All Chapters of Unexpected Encounters: Love, Lies, and Second Chances: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
Chapter 91
Lexi opened the car door and got into the passenger seat.Max started the car and exclaimed, "Ms. Sanchez and Mr. Quall look good standing together."If two people were to be together for eternity, they must fit well together.After sending the painting over, Lexi called Blake.Blake was breathing heavily when he answered the call.Lexi was exasperated.She paused momentarily before saying, "I apologize for interrupting, but the painting has been sent over."Blake gestured for Anna, who was currently on top of him, to stop. His voice was hoarse as he said, "Alright. I'll be busy tomorrow morning, so I won't be at the office.""Alright," Lexi said before ending the call. In truth, it wasn't too hard being Blake's secretary.…Gwen had managed to drag Lexi to a bar for karaoke.The two of them entered the bar wearing short crop tops that exposed their navels, matched with booty shorts. They looked like sisters. They entered one of the private rooms and began swaying to t
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Chapter 92
Zachary replied to Lexi's message curtly. "Yes."Lexi replied with a smiling emoji and wrote, "I guess my memory is beginning to return to me. Thank you."…Early the next day, Lexi got up to cook chicken soup because it was great for a sensitive stomach.She shredded the chicken, poured the water into the pan, and allowed the soup to simmer.The chicken soup was done by the time she finished her makeup and changed her clothes.Lexi found a thermos and poured the soup into it. She had also set aside a portion for Gwen inside the pot.Before she left the house, she called Quinton.Quinton thought something had happened when he saw Lexi calling him. Who knew that she had called because she wanted him to pass a portion of chicken soup to Zachary?"Mr. Shaw, could you help me ask Mr. Jenkins if it tastes like how I made it back then? I'm trying to regain my memories."Back when they were staying in Flowerhill Estate, Lexi would always prepare a healthy breakfast for Zachary.C
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Chapter 93
The next day, Lexi prepared some beef stew for Zachary.She packed it all up in a thermos and headed to Jenkins Corporation. She called Quinton when she arrived."Lexi, Mr. Jenkins says you can bring it straight to his office."Lexi was slightly surprised and replied, "Alright. Thank you."She parked her car and stepped out with her thermos. She was shocked to hear that Zachary had allowed her to send it in person.She took the elevator up. When the doors opened, Lexi navigated the familiar office with ease as she greeted her former colleagues."I almost forgot that you're no longer working here, Ms. Loyle. Mr. Jenkins has asked that you wait in his office for a moment," the assistant secretary, Evie White, said as she held the doors open for Lexi."Thank you." Lexi smiled.She entered the office and looked around. There didn't seem to be many changes.Evie entered with a cup of coffee and left to continue working.Lexi did not wait long. When the door opened, Zachary came
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Chapter 94
Blake glanced at Lexi's hands momentarily before looking through the documents. After checking thoroughly that there was nothing wrong with them, he placed the documents on his thighs and signed them.His thick thighs were pressed tightly against his pantsuit. He had been exercising recently, and the muscles he had gained had made his pants slightly tighter.Blake sneered, saying, "Help me buy some pantsuits after work."Lexi's job scope also included helping her employer prepare his work clothes.Back when she was with Zachary, she had been in charge of his entire wardrobe. The second she thought of Zachary, she was reminded of her unpleasant encounter with him that morning."I'll need to get your measurements later."Lexi returned Blake's cigarette to him, took the signed documents, and left his office. Then, she called all the relevant departments to retrieve those documents.After finishing her work, she took a measuring tape and entered Blake's office.Blake was very coope
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Chapter 95
Lexi heard Blake call for her. Before heading toward him, she decided to pay the bill first."Ms. Loyle, Chelsey wants to buy some clothes for Mr. Quall. Could you help her take a look?"As soon as the words left Blake, he suddenly felt stupid."Wait. I don't think Ms. Loyle could help you. They've only met a few times."Claude and Lexi had never told anyone that they knew each other, so Blake remained clueless about that fact.Chelsey looked at him and smiled. "Don't worry, Blake. Ms. Loyle does know Claude. I'll have to trouble you to help me, Ms. Loyle. I really don't know what size I should get him."Lexi nodded. She didn't help Chelsey choose the suit's design or color. Instead, she chose a suit that matched Claude's measurements."Ms. Sanchez, you can refer to the measurements of this suit.""Thank you!""Not a problem. If there are no other issues, I'll head off first."Blake wanted to stay behind and accompany Chelsey on her shopping spree, so Lexi drove herself hom
