All Chapters of Becoming the Alpha's Blind Maid: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
70 Chapters
When Lydia and Ace returned to their bedroom, Lydia wrapped her arms around him and planted a kiss on his lips but Ace seemed like he wasn't there at all. Lydia noticed his reluctance and stopped.She shot him a glare. “Hey, What's on your mind?” She asked,her brow furrowing with concern.“It's nothing sweetie,” he said and planted a kiss on her forehead. “I'm just tired from all that training. It gets to me everytime.”“You've been exhausting yourself way too much. Haven't you?” She inquired.Ace sighed. “The people we are competing with are really strong so the harder we practise, the better.”Lydia didn't get mad. Rather, she smiled and whispered, “it's okay. I understand.”“Thank you,” Ace whispered sleepily.Ace turned and Lydia started massaging his back. A vicious look formed on her face as thoughts of Alyssa occupied her mind.Her father's assurance kept her going and she was sure now that nothing and no one could take Ace from her. Her father always ensured he gave her everyt
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The clash of combats echoed through the arena and the energy grew intense. The Alpha sons of the rival tribes sat unnoticed amidst the fervour of the crowd.They watched the first match and the crowd went wild. It was a blend of cheering and booing as the fighters battled it out. Ace soaked in the excitement, knowing soon that theirs would come.While the spectators roared and cheered, Ace leaned in to explain the competition, his voice barely audible over the din of excitement. Ebsy's eyes lit up with every word as he learned about the rewards that came with the game.Meanwhile, seated on the other side of the Arena was Alyssa. She hid herself with a long dress, a veil and a hat so she would go unnoticed. Her gaze was fixed on the floor as she watched the fighters with a keen eye, scrutinising and taking note of each of their weaknesses and strengths. She knew that knowledge was power in combat and either of the winners could be Ethan's opponent. So why not use the advantage to tip t
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Ebsy pushed through the crowd of unfamiliar faces, his gaze darting frantically, searching for the elusive figure that he had seen from the sidelines. But the crowd pressed in around him like a solid wall, blocking his path as cheers erupted around him.Ethan's perfect sidekick knocked his opponent to the ground. His victory echoed throughout the arena and the crowd crazed with excitement. Ebsy tried desperately to squeeze out with his eyes fixed on the person he wanted to meet.Or perhaps, catch.At that moment, Alyssa and Axel who were hiding in the darkness had just found their spot. Alyssa gasped for breath loudly, her heart pounding in her chest. She had been rooting for her brother and was now exhausted. Axel's hand found hers, and she took it and held him tightly. Axel stared at her with smiles in his eyes.They watched Ethan's game with bated breath and the champion kept going. He had been knocked down a couple of times but he refused to back down and he also had some injurie
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Ace was sitting silently in the audience, watching with intense eyes and listening to everything that was happening around him. He saw Ebsy vanish into the swirling mass of spectators and Ace's eyes followed his every move, a knot of unease forming in the pit of his stomach.Everything had been well but the Alpha from Blue Bane had been acting weird ever since he saw Ethan. Ace decided he was going to look into Ethan and find out how he was related to Ebsy.Ace dipped his hand into his pocket and reached for his phone. He dialled Axel's number but he wasn't picking up.He needed Axel to dig into him but he wasn't taking his calls yet.He watched as Ebsy searched desperately for someone, weaving his way through the crowd with a look of doubt on his face. Ace's heart raced faster than a sports car as his attention was divided.Then, just as Alyssa was about to duck and hide, Ace's gaze locked onto her familiar form. If not anything, the veil she wore gave her away. He sat upright as his
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As Ethan hung up the phone, his mind whirled with questions. His thoughts were interrupted by Axel whose sudden appearance caught Ethan off guard.“Hi. Why do you look so surprised? It's just me,” Axel said.Ethan forced a smile and quickly kept his phone away. “How long have you been here though?”“Five minutes or longer,” Axel said. “But why do you look offended? You're not pleased to see me?”Ethan shrugged. “It's not that.”Axel nodded, “Then what?”Ethan swallowed. “Did you hear my conversation with Ally?”“Intentionally, yes,” Axel said and neared Ethan. “Tell me, Ethan. Who was that man?”“What man?” Ethan asked, playing dumb.Axel neared him and whispered in a tight voice. “You know who I'm talking about. That same man that gave your sister a scare.”Ethan swallowed. “Oh that? He's nothing to worry about.”“If he's nothing to worry about, why do you look aggravated and why did Alyssa run away. I don't mean to intrude in your lives but if he's a threat, I need to know.”“And wh
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Anger rushed through Alyssa's veins as she listened to her brother go on and on in Ebsy's defence, claiming that he probably wasn't looking for them. “His intentions may be pure, Ally. I mean, if he was really after us, he would have come for me the moment the match was over. He would have seen me on the screen.”“What are you insinuating?” She demanded, fury etched into her voice.“Listen Ally. I think we're letting what happened in the past get into our heads and mess with us. Think about it, we are running when nothing is chasing us. Maybe he had some difficulties and just appeared that way.”“Are you done?” She snapped.“Ally?”“Answer me,” she yelled.There was silence on the end of the phone before a silent, “yes.”“Now hear me speak,” she said, “Never ever defend your enemy.”“He's not even—”But she wasn't willing to listen to any of his bullshit. She hung up before he could complete his statement. How could he be on Ebsy's side?She knew the reason Ebsy didn't go for Ethan.
