All Chapters of Becoming the Alpha's Blind Maid: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
70 Chapters
Before Axel saw Alyssa, he had been feeling unsettled. It was like a premonition and he couldn't stay still. He left the work he was doing with Ace and told him he'd be back to complete it the next day. He grabbed his coat and took a stroll into the cold and dark night.Everything seemed normal but it wasn't until when his mind was made up to go back to the back that he heard the snarls and grunts of werewolves. Curious, he traced the sounds and scent to a corner where he found werewolves fighting and beating someone. He picked up a faint cry— Alyssa?Anger rushed in his veins and he began to beat one of the werewolves but before could deal with that one, he saw the rest had been brought down by— Ace?What was he doing here? He didn't even tell him where he was at but he may have probably sensed that something wasn't right too.He chased after Ace and pulled him roughly by the arm. “Alpha, she's wounded and losing a lot of blood too. We need to get her to the hospital.”“And I said
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“Thank you for the whole thing. For saving me and helping me,” Alyssa said as they walked out of the hospital.Axel shrugged. “It's nothing. Here's your medication. I will call you from time to time to remind you to take them.”Alyssa smiled at him.“Oh I won't forget.”He shook his head, “It doesn't matter. I'll remind you and also, do not stress out.”“I'll sleep for a whole week,” she joked. “But really I'm grateful and I'll pay you back somehow.”Axel furrowed his brows in confusion. “Pay me back? You're joking right?”“No I'm not. I'm grateful but I will pay you back,” Alyssa said, remembering that all things came with a price tag. And men were never the type to do something without wanting something in return.”Axel sighed. He knew better than to argue with Alyssa. She was stubborn and regardless of what he would tell her, she would always do what she wanted. He checked his wristwatch and then turned to her. “It's quite late already, let's get you home.”“Huh? Let's?” Alyssa inqu
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“Why're you doing this?” Alyssa asked Ace.Ace scoffed. “You think it's me? I'm not the one doing this Alyssa, it's you. It's all your fault this is happening. Why do you have to follow everyone?”She threw her hands in exasperation.“For Goddess’ sake I'm not following everyone. Axel is nothing but my friend. Why does his position have to be at stake because we're friends?”Ace shrugged. “I don't know, Alyssa. But it's up to you to decide if you want to be friends with him and make him lose his position or if you're going to avoid him and keep his position.”“I hate you Ace, I fucking hate you,” she said as tears streamed down her cheek. “I thought your father was worse but you, you're a demon.”He smirked and pinned her to the wall, scrutinising her expression with dark eyes. “I'll monitor you now, more than ever. And if you are seen with Beta Axel again you know what will happen. Or perhaps your brother works as a slave and wouldn't get the gamma position.”Alyssa's eyes darkened in
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Ace didn't say a word to Lydia that night. After his shower he got into his bed and turned his back to her without saying goodnight. He only asked her to turn off the light before going to bed. Lydia was pissed, she muttered to herself so many times but he refused to turn around to ask her what she was saying. He was too tired from a long day and after a forceful goodnight he closed his eyes. After a few minutes, he fell asleep.Lydia forced herself out of bed and put on some clothes to cover her bare body. She sat and watched Ace sleep. He looked so peaceful, she cracked a smile. She missed the old Ace. The one who always wanted to spend time with her, listen to her talk and didn't like going a night without hearing how her day went. She missed the old Ace that would give her flowers for no reason and tell her how pretty she was. The old Ace who will notice every detail about her and want her everywhere she was.But this new Ace, it was so hard to adjust. He was cold. He was always a
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Alyssa was panicky when she saw Ace fall against her with the penknife plunged deep in his chest. His eyes slowly closed and Lydia screamed. “I didn't ask you to kill him or hit him,” she said and turned to her brother,”Get out of here before they get you.”“Oh my God,” Alyssa whispered, her hands trembling as she slowly pulled out the knife from Ace's chest. She stared at Lydia in disbelief. So Lydia had asked someone over to treat her wrongly and had ended up getting Ace injured.“Let go of him,” Lydia yelled and pulled Ace against herself. The guards stared at her in disgust and fear. “Help me take him to the car.”“I'll come with you,” Alyssa persisted.“No,” Lydia countered. “You'll sit your assistance down because this is all your fault. If only you had left, all of these wouldn't have happened.”“Like I was the one who sent someone over to kill me,” she said. “If anything bad happens to him, I hope you remain the unhappy desperate bitch that you are.”Lydia was stupefied but
