All Chapters of Unexpected Encounters: Love, Lies, and Second Chances: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
100 Chapters
Chapter 11
"Oh, who do we have here? It's Ms. Loyle," Xavier said sarcastically. He eyed Lexi up and down. Upon noticing her undesirable outfit, he clicked his tongue in disapproval.Lexi saw Zachary glance at her indifferently. She composed herself and said, "Mr. Zox, I apologize for what happened last time.""I'll accept your apology if you finish this bottle of liquor," Xavier said. He pushed a bottle toward her with a hostile expression. Last time, she very nearly castrated him. He couldn't let her get away without some punishment. The bottle contained exceptionally strong liquor that could be life-threatening if consumed entirely.Quinton smiled and offered, "Mr. Zox, how about I drink half of it for Ms. Loyle?""No. If Ms. Loyle doesn't want to drink, she can strip for us," Xavier replied. A few of the young men around him cheered."Yes, give us a striptease!" they echoed.Yvonne looked shy as she rolled her eyes at Xavier and said with a laugh. "Mr. Zox, we women are not interest
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Chapter 12
Lexi suddenly stopped resisting. It seemed as if she had accepted her fate. Seeing her compliance, Xavier fed her more of the spiked drink and started raining kisses on her slender neck. The drug's effect was swift indeed. Just as he relaxed his grip on her a little, Lexi pulled a sharp knife from her pocket and cut her own arm without hesitation to stay conscious.The onlookers had been excited initially to see the live show that was unfolding. But at the sight of blood, some of the more timid ones screamed in fright. "Ah! She's trying to kill herself!"Lexi pressed the knife to Xavier's neck. She licked her lips and said in a hoarse voice, "Mr. Zox, let's die together. How about that?"The terrified Xavier nearly wet himself. If he had known that she would fight back so valiantly even when she was being drugged, he would have restrained her first."P-Put the knife down, and I'll let you go," he stammered."No. If I let you go, you'll come look for trouble with me again. Do y
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Chapter 13
The chaotic atmosphere finally settled when Lexi received an injection that put her into a peaceful slumber on the hospital bed. Having just done a good deed, Claude was washing his hands now. He stared at his slender fingers for a moment and chuckled.…Lexi slowly opened her eyes. Instantly, her nose picked up the smell of disinfectant typically associated with hospitals. Her ears detected a man's low voice coming from nearby. Once she returned to her senses, she turned her head and saw a man speaking on the phone by the window at a low volume. His voice was extremely hoarse, but his words were firm and merciless. "Make sure he spends the rest of his life in prison."On the other end of the call, Jason Sanchez laughed and teased, "Claude, I can't believe you're getting angry over a woman. This isn't like you!""I must be possessed or something," Claude replied apathetically. Then, in a somewhat fearless tone, he added, "I'll get myself exorcized someday.""Alright. Leave thi
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Chapter 14
Lexi saw from her reflection in the mirror that one side of her face was slightly swollen and red from being hit the previous night. She looked rather miserable. Lately, her face had frequently been on the receiving end of blows. She smiled wryly.As she needed to use the bathroom, Claude stepped out to give her some privacy. The sound of trickling water came from the bathroom. While waiting, Claude casually texted Jason, who was complaining about the abrupt end to their earlier conversation via text.When Lexi emerged from the bathroom, she found Claude standing just outside the door. Her face burned with embarrassment.She sipped the hot chicken soup in small mouthfuls. Claude sat on the couch and waited until she finished before bringing up another matter."We'll arrange for your abortion to be done tomorrow."Lexi wiped her mouth and replied softly, "Okay."Claude was silent for a moment before he added, "The test results showed that the drug you ingested last night was v
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Chapter 15
In the afternoon, Quinton delivered a document for Lexi to sign on behalf of Zachary. He didn't know the contents of the document."Lexi, I'm sorry that I couldn't stop them last night." Quinton genuinely felt remorseful.Lexi shook her head. "There were so many of them, and you couldn't have fought them off. I should still thank you."She wasn't the type to direct her anger at innocent people who tried to help."Xavier won't trouble you anymore. He's in prison now, and Jenkins Corporation has ceased all business dealings with the Zox family."When Lexi heard that Xavier was in prison, she recalled Claude's phone call earlier that morning. It seemed he had helped her again.As for Jenkins Corporation ending its collaborations with the Zox family, she didn't naively believe it was for her sake. Business was just like war. If the Zox family and Zox Corporation fell, Jenkins Corporation could expand by taking over some of their assets.Quinton wasn't trying to defend Zachary. He ju
