All Chapters of Becoming the Alpha's Blind Maid: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
70 Chapters
Ace glared hard at his father. “Have you made it your duty to start monitoring me now?”Alpha Larole eyed his son warily, lips pursed. “You know, it's just a yes or no.”Ace got on his feet, his footsteps echoing against the marble floors. “I don't need your interference, father,” he declared, his voice tinged with defiance.The Alpha looked at his son, his steely gaze softening. His son may be an adult but he wasn't wise. “Son, all I desire is a strong grandson, to ensure the legacy of our family continues and you can't have any relationship with the maid! It's prohibited.”“That's your rule, not mine!” He spat and raked his fingers through his hair. “It's all your fault all of this is happening.”Alpha Larole got on his feet and turned to Ace, “I know you're mad at me Ace, but someday you'll understand what I'm doing all of this.”“It's for your own selfish reasons,” he pointed out, his anger refusing to abate. “I would never understand a man who makes decisions for his child withou
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ALYSSAAlyssa was exhausted and couldn't keep going so they had to end the game. If she pushed her body to go harder than this, then she wouldn't be able to use it in a week.And bedrest was something she could never get at Alpha Larole's abode. She and Axel had pushed themselves to their limits. It was a relentless battle but she had conquered.They sat on the chairs nearest to them, panting and trying to suck in oxygen. It seemed as though they had been deprived of it for ages. Alyssa closed her eyes and leaned against the chair while her sweat drenched clothing clung to her body like second skin. Axel's eyes were fixed on her, never blinking.Who was this woman? How could her small frame work so well? She looked fragile on the outside but at battle she wasn't shaken.“I'm sorry about your stomach,” Axel almost whispered. “Does it still hurt?”Alyssa nodded, “It's alright. I had fun.”“People who say fighting is fun are psychopaths,” Brooklyn chipped in.“You know you'll be doing ev
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“Enough Ethan. I've had a really amazing yet tiring day and I still have a journey ahead. Can you please not talk to me about the Beta?” She said wearily.Ethan sighed. “I just don't get it.”“You don't have to,” Alyssa retorted. “His sister called me pigshit and she thinks I'm being nice because I want to get in bed with her brother. I don't even want her brother!”“I thought you weren't bothered by that,” he said.Alyssa scoffed. “She's mad stupid and let this be the last time you bring up mating with Axel because it's never going to happen.”“Fine then, enjoy your time at the Alpha’s. Working and scrubbing your days away like some cinderella. Except this time you've got no prince coming to save you.”Alyssa paused at the door with her bag, “Screw you Ethan. And I mean it.”***“You came in late today,” Alpha Larole said as he watched Alyssa.She blushed and clutched her bags tightly. “I'm sorry, Alpha.”He nodded, “Did you have fun with your brother?”“Yes I did.”“And so far…Has t
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Lydia froze in the spot, her heart pounding loudly in the chest. Has Ace been watching her for long? Had he seen Alyssa's face? Had he seen her hit the maid? Lydia quickly stood in front of Alyssa, trying to block her from Ace's sight.Alyssa's eyes opened. She had been expecting the slap to descend on her but just as she had expected, the Alpha had showed up.“Pick the veil and get out,” Lydia whispered to her.Alyssa did as she was told, grateful to Ace for coming to the rescue. She had felt him coming, her wolf had alerted her. Although she had hoped he would come forward to protect her, she knew it was impossible as Lydia wasn't only his girlfriend but also his mate to be.“What are you doing down?” Ace asked his girlfriend, pretending to be oblivious to the maid running off.“Um, checking the yard. It rained heavily, you know, and the whole place is a mess.” Lydia said, trying to conceal her panic with a bright smile.“Since when did you care about the yard?” Ace asked, arching a
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ACELust.He didn't know if that was what to call it but it was beyond his control. Perhaps it was the heat of the moment but whatever it was, he didn't want it to end.He pushed Alyssa in and pinned her to the bed with his body.Ever since their encounter at Axel's villa, he had craved her more than ever. It was a hunger that couldn't be quenched and in his head he had done things to her. He didn't want to fuck her in his head anymore, he wanted to birth his fantasies.Alyssa watched him with bewildered eyes. “What are you doing?” She whispered but he silenced her with his mouth. He crashed his lips against hers, wanting to devour her, his hunger growing insatiable with every second.But Alyssa was adamant. She refused to kiss back, her heart racing with fear and excitement. What If someone came in and saw them? She would be dead.Noticing her reluctance, Ace pinched the peak of her nipple and she gasped out in shock. He forcefully shoved his tongue in her mouth and began kissing her.
