All Chapters of Entangled Sin : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
51 Chapters
Chapter 30
Rose walked into her office after the meeting. She hadn't expected the meeting to be brief and only few altercations before launch date. She had time on her hands and moved to settle herself on her seat before she heard something hit the windows. It began to pour slightly and the sky was a little gloomy but not dark enough for a storm. She admired the rain and always thought of it as a sign of good luck. It was the drought after the long avid season. A spring break after the pass of summer. She stood up and walked over to the window which viewed the spun city at large. Tall towers standing tall and reaching the clouds. A reminder of how she was also an established woman owning a multimillion company. All of her achievements went solely to two people in her life. The first was God and the second was Stephano who believed she was truly capable of coming out of it. She couldn't help but reminisce his touch and kisses all over her body. Last night played like a video in her mind. She had
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Chapter 31
Stephano opened the door and moved to the left to let Rose walk in first. Stepping into his home already felt like her new home. She felt okay and at peace. They had dinner outside and even took a walk around the vicinity on foot. Despite coming from a wealthy family, Stephano always caught Rose's nature so down to earth. There was always something simple in her and he didn't know why he was being drawn to that. The complete opposite of Angelique.“Welcome to my humble abode, Again.” He smiled and got his hands on her waist quickly. Rose didn't flinch and loved his hands on her. She turned her neck around to get a closer view of his face. “Am sorry I was in a rush to get you out of the house. It wasn't my intention at all.” He didn't have to explain himself but for some reason he felt like doing so. He wanted no doubts in her mind regarding him. He wanted to play it safe with Rose. Rose shooked her head choosing to pass it off as just a hitch. Her endearing smile captivated him. She w
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Chapter 32
Stephano moved in his sleep and scrunched his brows when he felt the other side of his bed cold and...empty? His eyes quickly opened to fully register her absence. He was laying on his front and the sheets covering his lower nakedness. The room still reeked of her scent and he wondered where his little rose had run off to.He pulled himself out of bed and picked up his boxers from the floor. He got into the bathroom and she wasn't there. Though the scent of humidity was still permeating into the air meaning someone had taken a shower not too long ago. He made his way of his room and got down the small trail of stairs.Rich scents got through his nostrils and he made his way towards the kitchen. And, there his baby was. She was chopping some onions and occasionally wiped her watery eyes. Her hair was tied in a messy bun with strands of her hair all over her face. She was focused on the task she was handling.Looking to his left where the stove was, Stephano found a pot on the stove and
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Chapter 33
Stephano was quick to grab her hand into his. His eyes drifted down to their hands together before he blinked and took his eyes back up to stare at her face. Rose was disappointed. He could see it in her beautiful innocent eyes. Even her eyes were as pure as her. They never hid anything. She was as transparent as the purity of water.He didn't know why his chest felt so tight all of a sudden. He wasn't one who begged anyone nor cared to give explanations outside his family. Only his mother had the full rights to be disappointed in him and scold him and he would have to pacify her. No one came close but Stephano was finding himself thinking of ways to convince her. He hated that look she gave him. It was a cruel thing straight to his heart. He squeezed her hands gently into his and he was a little calm knowing she didn't take her hand away. There was a chance for him to easily solve this issue. He could still find his way back into her heart to pacify her. It wasn't like Rose was goin
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Chapter 34
Stephano made Rose get up to her feet before he also got up from the dining chair. His eyes never left her mouth. Dark desires flooded in his features and Rose could already sense something was cooking deviously inside his head. He kicked aside the chair and eyed her deeply. He wanted to ravage her reaction to what he had proposed. “I hope you heard what I said baby?” He wanted to confirm if she got what he said. She had to become his words were simple and very straight forward. He tried to hold himself from smirking too much inorder not to alarm her. He could already sense her tense aura from a mile away. Her flushed face indicates she did understand what he was offering she do to him. “...I...” She gulped and Stephano quickly dashed his eyes towards her neck bone that moved when she swallowed. Rose couldn't stare at him anymore and was now staring at the floor. Her ears were ringing and she wonders if she could do it. She had heard about deep throating in many of the erotica novel
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Chapter 35
Stephano entered his little penthouse after an hour later. He had a long run to clear up his thoughts. He was so pissed off and thought the outside air would be able to diminish his anger. It fuelled him knowing for a fact that Rose failed to please him. It angered him to see that she wasn't able to keep a simple request he had made of her. She was to do everything for him. This was the price of her love for him. If she wanted him then she had to play by his own rules and commands. She had to obey his every word and consider his orders as absolute.“Rose...” This time he used her name instead. His chest still heaved a little annoyance but all he wanted now was to see her. There wasn't any response from her side and his eyes went up to his room. There was no sign of her in the kitchen nor in any place downstairs. He made his way up the stairs and got into his room.He was a little surprised to find his room completely empty. There was no trace of Rose in any corner of his room. “Baby?.