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Alyssa waited for Ace to leave but he wouldn't go. It was no use waiting at her door trying to explain himself. She didn't want to hear it and she already had a long day. She was worn out from crying and her eyes were now puffy but her body quivered from every indrawn sob and each noise made Ace's heart ache the more.Guilt consumed him. It was all his fault and he took accountability but his wolf guilt tripping him was the last thing he needed.You're in a relationship with someone else, yet you do not expect the innocent girl to be with someone. All you ever do is cause her pain. Why don't you let her be? Reject her so she doesn't have to go through any pain.Ace wouldn't acknowledge his jealousy to his wolf and his wolf knew better than to bug. He went into hiding. Even though Alyssa sobbed silently, he could still feel her Sadness. He was confused. He had zero idea on what to do. He used his only weapon— the mindlink.He sighed and leaned on the door so he wouldn't stir up unwante
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Alyssa perched on the edge of her seat, eyes fixed on the arena as the game got more intense. She didn’t want to dare miss a thing.Ethan and Axel had equal strengths in the early stages of sword fight. As their swords clashed, they locked eyes and made it more intense, cleverly avoiding to hurt one another, knowing they were breaking the rules of the game.It was known to everyone in combat that on the field, your friend wasn't your friend. Alyssa feared as she had her eyes watching them both, flinching at the slightest clash. But she wasn't the only person tense.The audience watched with excitement and fear. They had all started the game since the very first time they watched their new guy battle with the Beta. Usually no one made it to the next level with him. It was rare for someone to pass the stage but this guy just didn't relent. And that was what they admired most about him.Ebsy, who was concealed in the corner by a lot of people, had his gaze fixed on Alyssa. He had alread
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After the merriment, it was time for Ethan and Ace's game. Alyssa couldn't stomach any food because she was worried but she tried to hide it so her brother wouldn't be affected by it. But Ethan wasn't as good at composing himself like Alyssa.Alyssa massaged his shoulders backstage so he could lose up. “Listen Kiddo, I know you're tense but you've gotta relax.”“I'm failing at pretending right?” He chuckled. “It's so hard. I feel like I can't do it.”She turned him around to face her and cupped his face. “Don't say that sweetie. You can and you will.”“You have more belief in me than I do, myself,” he said and smiled.“Of course I do. So just relax and give your best out there my champion,” she said and ruffled his hair.Ethan loosened up a bit, silently grateful he had his sister by his side.“Ace is the son of the Alpha and his physical fitness is already much higher than the average person. Just give all you can.”Ethan wrapped his arm around his sister. He knew the principles. He
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Ethan was taken by the members of the tribe to celebrate and he asked his sister to tag along. Alyssa couldn't refuse although she didn't want to go without Axel but Axel had things to do for Ace, in his words.Alyssa had little to drink but she watched her brother all the time. He looked joyous as the people asked him questions of how he could defeat the Alpha and how hard he had trained. They wanted to know everything about him and take pictures too.Alyssa was proud of her little brother. Few people came to talk to her and most of their questions were “Why do you have a veil on?” and “how does it feel to have a famous brother?”She didn't want to have much interactions with the people of the tribe so she decided to take her leave. She hugged Ethan. “Have fun buddy but do not let your guard down,” she whispered in his ear. “You're going to be okay.”“Text me when you're home?”Alyssa nodded and after a quick hug, she left her brother. The longer she stays, the longer the people will
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