All Chapters of Unexpected Encounters: Love, Lies, and Second Chances: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
100 Chapters
Chapter 21
Lexi and Zachary spent an uneventful night in the same bedroom together.The next morning, as soon as the courthouse opened, Lexi and Zachary went to file for divorce.Their ridiculous arranged marriage came to a terrible end."Remember not to spill the beans to Grandma," Zachary warned. "We'll go pick her up from the hospital now.""I should be saying this to you. You and Yvonne had better behave in public. After all, she is a huge star. She'll attract media attention," she replied sarcastically.Zachary gave her an icy look and decided not to continue the conversation.Lexi kept her pride, but a phone call from Sandra Loyle instantly destroyed it."Hello, Mom.""At least you still remember that you have a mother. Since when did you get married to your boss? And you even kept it a secret from the entire family! Bring your husband home tomorrow for dinner," Sandra said unhappily.Marriage was a huge deal. How could Lexi not have said anything?Lexi took a deep breath to stead
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Chapter 22
The woman who mocked Lexi immediately stopped laughing.Ten percent of shares in the Jenkins Corporation was very significant. After all, the Jenkins Corporation was one of the top ten Global 500 companies.With ten percent of shares, Lexi earned tens of billions of dollars in dividends every year.Now, they were filled with envy and jealousy instead.Lexi followed Zachary around to meet some people. Many people reached out to congratulate them. They said that they looked like a match made in heaven."Sorry, please excuse me." Lexi was already getting sick of dealing with this. She wasn't even the real Mrs. Jenkins right now; it should be enough for her to just put on a show.Yvonne had also shown up. Mary was the one who invited her. As she stood in the corner listening to these women's conversation, she felt mixed emotions.When she saw Lexi leave the ballroom, she went after her.Lexi was surprised to see Yvonne when she came out of the restroom. She was rather taken aback t
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Chapter 23
While biting back the pain, Yvonne said softly, "I'm fine. Mary, please ask someone to take me to the hospital."Zachary got down on one knee to inspect Yvonne's ankle. It was bright red and swollen. Standing up, he scooped her into his arms. "I'll take you."Yvonne shook her head pitifully. With reddened eyes, she begged, "Please don't. If Mrs. Jenkins Senior finds out that you left the party tonight, she'll blame me.""Yvonne, the party doesn't matter at this point. Let Ms. Loyle deal with the fallout," Mary said mockingly.For Lexi, ignorance was bliss. She didn't really want to see them act lovey-dovey in front of her, so she uttered icily, "Ms. Xenos grabbed my arm on her own accord. I wanted to leave, but she wouldn't let go and fell. This has nothing to do with me. I didn't push her."With that, she tried to talk off.Zachary looked at her coldly. "It doesn't matter whether you pushed her or not. Since you're the reason she's hurt, you should apologize.""Are you asking m
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Chapter 24
Lexi pretended not to see it and didn't pick up.At the hospital, Zachary's expression grew even icier. Since Lexi wasn't answering the phone, he sent her a text instead. It said: "Lexi, don't head back to the Flowerhill Estate tonight. I told Grandma that we're staying the night outside today."Lexi scoffed when she saw the message. Where was he staying the night?…The Garmin Hotel only had one presidential suite on the penthouse floor. It was for housing very important guests and even had an attached outdoor pool.A gorgeous man stepped out from the pool.The general manager of the hotel handed the man a towel. "Hello, Mr. Quall."Claude took the towel and wiped himself dry then put on a white bathroom. His expression was neutral as he asked, "Is something the matter?"The manager, Harvey Miller, smiled. "I brought you a woman who is adept in giving massages."A woman wearing a white dress stood a distance away, looking excited and shy at the same time.Anyone who could
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Chapter 25
After the doctors had a look at Yvonne, Zachary carried her out of the hospital and into the car."Be careful. Your right arm isn't fully recovered yet, but now there's something wrong with your leg."Yvonne said softly, "Don't be mad. I promise to be good in the future. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone to the party tonight. I didn't know that it was for…"She trailed off while blinking away the tears from her red eyes. "If I had known, I wouldn't have gone."Zachary sighed when he saw her so sad. "I'm sorry. It's my fault that you're in this position. Yvonne, just give me another six months, okay?"He held her in his arms and gently kissed her on the forehead."This is my fault. If only I hadn't chosen to go abroad back then. I'm sorry, Zachary," Yvonne said sadly while leaning against him.Zachary thought back to how Lexi had taken care of him during the years Yvonne was abroad and zoned out momentarily."I'll move out of the Royaltree Estate temporarily. Now, Lexi is Mrs. Je