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Chapter 96
However, Lexi couldn't find the man on the motorbike. She figured he had probably left already.Lexi returned the helmet and the motorcycle to the young man and thanked him."Miss, could I get your number?"Lexi smiled as she entered her car. She waved them goodbye and made her way home.Claude took off his helmet and handed it to Milo. He lit up a cigarette and relaxed while sitting in his car.Milo looked at Claude's arm with evident exasperation. His hand had not completely recovered, yet he was racing on the streets.They had run into Lexi's car on the way home and decided to follow her to Dally Peaks.They never expected her to know how to ride a motorcycle. After all, most women did not know how to ride motorcycles, let alone the ones made for racing, as it was challenging for women to control the motorcycle's weight.Claude sat in the car and watched Lexi enter her car. He took the cigarette from his mouth and held it between his fingers."Oh, right. Boss, Ms. Sanchez i
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Chapter 97
Blake continued to pinch Lexi's jaw. He stared at her face as he tilted her head from left to right.Lexi's expression turned stoic.She said, "Could you please let go of my jaw? What you're doing is considered workplace harassment."Blake immediately let go of her face when he heard her words. He concluded, "I never thought that Ms. Loyle would be a lovesick fool."Zachary was ignoring her, yet she continued to cook for him. What else could she be other than a lovesick fool?Lexi took a deep breath and scoffed. She roughly handed him the documents and said unhappily, "You're right. I am a lovesick fool. You have a meeting at 9:30 am later."Blake frowned. "Who scheduled the meeting to start at 9:30 am? It's too early for my brain to start working."Sometimes, Lexi couldn't help but wonder how Blake had managed to become the president of Krong Technology.She could only come up with one answer: it was fate.Blake cursed before hurriedly taking the documents to get some w
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Chapter 98
Quinton opened the car door and entered the driver's seat. He immediately heard Zachary say, "Call Blake and tell him there's something I would like to discuss with him."No matter what, Lexi had to leave Sootort City. Zachary began to think of Yvonne as he recalled their daughter's face.Blake received Zachary's invitation and felt something was amiss.He found it shocking that Zachary had taken the initiative to invite him out for a discussion."Tell Mr. Jenkins I'm available at seven tonight," Blake said before ending the call.…Gwen received Lexi's call and hurriedly rushed to the bar Lexi was at. Upon entering the private room, she immediately noticed an empty bottle on the table.She figured things were still alright since there was only one empty bottle. The bottle did not contain a high percentage of alcohol, so Lexi was still sober."Lexi, what happened? Are you trying to drink away your problems?" Gwen asked as she poked Lexi's arm.Lexi smiled and said, "I'm no
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Chapter 99
Blake replied, "Mr. Jenkins is willing to give me 10% of the profits in our upcoming collaborative project if I fire you."Lexi looked at his message and replied, "Well, aren't I valuable?"She figured something must have happened for Zachary to demand that she leave the city, but Lexi was completely lost as to what that event could possibly be.On the other side, Blake received Lexi's reply. He smiled mockingly at Zachary. "I'll consider your proposition and give you an answer soon."He pocketed his phone and stood up. He glanced at Zachary before saying, "Lexi must be really unlucky to have met you."Zachary's expression did not change as he remained impassive.Blake burst out into laughter and left the private room.After Blake left, Zachary got up and threw the glass cup onto the ground. The cup immediately shattered into pieces.Quinton walked in and glanced at the shattered cup before saying, "Mr. Jenkins, Ms. Xenos has called asking for you."Zachary massaged his te
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Chapter 100
Milo did not dare to answer Claude."Ms. Sanchez is outside. She says she would like to invite you to attend the music festival with her."Sootfort would hold a music festival once every three years.Chelsey had never attended such an event as she had been living abroad. She had heard one of her friends mention it and wanted to see what it was all about.Lexi and Gwen were also at the music festival.They were both wearing deer headbands as they made their way through the crowd."Lexi, isn't this much more entertaining than drinking in a bar?" Gwen had to shout out loud for Lexi to hear her."You're right. It's so lively here.""There's even a firework show at the end of the night." Lexi looked around and froze when she saw Claude standing among the crowd with Chelsey by his side.Chelsey was bold as she tried to put a headband on his head. However, Claude tilted his head and avoided her advances.Chelsey laughed heartily and said, "Claude, why don't you wear this with
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