All Chapters of Becoming the Alpha's Blind Maid: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
“Did you like your little surprise?”Lydia grinned at her father and put her arms around him. “You did well. I was shocked, trust me. How could you pull that off within that short period?”He shrugged. “My daughter was sad. I knew I had to act fast. I can't let some commoner take your position.”Lydia's lip curled into a smile and her eyes burned with pride as she stared at him. “Your daughter is proud of you dad. I'm so glad she's out of the way. She burned into Ash.”“That's perfect. There can't be traces of evidence. Remember I told you to leave it to me. Whatever I do, I do it well.” He looked at her sternly. “I've done my part, sweetie, now you have to act swiftly. You have to get the Alpha’s son to get mated to you on time. Soon, he will be the Alpha and he will need a Luna.”Lydia stiffened as the memories of today came flooding in. She slowly took her seat. Her father watched her with curious eyes as he observed the change in her demeanour. “Are you okay?”She shook her head a
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Alyssa teared her eyes away from the mirror and sat on the bed. She wasn't pleased about the change but she was grateful she had a new face. One that was without wrinkles and scars even though she didn't recognise it.She wondered who it was that had owned this face that she was going to have to live with for the rest of her life.“How do you feel? Do you like it?” Ebsy asked as she walked in.Alyssa sighed. “I feel weird. I mean, who has this new face though?”“It's no one's. I just told the surgeon to do his thing and change a little. Like your cheekbone for example, it's higher and that's one of the few.”Alyssa swallowed. “She looks pathetic. Insufferable actually.”He nodded and squeezed her hands in his. “I know you don't like it but you'll have to live with it. This new face still has a lot of beauty, only a few things have changed.”She groaned. “I'm okay now. That means I can walk around, right? I mean, what do you think? It's been a while since I've been here.”“That's what
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“That's enough,” Harriet snarled and gave Kalista a look of warning.Kalista made a face at the coach before backing away.“Everyone take your positions. Jada, focus on them. Imitate whatever I do and whatever they do and when it's time for sparring, you have me.”All of them were assembled into positions and Coach had Alyssa separated from the people so they wouldn't cause her any trouble.“Warm up everyone,” She said. “Get into the spirit. Let the blood circulate round, sweat out and get your mind and body prepared.”Alyssa began to stretch as they did, ignoring their looks. Most of the people in the pack were people she could hardly recognise. It seemed as though the ones she had known had left and these new people she didn't know them at all.“I kinda feel bad for her,” someone said. “Coach, I'll change positions and stay with the new puppy.”“Her name's Jada!” Coach snapped. “Be nice. If you're going to give her problems then let her be.”“Come on now and don't be salty towards
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The locker room's light flickered and then abruptly went out, plunging Alyssa into complete darkness. Her breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, panic threatened to overwhelm her. “Hello, I'm still in here,” she called out in fear. If they locked her up she would have to stay in there till someone realised she was missing.She had just been about to put on her clothes and leave, only to find them missing. A cold realisation washed over her: someone had tampered with her things. “It was here just now,” she whispered as she looked around in frustration. “Oh God.”Clad only in a towel, she felt vulnerable and exposed, but Alyssa had never been one to succumb to fear easily.Oh no this can’t be happening,” she whispered as she stared into the darkness. She couldn't stay here. Ebsy would worry about her and when he calls her he wouldn't be able to reach her. How then would he know where she was? She already knew the people of Blue Bane hadn't changed one bit.Someone had been in
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Ebsy looked at Alyssa who was wrapped in a towel and covered in sweat and dirt. He stared at her in amusement and broke out in cold sweat. Anger rushed through his veins. “First of all, what are you doing here?”She opened her mouth but he interrupted her again. “Why did you come down from there? If you hadn't been careful enough, that dagger would have gone right through your neck.”Alyssa held the towel tightly to her chest. She was scared. She has never seen him that angry and her heart throbbed faster than usual. “I'm sorry she whispered.”“You could've gotten hurt,” he pointed out.She steadied her breath and stared at him in frustration. “I know, okay. Why didn't you turn on the lights?”“Why are you naked?” He demanded, watching her.“I still have a towel on. I'm not naked,” She pointed.“Fine, that's fine. Are you okay?” He asked.Alyssa nodded. “I'm great.”“We need to get you something. We can't have you walking around in clothes like this,” Ebsy said and took off his jacket
