All Chapters of Unexpected Encounters: Love, Lies, and Second Chances: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 Chapters
Chapter 41
"Yvonne is pregnant. It's time for you to leave the Jenkins family soon." After staying at Claude's place to rest for a week, Lexi received this message from Mary. Mary had sent several consecutive messages expressing her glee over Lexi's misfortune. Even so, Lexi simply sent a nonchalant one-word reply, which was "Congratulations." She didn't expect that Yvonne would get pregnant. Lexi smiled slightly. That was pretty good.Mary harrumphed coldly when she saw Lexi's concise message. She looked toward Yvonne. "Have you told Zach that you're pregnant, Yvonne?" Yvonne caressed her belly. Her eyes were filled with gentleness and agony at the same time. "Zach has been busy with the issue with Gem City's factory. I don't want to bother him at this moment. Plus, Mary, I cannot keep this child." Upon saying that, tears started streaming down her face. Mary was shocked. "Why not?" "It was my mistake. This shouldn't be happening. Zach and Lexi are husband and wife, no matter
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Chapter 42
Claude replied, "Sure. That'll be my privilege. Did you take your meds on time today?" Lexi didn't like taking medications, so she often procrastinated taking them. At this point, Claude would always check up on her to see if she had taken her medications. She answered, "I have, Mr. Quall." "Wrong. You can call me Casanova or Claudius. Or, Claude. Pick one." His casual tone sounded stern.Lexi burst out laughing. She opted for something different intentionally. "Uncle Claude, I… will be going back to Flowerhill Estate the day after tomorrow." As Yvonne was expecting, Lexi couldn't be sure what would happen when she went back there this time. "Are you feeling down?" Claude could hear the frigidity in her voice. He flicked his cigarette. "Are you feeling unhappy? Shall I cheer you up?" He sounded extremely gentle when he asked if she wanted him to cheer her up. Lexi's heart skipped a beat. She furrowed her brows slightly and explained, "Yvonne is expecting. You don't
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Chapter 43
On the day of Zachary's return, Lexi went back to Flowerhill Estate too. Everyone was in the living room. Yvonne sat in her wheelchair, feeling a little uneasy, while Martha looked upset. Yvonne didn't know how things would unfold. Bella picked up her cup and took a few sips calmly. Mary, on the other hand, was tempted to speak up. However, Bella shot her a look to silence Mary. Zachary massaged the area between his brows. He really never thought that Yvonne would get pregnant."Grandma." "What are you going to do about this?" Martha looked at Zachary calmly. "I'll leave this to you to decide this time. I won't interfere. After all, I can't watch over all of you for much longer." Yvonne looked pale. She glanced toward Zachary with her reddened eyes, bit her lip, and didn't make a sound. Lexi was undisturbed, considering how she was already divorced from Zachary.She hoped that she would no longer be associated with Zachary and Yvonne from today onward. Zachary t
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Chapter 44
Martha couldn't figure out Claude's true motives for coming here today. As such, she decided to be frank. "They were talking about the shares that I gave to my granddaughter-in-law." At the mention of this topic, any sensible person would know not to continue probing about someone else's family matters. However, Claude was here today to back Lexi up. Naturally, he was going to poke his nose into it. Ever since he saved Lexi from Xavier's hands, he had been wanting to take Xavier down. Not only that, but he wanted to teach Zachary a lesson, too. At that time, he took Lexi's feelings for Zachary into consideration. So, he didn't take action. Claude turned his head toward Lexi. With a loving smile on his face, he remarked, "I'm here. Why haven't you said hi to me, Lex?" That was an affectionate remark. Every single person in the room looked at Lexi in shock. Lexi froze. What in the world was he trying to do? Cheekily, Claude tapped his leather shoe against Lexi's shoe
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Chapter 45
"Mary, apologize," Martha demanded angrily.Mary, under Martha's stern gaze, looked defiant. After all, she hadn't said anything wrong.Bella, understanding her daughter well, squeezed her hand in warning and urged, "Apologize to Mr. Quall now.""Not to me. Have her apologize to Lex," said Claude, his previously cold demeanor softening."My granddaughter is rather unruly. Please don't mind her, Mr. Quall," said Martha with a wry smile.Meanwhile, in the study upstairs, Zachary warned Lexi, "Lexi, Claude is a dangerous man. You'd better stay away from him. He's not as easygoing as he seems."Lexi's expression remained indifferent when she retorted, "That's my business, not yours, Mr. Jenkins. Can we now consider our six-month contract null and void?"Zachary rubbed his temples and replied coolly, "It's void."As she turned to leave, he suddenly grabbed her arm."Is there something else I can help you with?" she asked with a frown. "Mr. Jenkins, let go of me. Please show some re
