All Chapters of Unexpected Encounters: Love, Lies, and Second Chances: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Chapter 61
Claude cleaned the bedsheets and washed Lexi up. Then, he changed her into clean clothes.He was forced to use a small floral print blanket to cover his waist.The two sat on the couch. She had brainstormed so many words to curse Claude, but in the end, she only managed to ask, "What on earth are you thinking?"She thought, "Who does that right after they return from a trip? Is he not afraid of consequences?"Seeing her flustered and angry, Claude chuckled lightly and joked, "Of course, I was thinking about you and not any other women."Lexi was speechless at his words.While smoking a cigarette, he held out his phone to her, saying arrogantly, "Pay up."This time, she was truly shocked. How dare he!"I won't. You should pay me instead," she retorted. It was not like she had dragged him into this mess.Claude narrowed his eyes and asked in a raspy voice, "Then, how about I support you instead?"Lexi fell silent, but she eyed Claude warily while asking, "What do you mean?"Th
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Chapter 62
Yvonne had believed that Zachary would protect her, but now her pregnancy had been exposed online.She was now being portrayed as the mistress who had used her pregnancy to displace the rightful wife. Yvonne felt wronged. How could the public blame her for being the mistress when Lexi was already with another man?If it weren't for the fact that Mr. Quall was not someone to be trifled with, she would have already uploaded the hotel footage online. Everyone would know that Lexi had been with a man before her divorce.Yvonne only dared think about it because she orchestrated the whole situation with Lexi. She was also afraid of being found out.…Yvonne went to the Jenkins Corporation to see Zachary. "Zach, it must be Lexi who exposed my pregnancy to clear her name," she said.Zachary paused his work. The recent projects at the company had not gone well, and he knew someone was pushing things in this direction behind the scenes.That person was likely Claude.On top of that,
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Chapter 63
"Okay, sure. I'll have them go to your place now," Gwen brought up the matter of Mary again. "Mary has always wanted to apologize, but I haven't agreed to meet her. I heard she's been grounded at home now."Lexi raised an eyebrow and smiled. "That's good. She wouldn't cause any trouble by staying home."Gwen hung up the phone and muttered to herself. Then, she went to call Claude to boast.Claude was busy attending to patients and missed the call. When he returned her call later, he learned Lexi had borrowed a few bodyguards from her.Gwen had no idea what Lexi was planning to do with the bodyguards.Claude hung up the phone. He didn't intend to interfere with Lexi's plan. After all, she wasn't the one who would get hurt.He hadn't contacted Lexi these past few days, and she hadn't reached out to him either. She seemed to be doing just fine."I was just making a call, and I have no intention to interfere. Moreover, over 30 patients are lining up outside," he thought.Howeve
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Chapter 64
In the past, Sandra would punish Lexi the moment Eugenie cried. Sandra was so furious that her chest hurt. "Have you gone mad, Lexi? What the hell did you come here for?" Lexi turned her head to look at her with a smile. "I'm still of sound mind, Mom. I have not forgotten about that rumor from the Lindts that spread on the internet a while back." Sandra knew about this, too. She felt very embarrassed at the time, and she wished no one would find out that Lexi was her daughter. "This has nothing to do with your younger sister. Genny is not the type who would spread rumors behind people's backs. You should know those relatives from the Lindt family very well. What do the rumors they spread have to do with Genny?"Plus, aren't you fine right now? The online news will be forgotten in a few days. No one will remember it." Sandra said those words as if they were a matter of fact. Lexi couldn't help but laugh. Sandra's face fell when she saw Lexi laughing. "Lexi Loyle." "Mom, p
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Chapter 65
The usual spot that Lexi mentioned was an abandoned amusement park. This place used to be bustling with life. There was a time when she and Cade sold children's toys outside the amusement park. Cade was wearing a white shirt and a pair of black formal pants. He also had a bouquet of roses in his hands. With the help of his walking stick, he walked slowly toward the woman standing where the merry-go-round was.Cade met Lexi at the children's home when he was seven. Lexi was eight at the time. She wore a slightly red dress as she watched a woman leave from the front of the children's home. At that time, he looked at her while he carried his old backpack in his arms. They were both children who their parents abandoned. However, that children's home was not a charitable place that provided shelter for children. An old man managed the place. Once, he and Lexi heard the old man speaking with another man. That man said that he had a buyer for corneas. The next day, the
