All Chapters of Unexpected Encounters: Love, Lies, and Second Chances: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
100 Chapters
Chapter 51
"What's going on? Who's causing trouble in my club?" Jason asked when he approached, his presence commanding attention.Lexi turned her head and recognized the familiar face. He was the one who had delivered her takeout.Mary, fuming, pointed at her and said, "Mr. Sanchez, you're here just in time. For the sake of the Jenkins family, kick them out of the club. Look at me! She splashed me with juice. I can't just let this go."Jason gave her a faint smile and replied, "It does look bad, but all the ladies who come to my club are esteemed guests. Ms. Jenkins, perhaps you could let this matter slide for the sake of the Sanchez family?"He implied that Mary should reciprocate if she wanted him to do her a favor.Shocked by his response, she glared at him and said, "You!"Gwen laughed out loud, her laughter only adding fuel to the fire.Jason summoned the club's security and instructed, "Please escort Ms. Jenkins out."Mary and her friends were stunned. They had expected Lexi and Gw
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Chapter 52
Gwen nodded and added, "Exactly. You're already at this age but still don't know how to behave."Her insult stung deeply. Mary's expression changed, and she noticed people eyeing her."Lexi, you're just a woman abandoned by my brother. What are you so proud of? Back then, you tried so hard to please him and our family. You even learned massage and cooking. It's laughable!"Hearing this, Lexi smiled lightly. She had learned those skills for Zachary, but she felt no shame."I was just practicing my skills on you all."She saw her acquired skills as something valuable, not something to be embarrassed about.Mary was speechless, seething inside. "What a smooth tongue she has," she cursed inwardly.Jason signaled for the male performers to continue the show and discreetly sent a message to Claude.He wrote, "I heard Ms. Loyle learned massage and cooking to please her ex-husband."Meanwhile, in South Rildo, Claude stood on the banks of a crocodile-infested river, his expression cold
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Chapter 53
Claude unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt and licked his lips. He opened WhatsApp, found Lexi's number, and sent her a message."Do you enjoy stuffing money into shorts?" he wrote.Putting away his phone, he casually announced, "I'm taking her with me today."He was talking to the group of people across from him. In this place, intruders rarely managed to escape. Those who tried usually ended up as crocodile food.The leader of the area glared at Claude coldly and said, "Give her to him."A woman with tan skin, visibly covered in scars, was shoved toward him. He stepped aside without touching her, and the woman collapsed to the ground.She bit her lip and held her tears. She was finally leaving this hellhole.Milo's mouth twitched slightly as he stepped forward to help the woman up to her feet.Meanwhile, Lexi heard her phone ping with a notification but didn't have time to check it. She was lounging on the couch with her long, slender legs crossed, looking like an ent
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Chapter 54
Zachary motioned for his bodyguards to pull Mary back before shooting her a cold glare."Mary," he asserted.His icy gaze finally made her calm down.Lexi, standing behind her bodyguards, met his cold eyes without flinching."Mr. Jenkins, I sincerely hope that you and your family will pretend not to know me whenever we meet. By the way, let me congratulate you and Ms. Xenos and wish you two a happy ever after."She turned to Gwen and added, "Let's go."Mary, seething with pent-up anger from the entire evening, exploded and shouted, "Zachary, are you just going to let her go? She just slapped you!"Jason raised an eyebrow and looked toward Zachary's face. Wow, this was great news. Zachary Jenkins had been slapped.Gwen turned around and glanced at Mary, making a bold declaration."I'll remember that you hit me earlier. I won't let you get away with it. Just you wait! Are you the only one with a brother? I have a brother, too!"Lexi couldn't help supporting her forehead, speech
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Chapter 55
Gwen was lying on the bed. She messaged Claude to complain about her being beaten up. After complaining, she boasted, "Lexi's bed is so soft!""Huh?" Claude replied."I'm hugging Lexi to sleep later!" she replied with a hint of insolence visible from her message.He simply found Gwen childish after reading her text message.However, he hadn't slept in Lexi's bed before.Claude typed slowly, "Send me a photo of Lexi sleeping. I'll forgive both of you for going to the show."Gwen saw the message and showed it to Lexi. "Lexi, look. Claude wants me to take a photo of you sleeping secretly."Levi was speechless, remembering the bathroom incident. "Is he a pervert? Give me your phone," she exclaimed coldly. Then, she snatched Gwen's phone and recorded a voice message. "You pervert!"Hearing Lexi's voice, Claude knew it was her. He had anticipated that Gwen would tell Lexi about the text. He mentioned the photo in the text on purpose.He was indeed twisted.When he was cold an