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Chapter 36
Rose surprisingly slept well throughout the night. She dreamt of him again. His face taunted her every dreams. His lips wearing that smirk to dare her to never think of him again. To try her hardest to snatch him away from her heart. It was almost an impossible task and even Rose wasn't willing to do that just yet. The next morning she woke up in very high spirits. She had expected to be down still since she left Stephano's penthouse. But that wasn't the case at all. Her body felt light and ready for the eventful day ahead. Rose stared towards her opened window where the sun was slowly peeking it's head out from the fluffy chunks of clouds dancing in the sky. It was such a lovely day. She got her feet down to the floor and had her neck turned towards her left. And, there it was. The big basket filled with red roses. It's fragrance was still fresh and plunged around her room. She didn't know what to think of it but knew she needed to get her feelings in check. She cleared her throat b
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Chapter 37
It was late in the afternoon and nearing evening. The sun was already setting in the west with the skies in a slow crimson orange glow. It looked beautiful and breathtaking. Rose stared at the vast sky from her window. It was about time for her to step out. One of the maids were sent to call her downstairs. Rose inhaled and released her breath. She had a wide smile on her face. She was ready to take on the entire world. Walking on the stairs leading her down, Rose was quick to spot her father by the end of the stairs. He was looking so handsome in his ash coloured suit and a black bow tie around his neck. “Here's the most beautiful flower in my entire world.” Mr Foyer announced already taking in his daughter's beauty. And, he couldn't help but see his late wife in Rose. Rose looked just like her mother in that black gown. Her blue eyes were prominent and matched that of the blue sea bathed under the magical starry night. “Thank you daddy.” Rose smiled more getting into her dad's arm
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Chapter 38
The launch party fully began and the various ranges of perfumes were now being displayed to the hundreds of people present in the hall. Rose took this opportunity to step out. She did bump into few people that congratulated her on her trials. She never expected for people to look at her life in this manner. And, it felt good.She took a right to the next hall which was quiet and more sutle. She could still hear noises from the hall at the left but she was currently standing at a balcony enjoying the night view. The stars were twinkling so brightly in the night. Even the moon was full tonight. The little wind came to hit her face in a gentle touch. For the first time Rose smiled at everything in her life. How she refused to be pathetic and decide not to fight to reach where she was right now.She heard footsteps reaching her ears and before she could turn to see who it was, her nostrils quickly inhaled his cologne. Her body got more relaxed before fixing her gaze back into the night sk
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Chapter 39
Rose held a glass in her hand while sashaying amongst the most popular perfumers and advertising her lastest brand. She received lots of compliments about the real deal behind Rose Gold. And, was even praised by her zeal and determination to pull forward despite the hurdles that came her way. The night was still young and continued with many people slowly making their way to the middle floor for a dance. A live sutle music was in the air and Rose was still seated watching the guests already holding their partners in their arms and moving their body to the beat. And, she recalls how she had never had the dance with a partner before. She couldn't even dance nor bothered to learn. She even caught a glance of Pamela making out with a tall french man. Rose sipped on her champagne and moving her head to the music. It was a romantic song that went well with the vibes of the place. Even the lights had dimmed right now. “You look cold over here,” Rose looked up to see Azazel in front of her.
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