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Chapter 26
Lexi also saw the video on his phone. She looked down and massaged her sore feet slightly.Claude paused the video. He got up and grabbed a pair of hotel slippers. He placed them by her feet. "Put these on."Then, he continued watching. Once he was done, he was frowning. He seemed to be at a loss. "Why do women love playing these cheap games?"Lexi changed into the slippers. While looking up at him, she asked, "Why do men like rescuing the damsel in distress?"Claude only had one comment. "They are stupid."Lexi straightened and said, "It's love. Love is blind.""This is love, alright. The mistress is already picking a fight, yet the wife still loves her awful husband," Claude said mockingly. He looked at Lexi like she was a lovesick fool whose brain he wanted to pry into.Lexi rubbed her forehead unconsciously. "I don't love him anymore. I've learned to let him go. I'm not a masochist."If it hadn't been for Martha, she would have shown off the certificate of divorce a long ti
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Chapter 27
Lexi pushed Claude away, and Claude naturally released her lips.She wanted to get mad at him. But then, she saw how his lips were stained with her lipstick. It made him look like an enchanting man. "What are you doing? Are you trying to steal your nephew's wife?"Her words were a little ironic.Claude sat on the couch and smiled lightly. His white bathrobe parted slightly, giving her a sexy view of his chest. Claude said, "You said you wanted to stay the night. Isn't this what you mean? You want to seduce me into cuckolding my nephew, don't you? What did he say when he called you earlier? Did it spur you on?"Lexi was stunned into silence. How was this man so smart? Despite all that talk, there was indeed a moment when she wanted to get revenge on Zachary.Sometimes, women could be petty."I'm not two-timing him. He two-timed me first. We're two-timing each other. It's fair that way," she said, summarizing the situation.Perhaps Zachary and the others had forced the rebelliou
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Chapter 28
Claude had licked up a mouthful of lipstick. He carried Lexi to the bathroom to wash up.…When Lexi woke up the next day, she was alone in bed. This made her sigh in relief.She saw a long-sleeved dress on the headboard as well as the shirt and pants that she had worn the night before.When she looked in the mirror, she couldn't bear to look at the bruises littered all over her body.After getting changed, she walked out of the bedroom to find Claude in a teleconference. He looked up at her, and Lexi pointed a finger at the door. She conveyed that she was leaving.Unexpectedly, he spoke. "Remember to pay me for my alpha services."Lexi was shocked into silence.When the others in the teleconference heard their boss speak, they paused the discussion. They didn't seem bemused at all; they simply continued to wait respectfully.Then, they heard a woman's soft and hoarse voice. "Alright." Claude added, "There's breakfast on the table. Have a bite before you go."Lexi nodded, a
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Chapter 29
On the plane, Jason turned around to look at Claude, who was reading a medical textbook. "How come you suddenly want to go to Gem City?"It was one thing for him to want to go, but why did he drag Jason along too?"There's a surgery I need to perform."At the same time, he wanted to see someone."That's not it, dude. You're going to perform the surgery, but why did you ask me to come along?"That was the problem.Claude thanked the flight attendant as he accepted a cup of coffee. Only then did he reply, "Of course, you're coming for a reason."Jason thought that there must be some issue that Claude couldn't handle on his own and thus wanted him to take the stage. The thought of it made him happy.However, he never thought that Claude had meant for him to become a delivery boy. Every day, he had to deliver food and drinks to a woman named Lexi."My net worth is in the millions. Why should I have to brave the natural elements?" Jason grumbled.Claude ignored his protests. "So w
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Chapter 30
In the factory's office, Zachary was rubbing his tired eyes when he heard his phone beep.When he picked up his phone, he saw that Lexi had sent him two videos.One was footage of Yvonne tripping at the party at the Garmin Hotel followed by Mary shoving Lexi against the wall. Then, when he read the provocative headline about the old woman extorting a good Samaritan as well as Lexi's text, his expression turned cold."Sorry," Zachary replied.Lexi sneered when she saw that word. "I want to see Cade," she texted back.She couldn't feel at ease until she saw Cade with her own eyes.Zachary had actually been feeling a little guilty. When he saw how Lexi wanted to take this opportunity to see Cade, he reluctantly agreed. "Fine."The factory grounds were huge. After Lexi brought Yvonne to Zachary's temporary office, she took her food to the cafeteria.When Zachary spotted Yvonne, his gaze fell on her injured foot. He grew faintly annoyed. "You're being ridiculous. Why aren't you focu
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