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Chapter 56
He couldn't believe she was so naive.Bella was also angry. "Why did you look for Lexi in the first place? You have to apologize to Gwen, not Lexi."Gwen was Denver's third wife and Claude's distant cousin. Of all the people whom Mary could mess with, it had to be Gwen.Bella felt a headache coming on at the thought of it.Why did everyone have to leave Jover City and come here, of all places?Martha rubbed her forehead. "Zach, if Mary doesn't listen, just send her abroad."She loved her granddaughter, but the younger girl was being so unreasonable. Spending some time abroad would help her mature.Listening to that, Mary felt that her grandmother didn't love her. "Grandma, you even dote on Lexi, who's just an outsider! What about me? I'm your granddaughter!""Enough! Apologize, or I'm sending you abroad tonight." Zachary lost his patience and turned to Martha. "Grandma, let me handle this. You should rest."Martha wasn't feeling well, so she nodded and had someone wheel her ba
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Chapter 57
Lexi attended the Lindt family's party for Eugenie's 18th birthday without bringing any gifts.It was better to save the money instead of buying a gift for Eugenie.When Lexi arrived, Eugenie was entertaining her classmates. At the sight of Lexi not bringing a gift, Sandra frowned. "It's your sister's birthday. How could you not buy a gift? And what are you wearing?"Lexi wore a black shirt with a skull print and a pair of sweatpants. Her long hair cascaded down to her slim waist. With her tall, vibrant figure, the outfit was fine. It was just inappropriate for the occasion.Lexi smiled, "I forgot to get a gift, Mom. You can get my sister something, though. She won't know who it is from, anyway."Sandra tried to maintain her polite smile as she greeted the passing guests. Then, she gritted her teeth, hissing, "I'll have someone help buy the gift now. Pass it to your sister when they cut the cake."Lexi lazily nodded. "Yeah, no problem."Dressed in an elegant dress, Eugenie l
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Chapter 58
Whoever got the wind of this information had made their intention crystal clear.When Lexi was enjoying her snack, she couldn't help but notice a few of the older women casting strange, disdainful glances in her direction.She fell silent and set aside her snack. This was vexing.After Eugenie finished cutting the cake, Lexi passed Sandra's gift to Eugenie and left the Lindt residence. From now on, barring any unforeseen circumstances, such as Sandra falling ill, Lexi had no intention of returning to the Lindts.Eugenie watched Lexi leave. Then, she took out her phone and sent a message. "Ms. Jenkins, it's done."…Lexi was woken up by the doorbell early in the morning.It was Cade. Seeing Lexi was doing well, he entered the house while leaning on his cane. "Lexi, I've brought you some breakfast."Lexi sat on the couch. Squinting her eyes, she yawned. "I'll save it for lunch," she said.Cade draped a blanket over her legs. "Lexi, have you seen today's trending headlines?"
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Chapter 59
Mary happily shared the screenshots of people cursing Lexi online with Yvonne. She had cursed Lexi herself as well."Yvonne, do you think Lexi will hide and cry? Will she get eggs thrown at her when she goes out?" she exclaimed excitedly.Mary was currently grounded at home, unable to go anywhere. She would have to apologize once she got in touch with Gwen. At least for now, she felt happy to witness Levi's unfortunate event.As evidenced, one's happiness was truly built upon the suffering of others.Yvonne chuckled. "She called your brother not long ago, probably wanting his help to clear things up.""Will Zach help her?" Mary pouted, showing her displeasure."I answered the phone. She won't be contacting Zach anytime soon," Yvonne said gently."Yvonne, you're so nice." Mary was relieved, but it suddenly dawned on her. "Do you think Eugenie will rat you out?""Don't worry. She wouldn't dare to," Yvonne reassured her.…Lexi hung up the phone when Yvonne told her Zachary wa
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Chapter 60
"Do you have any idea what you've done? Just you wait," Lexi lashed out angrily. Lexi bribed someone during the party to tell her what had happened as she smelled something fishy.Her reaction was not that of someone who would shed tears. She was fierce and unyielding.Claude responded with an ambiguous chuckle and started mopping the floor. After completing the task, he took a shower.He even asked her to bring a towel. Lexi's lips twitched slightly as the idea of him showering in her home made her uncomfortable."No!" she refused. "Just put your clothes back on!"He emerged from the bathroom, wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs and his stained shirt in his hand. "The shirt is covered in red paint. Are you sure you don't have any towels? I don't mind walking around like this," he said boldly.Lexi was speechless at his lack of shame.She found a large towel for Claude and passed it to him after his shower.As Lexi was scrolling through the news, Claude, still fresh f
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