All Chapters of Becoming the Alpha's Blind Maid: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
70 Chapters
Lydia collapsed on the ground, her face clouded with desperation. "It was all an accident," she pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just wanted to scare Alyssa. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”Ace's expression hardened, his patience evaporating. "An accident? The gone is gone, Lydia, and beyond rescue. What sort of scare involves life? Do you think sorry is enough?" His voice was a whip of anger.“I swear it was a little play. I never wanted for Alyssa to lose her life and it's no fault of mine she's dead Alpha. She's always wanted to leave but you held her down and she was tired. Dying made it easier.”Anger flowed through Ace's veins and he wanted to rip Lydia apart with his two hands. “You already told me that day that you were thinking about Alyssa's death. You've had this planned out for a long time, haven't you?”She smirked and brushed her tears away. “I did it because of you, Alpha. She was taking you away from me. We've been together since childhood.
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Ethan stood on the sidelines, shock evident in his face. Each word out of Ace’s mouth was like a dagger to his heart and the image of Alyssa's lifeless body flashed in his mind.His sister had been everything to him, and seeing her lying there, broken and lifeless, was almost too much to bear.His fists clenched tightly at his sides, nails digging into his palms. Every instinct screamed at him to lash out, to make someone pay for what had happened to his sister. And there, standing quietly with a regretful look on his face, was Ace. The Alpha, who should have protected Alyssa, who should have seen this coming.Ace met Ethan’s furious gaze with a calm, resigned expression. He was calm and it triggered Ethan. He wanted a reaction out of him but the Alpha stood strong. He must have been raised that way. To be strong, regardless of what life threw at him but it didn't work that way for Ethan.Ace knew the blame that burned in Ethan’s eyes. "I’m sorry, Ethan," he said softly. "If I had no
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Ethan, still not fully sober, had been crying uncontrollably, the pressure of his grief pulling him back into a fitful sleep. Axel watched helplessly, his own heart breaking at the sight of his friend's anguish. He helped his friend to the bed and began picking bottles, trying to clear up the mess.He opened the fridge and saw that Ethan was almost out of food. His kitchen was tidy so he knew Ethan hadn't been eating. He made a mental note in his head to get food from the store, for his friend.He glanced towards the kitchen where Alyssa would usually be, cooking for them. Her hair would be tied back and she would sometimes have a scowl on her face. Other times she will be all smiles and not mutter a word. Just listening, humming or minding her business. Then she would catch him staring at her and her cheeks would turn a beet red then she would blink and turn her eyes away shyly.He missed her.“How I wish you were here, Alyssa. If you were here, you'll know what to do. Ethan misses
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After a thorough investigation, Ebsy's subordinate finally came back with a positive response. He informed the Alpha that the toxin was from a wild plant that grew in Blood Moon. Lydia's hometown in specific. He also told him that no one had access to the plant except Lydia's father.“It's an expensive one and you can only lay your hands on it or have it if you've got influence or support.”“Influence or support?” He asked in confusion. “What type of support are we talking about, first?”“They know the importance of the flower,” his subordinate said. “They grew it specially for themselves. For a reason only they know about.”Ebsy stood up in anger. He already hated Lydia but finding out his sister got things from her secretly,drove him to anger. “She has to be punished and I'll make sure she suffers.”“Don't,” Alyssa said, grabbing Ebsy's arm. “She's your sister, just let her be. Punishing her won't stop the fact that I was already hurt.”Ebsy shook his head.“I know that,but it will s
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Alyssa wondered what was going on. She had been trying to find peace but it seemed as though the universe had other plans. The noise grew louder and she recognised the voice leading the charge– kalista.Kalista was blocking her doorstep with a group of people, her voice ringing with authority and disdain. “Jada! You promised! Get out of the pack!”The crowd behind her joined in echoing the sentiment. Their anger and roar was deafening.Alyssa's wolf stirred within her as the urge to fight back surged through her veins. Her wolf's voice was clear and persuasive.-Teach them respect.But Alyssa couldn't. She had already told Ebsy she wouldn't be trouble and she will stay out of any that came her way. She pushed her door open and glanced at them, her resolve melting. “What is going on here? What's the cause for the noise?” She demanded.Kalista eyed her. “Turns out thr bitch is out of the hospital and looking well. That's a good thing. I did my part and you did yours, now is the time t