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Chapter 66
This road was quiet and had no traffic. Claude drove himself that day. He maneuvered the steering wheel with one hand while he rested his other arm on the side of his car window. He accelerated slowly. He could feel the wind blowing from outside the car onto his face.He looked frigid. For some reason, he felt upset. What could he do? The image of the woman on the carousel horse embracing the elegant man kept replaying in his mind. He stopped his car at the entrance to Dream Club. He tossed his key to the valet and walked straight in. Dream Club wasn't open for business as it was still during the day. Jason had just rushed over from seeing a woman. When he arrived, Claude was sitting with his legs spread and a cigarette between his fingers. He was watching some male entertainers performing on stage.Claude was the only man in front of the stage, which blew Jason's mind. "You came to watch a male revue instead of a female strip show? Are you alright?" Claude turned
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Chapter 67
It was starting to get late.Claude and Jason drove to the hotel and drank some alcohol.Neither of them drank a lot, but Jason's true self was amplified by the alcohol. He began to talk more.He was trying his best to convince Claude. "You just haven't been with enough women yet. That's why you're already head over heels for the first one you met. You'll know once you get with more women."Claude closed his eyes, trying to tune out Jason's brainwashing.His mind was still full of thoughts of Lexi.He thought about the red butterfly hair tie on her ankle.He recalled how her ankles swung around.He found her ankle extra pretty with his hand wrapped around it.15 minutes later, Jason called ten escorts to their hotel room.Among them was a seductive one, a sweet one, and an innocent one. The escorts ranged from being very slim to extremely curvy.They were all, however, fair and gorgeous."Go ahead and pick one, old man Claude. You can pick more than one if you like," Jaso
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Chapter 68
"I'm waiting for you downstairs," said Claude."No. I'm busy," replied Lexi"I will hang your piglet underwear at the front gate."Lexi fell silent. Even she had to admit that it was a pretty impressive move."Remember to go out and get it."He hung up after saying that. Lexi hesitated for a moment. Claude really was the kind of person who would do something like that.She was worried that the next morning, people would see a pair of underwear with small piglets on it hanging on her door.She would be utterly humiliated if that happened.She figured that he was probably downstairs and not at the gate.Lexi hesitated. Claude was actually standing in front of Lexi's door.He was like a hunter waiting for his prey to open the door.Claude was there to clarify something. He wanted to know if she was really going to accept that man's marriage proposal.He heard the door open. Lexi opened the door and saw Claude standing in the doorway.The two of them stared at each other i
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Chapter 69
Lexi had actually deleted Zachary's number a while back.All that showed on her screen was a string of ten numbers.However, she still knew it was Zachary's number by heart.Lexi saw Claude's smile.Based on that smile, he probably also knew it was a call from Zachary."Go ahead and pick up. I won't get jealous."Lexi fell silent.She thought that Claude was really taking himself too seriously.She wasn't worried that he would be jealous. She was worried about the smile on his lips.It was scary.Lexi answered the call and put it on loudspeaker with a nervously beating heart."Lexi."Zachary's voice sounded a bit drowsy."I have a headache," he said.Lexi's stunning face twisted into a dark expression. "Are you insane? Go to the doctor if you have a headache."She hung up.Zachary used to get headaches whenever he met up and drank with clients.When that happened, Lexi would feed him a painkiller and give him a head massage.Claude's gaze landed on Lexi like a sharp
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Chapter 70
Lexi finally spoke up in a hoarse voice, "Wait. What are you bringing your luggage over here for?"Claude told the person on the other end of the call to hold on while he walked into the living room from the balcony. "A couple should live together, no?"He spoke in an extremely matter-of-fact tone.Lexi looked confused.She wondered who came up with that rule.Claude wasn't planning to go along with what she wanted. They were now a couple, after all.He refused to live separately.His possessiveness was beginning to show.Milo could grasp some of what Claude was saying to Lexi over the phone and was rendered speechless.After the call, Claude went to the kitchen and found a jar of honey. He prepared some honey water for Lexi so she could soothe her throat.He brought the honey water out to the living room, where Lexi was bending down to pick up a pen that had fallen on the floor.Her neck was exposed as she bent down.The hickeys and bite marks on her neck were extremely
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