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Chapter 16
Claude listened absentmindedly to a priest reciting some scriptures. His slender fingers typed away on the phone. He replied: "No, I'm not."He had no reason to be upset. They just happened to have a one-night stand by some freaky twist of fate. She could do as she pleased.Jason had invited a respected old priest to read Claude some scriptures because he felt that his good friend had been too benevolent lately. He found it weird because it was out of the norm.Claude put away his phone and listened to the scriptures reading with crossed legs."Sir, can you please teach me how to pray for a departed soul?"This was the only thing he could do for the unfortunate child who was not destined to be born.Despite his youth and noble yet carefree demeanor, Claude had an inherent and subtle air of ruthlessness about him.The old priest was a good judge of character. "I'll teach you a simple prayer."Lexi didn't know that Claude was at home and praying for their aborted child. When sh
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Chapter 17
The door to the hospital room opened once again. It turned out that Zachary and Yvonne had come. Yvonne was wearing a white floral dress, and her beautiful face was free from makeup. She looked innocent and pure.Lexi glanced at them before looking away indifferently. She didn't look upset at all. Martha regarded them coldly. Since she was still in recovery, she didn't say anything hurtful right off the bat.Yvonne was holding a bouquet of Martha's favorite chrysanthemums. "Mrs. Jenkins Senior, I'm here to see you," she said. Then, she continued awkwardly, "When I walked out of the elevator, I happened to bump into Zachary."Mary linked arms with Yvonne. "Grandma, Yvonne and I made plans to come see you today."Since they were here to visit, Martha wasn't going to kick them out. She merely said with indifference, "Thanks, Ms. Xenos."Zachary walked over to Lexi's side and coldly handed her a piece of bread. "I rushed here right after getting off the plane. Have something light
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Chapter 18
Lexi felt uncomfortable when she heard Zachary call her "Lex." Before this, he always addressed her as Ms. Loyle or just Lexi.It must be really difficult for Zachary to call her so intimately.Lexi's mind was running amok with strange thoughts."Alright, you two should hurry and go on your date. You don't need to keep me company.""If you say so, Grandma."Zachary walked out of the hospital room with Lexi by his side.The smile on Martha's face immediately disappeared. It was replaced by a look of worry. "Ellie, those two must think I'm foolish."They were clearly pretending to have made up in front of her.Ellie had taken care of Martha for over two decades. She more or less understood her concerns. "Your grandchildren have to walk their own paths, Madam Inman."Martha shook her head. "Nevermind. While I'm still alive, I'll give them another chance. Once my eyes shut for good, I won't be able to bother about them anymore."Lexi followed Zachary into the elevator. The two of
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Chapter 19
Zachary had bought out the entire cinema just to take a few photos. "Damn rich people," Lexi sighed internally.Now that they had accomplished their mission of a movie date, Zachary took her to a restaurant. They booked a private room this time, so there was no need to buy out the whole restaurant.Now an expert, Lexi went along with his plan and took the photos. Once that was done, she picked up her handbag and left.As he watched Lexi walk away in a hurry, Zachary frowned. He picked up his phone and planned to send the date photos to Martha later tonight. Then, he got up and took his leave too.The table was already filled with the food that they had ordered, but neither of them had the desire to pick up their cutlery.After Lexi walked out of the private room, she unexpectedly ran into Claude at the restaurant. Today, he was dressed in a formal black suit that made him look regal.There was a woman in an evening gown standing next to him. She looked very young and gave off a g
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Chapter 20
When he remembered the black lace panties he saw outside the restroom earlier, Claude's lips slowly curved into a smirk.Once Lexi was seated, she looked up at him in confusion. "What are you smiling at?""I just remembered a joke," Claude answered.Lexi just stared at him in disbelief.Claude shut the door. Then, he walked around the car and got into the driver's seat. Despite only having taken two puffs of his cigarette, he stubbed it out on the ground.When Lexi reached around to put on her safety belt, she found two sealed foil packages.They were clearly condoms. Anyone could tell.He actually had these things prepared in his car.Lexi handed the two condoms to Claude and said calmly, "You can't leave these things lying everywhere. Or else, it'll be so inconvenient to hunt for them when you need them."Claude started the car. He regarded the packages in her palm with an unreadable gaze and raised an eyebrow. "Those aren't mine. The size is too small for me. Actually, I bo
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