want to interfere. “Won't you even look at me once sweetheart?” Stephano asked softly bearing a smile. His face was hard and clenched on his way to his home. After seeing the news had somehow gotten to the media this morning, he was as mad as a burning volcano ready to erupt. He wondered the rat who dared to film the entire scene at the station last night and now have it broadcasted. He was going to eliminate that rat once he gets that person out of hiding. He already knew his father wo
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Chapter 47
Azazel was seated by the bar and already twirling his tumbler while staring into space. His face completely dull and frigid. Rose made her way into the room and saw his back completely stretched out on both sides giving his back view a more rigid look. It seemed Azazel took notice of her presence as he snapped his neck behind to now look at her. He wasn't surprised to see her but he was rather more disappointed at himself. He couldn't manage to stop his family's reputation from now going under. To think that his father had made a prediction like this years ago. “Leave me alone. I don't want to see anyone.” He said gulping his brandy and stomping the tumbler against the table. He turned his back to Rose once more before pouring himself another drink. A little sniffle followed and Rose only got her other foot inside the all silent room except the whistle sound of brandy being poured into the glass. Her heels made a creek noise against the marbled ties as she approached him. Even she
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Chapter 48
“Yes miss. I know who you are. Your assistant called in minutes ago to cancel your flight.” Tania answered and Rose blinked before she sat more upright on her seat. “What?... My flight was cancelled?...”There was a slight pause over the phone before Tania got her voice back. “Yes miss. It's...on our records. It was done from the higher-ups that you chose to cancel your flight at last minute.” Rose felt a little disoriented, probably because the brandy was beginning to show it's effect.“It must have been a mistake. Reschedule please...” Rose almost stated in a panic.“We can't do that miss. You'll have to board the next plane that goes to France...”“And, when does the next plane leave for France?,” Rose quickly intercepted her speech feeling her heart pounding a little. The thought of someone who had cancelled her flight continued to cross her mind. She knew Pamela won't have been behind all of this so her mind only went to someone in particular. Someone whose mind could become cyni
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Chapter 49
Stephano De Luan. That very day he extended his hand towards her. A truce for the beginning of a friendship. Somehow Rose knew that it was a deep feeling at first sight. Even before the word love could be imprinted in her head as a concept, she knew she felt something strong for Stephano. She could vividly recall each and every detail. His face was almost unreadable but his eyes were fierce and sharp piercing towards her. She remembered his left foot was in front and his right foot a little behind giving that pose of a poise gentleman in a black suit. His hair a little tousled to one side but was still gelled to perfection. How one strand was so stubborn that it tried to massacre his entire hair but couldn't because he was just so... beautiful with his alluring eyes. His right hand extended towards her as she only clunged her notepad towards her aching and heaving chest. He had taken her to a corner away from Angelique and the other kids. She recalled not even able to muster up a th
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