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Ebsy hurriedly dialed the number for emergency services, his voice steady despite the chaos. "We need an ambulance at 122 Willow Street, immediately.” His sister's breathing slowed and he couldn't tear his eyes away from her.He scoped her in his arms when she vould no longer walk and she whimpered in pain from the slightest touch. “You shouldn't have found fault with Jada and you know it.”“Even in a critical situation like this, Jada is all you think about? She's not even family. I was the one who got hurt.”“Because you were the one who started the fight,” he said. “Jada would never do that.”“So much trust in someone you don't know,” she said.Ebsy arched his brow. “What are you saying?”She shrugged. “What I'm saying is, you don't know her from anywhere yet you defend her a lot.”Moments later, the paramedics arrived and whisked Kalista away to the hospital. Rather than go with her, he went back to Alyssa's room and found her unconscious on the floor. Ebsy carried Alyssa out, his
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In the middle of the night, Alyssa woke up to the soft glow of moonlight filtering through her bedroom window. When did she get here? Probably when she was asleep.Her head throbbed slightly, a dull reminder of the recent chaos. As she stirred, she noticed Ebsy lying asleep by her bedside, his face etched with exhaustion and worry. She moved to sit up, her slight gesture enough to wake him.Ebsy’s eyes fluttered open, and he quickly sat up, concerned immediately replacing the sleepiness. "Alyssa, are you okay?" he asked, his voice husky with fatigue."I'm fine," Alyssa reassured him, her voice soft but steady. “You don't have to stay by my side every time, you know.”He shrugged. “I wanted to,okay. If I had been more careful, none of them would have hurt you.” "It’s not your fault, Ebsy. None of this is.”Ebsy's expression darkened, guilt evident in his eyes. "I should have protected you better. If I had been more vigilant, Kalista wouldn’t have been able to—”Alyssa cut him off, rea
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Alpha Larole had noticed the strain on his son's face and the heaviness in his demeanour. Concerned, he decided to send Ace on a mission to visit neighbouring packs. "Take Ethan with you," he suggested, hoping the trip would serve as a distraction and a chance for both young men to recover from recent events.Ace agreed, seeing it as an opportunity not only to fulfil his father’s wishes but also to help Ethan, who had been drowning in guilt and anger. At first, Ethan wanted to turn him down but he had to respect Alpha Larole's wishes.The two set off, their journey taking them through lush forests and bustling pack territories. Ethan remained silent for most of the trip, his thoughts a stormy sea. Ace, unperturbed, looked after him with the care of an older brother, ensuring he was fed, rested, and safe.They visited four or five packs over the span of more than ten days, each visit offering a glimpse into different lifestyles and traditions. Ace was always attentive, noting the diff
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Ace and Ethan listened intently to the heated argument unfolding before them. The girl at the centre of the commotion seemed to be the reason for a deep-seated conflict within the pack. They heard the accusations clearly: "She almost killed my daughter! We demand an explanation!"Ebsy, standing protectively in front of the girl, countered just as fiercely. He eyed his father in anger. "Your daughter poisoned her first! She was defending herself!"The crowd around them was not convinced, their voices rising in a crescendo of disbelief and anger. "She's a danger to our pack! We can't have her here! Alpha she almost hurt your sister yet you defend a stranger.”“Because Kalista sought trouble. I know the sister I have and what she can do. This new girl can't hurt a fly.”“She can't hurt a fly. Yet she pounced on your sister.what are you saying?” Kalista’s mother demanded in rage, trying to rush for Alyssa but the guards held her in place, firmly.Ace glanced at the girl standing behind E
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Alyssa and Ebsy stood frozen, the world around them dissolving into a blur as Ace's sudden support sent shockwaves through the tense scene. Alyssa felt like her lungs had collapsed, gasping for air in the midst of the chaos. Ebsy felt small. This was why he hated his family. They brought out the worst in him and demeaned him before the people.Ace, sensing the escalating tension, tried to mediate once more. "Perhaps we can discuss this calmly and find a solution that—”Ebsy's father cut him off. "Enough, Ace. We’ve heard all we need to hear. Ebsy, make your decision. Show us you have what it takes to be an Alpha, or step aside.”The room fell silent as everyone waited for Ebsy’s response.At that moment, Ethan, who had been standing quietly beside Ace, spoke up. He was tired and irritated at what was happening."Whether it's true or not, we can find out right now. Let's check her for signs of poisoning,” he suggested.Alyssa's heart skipped a beat at the sound of Ethan's voice. She sp
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