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Alyssa stared at Lydia like she had lost her senses. Why did she give a listening ear to the lunatic, first of all? She eyes Lydia incredulously. “I have work tomorrow. I should be sleeping,” she said. “I bet you won't like me delaying tomorrow's work, would you.”“Why're you getting defensive?” Lydia asked as she neared her.“I'm not getting defensive. I'm getting pissed,” Alyssa said as she took her steps back and prepared herself for a fight.Lydia smirked. “I'm not fighting you, okay, so calm down and stop being such a baby. I'm only trying to help you.”“By proposing death?” Alyssa said in disbelief. “I know you want me dead but I didn't know it was this quick.”“I do want you dead,” Lydia said without hesitation. “But still, it's just creating death. Not really making you die.”Alyssa furrowed her brows in confusion. “I do not understand.”“Listen honey we're going to create death. I thought you were already smart enough to understand there's a difference by creating and causing
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First of all, it was the heat. It was hot, so hot she wondered what was happening. She remembered opening the windows but it was unbearably hot. Secondly it was the smoke that congested her nostrils. Alyssa forced her eyes open and was terrified when she found her room shrouded in thick smoke. She jumped from the bed and began to cough and tear up from the smoke.What the hell was happening? Before she could waste time wondering, she dragged herself to the door and forced it open, falling in the process. She didn't know how much smoke she had inhaled but she was sure it was a lot.Screams and cries for help broke out in the villa and Alyssa tried to find her way to the hallway. If she could make it past the hallways then she would be saved. But the smoke was too thick and she couldn't find her way. It was like a fog.She dragged herself to a wall, coughing and choking till her body couldn't take it anymore. She collapsed.***The fire had occurred in a cargo room of the staircase on t
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Dead but alive was how Alyssa felt. She felt as though she had fallen from the top of a building and had her skull cracked open. The pain and the aches were there. She could hear the screams and feel the heat but she wasn't there.She gasped and fluttered her eyelids open. She groaned out in pain, feeling sore all over. What happened to her? The feeling wasn't comforting. It was just painful.She felt high, too high from the floor and her body felt comfortable around the soft bed– soft bed? That's when it occurred to her. Where was she? She sat up hastily and took in her surroundings. The interior, the trophies and medals, the wolf art– It was all too familiar yet strange. She was in a room that clearly wasn't hers.No wonder she felt high. It was the bed. It was too comfortable but how the hell did she get here? She climbed out of bed and went to the mirror. It was now an habitual part of her.When she saw her reflection she screamed. She looked like a mummy. She was wrapped I'm gau
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“For now you have to stay hidden and keep your identity a secret. Lydia is consumed by jealousy and she would go any length to ensure you're destroyed. I know you don't trust me but can you be with me on this?”Altssa stared at Ebsy, as much as she hated to admit it, he was right.Her emotions were conflicted but there was nothing she could do. Appearing at the pack house like this would be sick and she still wanted to get revenge on Lydia. Her brother would be in pain.She closed her eyes. Ethan would hurt but she couldn't go back. At least not yet.Plus, her face was ruined and her body was hurt. But she was alive. All she had to do was wait till her body recovered so she could change her identity and start going out.“I agree,” she said.***Ace was rushed to the hospital again. After learning that the recovered body was Alyssa's he went into shock and fainted. He couldn't take it. Ethan got a call from the pack house and went to the hospital to confirm it by himself.“No it's not
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Alpha Larole walked in silently and stared at the scene going on and the mess Ethan had made. Ethan scattered everything on the table and they fell into a mess. The security officials grabbed him roughly by the shoulders, threatening to throw him out.“You all did this to my sister,” Ethan yelled as tears slipped down his eyes. “It's all your fault she's dead and I will never forgive you all.”Alpha Larole looked at Ethan sternly. “Go home and rest.”Ethan scoffed. “Now that Alyssa is dead, I should go home and rest? None of you ever let her rest. She was always scared to stay out or spend time with me. You bullied her.”“This man has been causing trouble, Alpha. It's best we throw him out. This is a hospital,” a nurse said to Alpha Larole.Ace sighed. “Let go of him please. It's all my fault all this is happening. My mismanagement contributed to it too. Alyss should never have stayed on the basement floor.”Everyone went silent and Lydia stared in confusion at Ace. She had expected h
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