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Ace retired to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. He messed up again. He pummelled a punch at the bag in his room in anger. Why didn't he get a hold of himself? Why did she have to be so irresistible? The first time he let his wolf take the lead, he had to fuck it up.He shrugged out of his clothes and went to the bathroom for a shower. He let the water wash over him and wash out the anger that had seeped into his veins.“You should have been gentle,” his wolf said.STAY AWAY.“You left her alone,”Silence.“She didn't deserve that,” his wolf persisted.The. One. Time. Just one time I let you take the lead and guess what? We were kicked out.“You weren't listening to her. You put yourself before her. You should have asked for consent,” his wolf pointed out.Oh? She wanted me too.“She was scared. You were carried away. She told you to stop but you didn't. She'd think you don't validate her feelings.”Ace growled, shunning his wolf. He didn't want any more lectures. He was stil
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ALYSSAA mate and a brother. She had never been more perturbed in her life. She knew Ethan's strength but she didn't know Ace's. She didn't know who would win and deep down she had a premonition that Ethan could fail.But if he did win, she wouldn't dare watch the game on the field because Ace will definitely see her.“What makes you think you can beat the Alpha though?” Alyssa asks because her brother appeared too optimistic. There wasn't a trace of doubt in his words.He smiled and nudged her in the arm. “Because I'm prepared.”“You don't feel scared?” Alyssa inquired.He shrugged. “It's just the Alpha’s son. Nothing else.”She patted him in the back, “I believe you baby brother. But still don't be overly positive. Also believe things may not go your way.”Ethan stopped in his tracks and turned to look at his sister. He was bewildered. Did she think he would fail?“Are you saying all of these because it's the Alpha’s son? You always believed in me. Why are you so doubtful now?”Aly
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Axel and Alyssa sat on the couch after dinner while Ethan excused himself. Ever since their conversation about the Beta,he had been looking for ways to get them together again. But one thing was certain; she could never end up with the Beta.He was fun and the way his eyes lit up like a thousand torches whenever he spoke about things he was passionate about made her heart race and she found herself smiling at everything he said.“Alyssa, would you go to mines?” He asked, locking eyes with her.Her smiles gradually wore off till all that was left was a thin line. “Huh?” I asked.“The thing is you're really skilled. You're a strong person and very ambitious too,” he said, gesturing with his hands. “But still, you need training.”She scoffed, “I don't think so. I know enough to protect myself. I don't think I need something more.”“If you're determined to stay within a circle you'll never find your way out. You'll just keep going and going but there won't be any progress,” He said.Alyss
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ALYSSAAs quickly as it came, sadly it was gone. Her weekend was over and she had to return back to the Alpha’s house. Her brother and her had barely said anything to themselves and she had to be the bigger person against her will.Although he didn't understand, she told him the best way she could and if he wasn't still going to understand, he could deal with it himself.She settled in and changed into her work clothes and got to work. She had no idea if Axel was around and even if he was, she was unsure of how to face him. She would apologise for asking him to leave. He was still the Alpha regardless of the mate bond. His absence gave her a sense of security and relief.She quickly did the chores and the butler's job. The task assigned to her by Lydia. She was slowly doing everyone's task. Whenever Lydia decided she didn't want a worker in the house and chased them, Alyssa was the one to take up their position.She finished her work on time so she could steal away into the yard. She
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Lydia froze in the spot, her eyes wife with rage as she glared at Alssa. Ace swallowed as he watched in silence while Alyssa stood still, unsure of what to do. She was covered in sweat from working and the two appeared to have been returning from somewhere.“What are you doing here?” Lydia demanded through gritted teeth. She looked scary.“Cleaning,” Alyssa said as she slowly retreated.“Where is your veil?” She demanded, each word dripping like venom.That was when it occurred to Alyssa. Again she had fucked up. This time she wasn't going to be spared. Alyssa bowed her head, “I'm sorry,” she said and sprinted.Lydia's heart thumped loudly. That coward had betrayed her. She had revealed her identity. Now Ace would know she was a beautiful person and that she had lied about the eye infection. How was she going to explain to him now? He wouldn't even believe her.“Um, I should go now,” Lydia whispered in a shaky voice .“Why?” Ace inquired. “I thought we were supposed to spend the whole
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