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Chapter 46
"Sorry, I wasn't angry with you. I had Quinton contact the composer, Sunset. Didn't you want her to write songs for your album?Yvonne looked at Zachary pitifully, still with tears in her eyes."Really?" she asked.She had mentioned it casually before, never expecting him to take it to heart.He sighed and took a tissue to wipe her tears."Really."Sunset was a very mysterious composer. She had never exposed her identity, but every song she wrote became a hit.Yvonne's main goal in returning to the country was to gain popularity. If she could buy a song written by this composer, her fame would skyrocket.Sitting in the front passenger seat, Quinton overheard the conversation from the back.He turned and said, " Mr. Jenkins, Sunset replied to my email last night. She said she doesn't want to compose any new songs for the time being."Zachary responded calmly, "Offer her more money."Quinton nodded and said, "Alright. There's one more thing. Ms. Loyle has submitted her resigna
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Chapter 47
By the roadside, at Flamed BBQ, Lexi was engrossed in her meal.Served in front of her was a sharing platter loaded with brisket, pork ribs, beef ribs, and sausages.Claude picked up a sausage and placed it on her plate, saying, "Are you still mad? You like sausages, so have some.""If I want to eat any sausage, I can take it myself," she replied while looking at him, her red lips even more vibrant due to how spicy the hot sauce was.His eyes darkened slightly before he said, "I want to offer you my sausage."As soon as he said this, the students at the next table stifled their laughter. Lexi's face, already flushed, turned an even deeper shade of red."Eat your food properly and stop talking nonsense," she warned him quietly."I'm not taking nonsense," he said, his handsome face serious as he picked up another sausage and offered it to her. "Here, have my sau—"She quickly shoved a piece of brisket into his mouth and demanded, "Shut up."Claude laughed and chewed the brisket,
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Chapter 48
Every time Claude saw the text "Busy" from Lexi, he couldn't help but mock her.He wrote, "Does it really take three days to set up your tiny apartment?"Lexi replied, "You don't understand."She was genuinely busy moving into and decorating her new home, a three-bedroom apartment with a living room and a dining area.She had initially asked Cade to live with her, but he declined."Lexi, I'll rent the apartment next door. Just call me if you need anything," he said with a warm smile.The sunlight fell on his gray hair, making his smile even more radiant.Lexi didn't force him. She handed him his cane, which she had cleaned, and said, "Cade, what do you want for dinner?"Leaning on his cane, Cade stood up. His left leg was a prosthetic, but an Illness and a crippled leg hadn't dampened his spirit."Lexi, I'll cook today.""Okay, I'll get some groceries then," she said.When she returned with groceries, she passed a black sedan parked outside her residential complex. The per
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Chapter 49
Lexi carried the groceries home."Lexi, why took you so long? If you hadn't come back soon, I was going to call someone," said Cade as he took the bag of groceries and walked into the kitchen with the help of his cane."Well, I took my time."She glanced at the clock on the wall, her face turning red. She had been held up in the car for an hour."The weather is so hot and stuffy today. I'll go take a shower first."From the kitchen came the sounds of Cade boiling water and washing vegetables.Meanwhile, Lexi went to take a shower, feeling sticky and uncomfortable. After she finished, she saw a message from Gwen.She wrote, "Lexi, it's so lonely eating alone. Can I join you for dinner tonight?"Lexi smiled and replied, "You're always welcome. Come over!"Gwen sent a blowing kiss emoji and wrote, "Lexi, do you know how funny Claude is? He won't let me call you Lex. He's so domineering."Lexi was speechless for a moment. She hadn't known about this.Anyway, she played along and
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Chapter 50
Initially, they were having a great time. Who would have thought they'd run into the mood-killer, Mary?She entered the club with some friends, and as she passed by Lexi's table, she sneered, "Lexi? I never expected to see you here watching a show."She glanced at the two men accompanying them and scoffed, "Looks like life has improved since you took money from the Jenkins family."Gwen frowned and asked, "Who is she? Her breath stinks. Don't get too close."Lexi chuckled. Then, she replied, "She's my former sister-in-law. She does have a bit of a foul mouth."Their back-and-forth left Mary's expression turning terrible. She hadn't seen Gwen in their social circles before."Who are you? I'm talking to Lexi. Why are you butting in?""My mouth, my business." Gwen pouted and said, "You're disturbing our show. Please leave."Mary laughed and retorted, "This place isn't your home. Do you think you can just tell me to leave? I want both of you to get out."The Jenkins family was amo
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