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“What's going on?” Coach demanded.“The test of power,” someone replied from the crowd and cheered.“That's enough you two,” Coach protested but her voice was barely heard over the din of excitement and chaos.She tried to come in between them but before she could do anything, Kalista reached for Alyssa and pinned her to the floor and began to beat her. Alyssa was full of rage and returned the beating. She couldn't take it anymore.Everytime someone wanted to hurt her and they saw physical attempts didn't work, they always used verbal and it was always her family.“You get so mad when your family is talked about? Why then didn't you hit me? I brought it up!” Kalista spat.“I was going to mess you up,” Alyssa said and grabbed Kalista roughly by the neck. “Who are you to talk about me? You don't even know me.”“Maybe I don't,” Kalista whispered. “But I do know my brother brought in a burnt bitch and had her face fixed. If you infuriate me peasant girl, I'll have your face fucked so bad
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Kalista was infuriated at Alyssa's smart moves. No one predicted her. How did this little peasant see that coming?After Alyssa dodged, she quickly strikes back by wrapping an arm around Kalista's neck and jabbing her in the back with her knee. Kalista was caught off guard and brought to her knees.She reached for Alyssa but she backed away and punched Kalista in the nose. Kalaista cried out in pain and frustration as blood trickled down her nose. “You fucking asshole,” she cried.“It's too early to show weakness now,” Alyssa yelled. “Get up and fight me.”“What's going on? It seems to me that Kalista is losing to her.”“This girl lied,” someone else said. “I've been in training for months and I know, no one can predict Kalista's moves.”“It would be a shame if she loses to this new girl.”Kalista brought herself to her feet as her fingertips gingerly touched the blood that flowed from her nose. If there was somewhere she didn't like being touched, it was her face. During sparring or
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Alyssa moved through the arena with deliberate precision and calculated steps. She looked at Kalista with a pathetic expression on her face. Despite her wolf's insistent urge to use her full strength and have Kalista bedridden, Alyssa held back.She didn't want to fight anymore. She was hoping to convince Kalista with a less brutal defeat.-Just a little more strength Alyssa and you'll be putting her where she belongs.Alyssa ignored her wolf while Kalista watched her, her eyes were wide with disbelief and growing rage. A flash of red flickered in her eyes as she grew furious.As Alyssa approached her to conclude the fight, Kalista's hand flicked and something small and sharp flew from her cuff towards Alyssa. The pain halted Alyssa's movement and the crowd who had already assumed Alyssa's victory was certain, gasped collectively. They hadn't expected any underhanded tricks from Kalista at this point.Alyssa felt a sudden sharp pain in her chest and stumbled. She gasped as blood spur
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Upon hearing the doctor's arrival, Ebsy rushed through the corridors, cradling Alyssa in his arms, his heart pounding with fear. He placed her on the bed of the treatment room and called for the doctor's attention.He was asked to stand back while they assessed Alyssa's condition with their faces growing grim.“This is poison,” one of the doctors said, his voice tight with urgency. “And a very potent one at that.”Without another word, they whisked Alyssa away to the operating room. Ebsy was left pacing anxiously outside the door, his mind racing with worry. He wondered where the poison was gotten from and who had poison on them and he made up his mind to conduct a search.Minutes stretched into eternity and when he was thinking of entering the operating room to find out what was taking time, the doctor emerged, holding a tiny needle in his hand.“What's the news doctor?” He demanded.“We found this in her body,” the doctor explained. “This needle delivered the poison and we're shocke
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Ebsy's eyes were fixed on Alyssa the whole time. He had refused to blink or leave her side afraid that he was going to miss something. Alyssa's left hand shifted and her eyes twitched, causing Ebsy to sit up straight and watch closely.His first instinct was to call the doctor but he didn't. Alyssa stirred in her sleep and a groan escaped her lips. Her eyelids slowly fluttered open. Her vision was blurry before her eyes adjusted to her surroundings and she saw a pair of eyes googling at her.“Wait! Don't move,” he said and touched her arm lightly.“What's wrong?” She asked weakly as she tried to figure out where she was.“You need to rest, please,” Ebsy said, concern etched on his face as he scrutinised her.A doctor came in at that moment to check on Alyssa and she knew at that moment that something was wrong. Her head felt heavy. Too heavy for her neck and she felt intense pain all over her body like she had been stepped on.“How do you feel Ma'am?” The doctor asked.“Weak,” she sai
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