All Chapters of Unexpected Encounters: Love, Lies, and Second Chances: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 Chapters
Chapter 71
Lexi smiled after texting Claude.Just then, Cade finished cooking.They each had a plate of Bolognese spaghetti and began discussing their future plans."Lexi, I want to livestream myself singing," Cade said, considering his situation. His only advantage was his naturally good voice."Alright. I'll help you with songwriting." After replying, Lexi thought about her dream.She wanted to open a café. It didn't need to be large. Just a cozy spot with green plants outside would do. It would be perfect for people to relax."I want to open a café," she said.With their plans set, they started taking action.Cade needed to register an account and get equipment for his livestream, while Lexi needed to find the right storefront for her café.Lexi called Gwen to join them, as the latter often complained about boredom.The three of them went to the electronics store to buy equipment. After that, Lexi went to the restroom while Cade and Gwen waited outside.Suddenly, a small child ran
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Chapter 72
Mary felt that everything was Lexi's fault.Lexi maintained a calm expression. She knew that the petty Mary was once more holding a grudge against her."Let's go, Lexi." Gwen was aware of the feud between Lexi and Yvonne from online gossip.When she saw Yvonne, she sized her up and thought her figure was no better than Lexi's. She felt that Zachary really had poor taste in women.Yvonne clung to Zachary's arm and said softly, "Zach, I have a prenatal checkup later. Can you come with me?"As she said this, Lexi and Gwen had just stood up from their seats, ready to leave.Lexi raised an eyebrow and smirked.Zachary glanced at Yvonne's belly. "Okay.""Lexi," Yvonne suddenly called out.Lexi pretended not to hear and continued walking away.From behind, Yvonne's voice reached her. "Lexi, I'm sorry."Lexi wondered what exactly it was Yvonne was sorry for. After all, matters of the heart shouldn't be forced.Yvonne watched Lexi's back as she exited the café, then looked up
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Chapter 73
Eight months had passed since the car accident.Lexi not only lost her memory when she woke up, but her personality had changed, too.She used to be cool and mature, with a touch of charm. Now, she was like a firecracker with great energy."Lexi, are you going out?" Gwen had moved in with Lexi since she woke up, as she was worried about the latter.Lexi didn't remember Gwen and Cade after her accident.Gwen watched Lexi as she transformed into a different person whose mind was filled with thoughts of Zachary.When Gwen sometimes saw Lexi like this, she didn't know whether to feel sorry for her or be glad that Lexi had forgotten the pain.Lexi stood with her right foot on the edge of the bed. With her hips raised, she leaned over to tie a red rope around her fair ankle.She wore a black corset that exposed her slender waist and a miniskirt that revealed her long, slender legs.She looked extremely seductive in that attire."Gwen, I might be back late tonight. You go ahead an
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Chapter 74
Jason stole a glance at Claude and returned his attention to the road when he saw the latter sleeping.Lexi felt cold inside the car. Her clothes were slightly revealing, and goosebumps littered her exposed skin. She rubbed her arms and glanced down at her chest, noticing her strapless top slipping. She pulled up her black tube top, frustrated at how loose it was."Turn the heater up," came a low and groggy voice.Jason cocked a brow and adjusted the heater. He knew both he and Claude were actually feeling hot. He looked in the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of Claude's expression but couldn't discern anything.Lexi turned to look at Claude beside her, who was also looking at her. His gaze was dark yet indifferent, unabashedly trailing from her face to her legs.Lexi pressed her legs together.After scrutinizing Lexi's provocative outfit, Claude averted his gaze and closed his eyes again.The car fell silent.Lexi looked down and sent a message to the person she had asked t
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Chapter 75
Zachary's answer was delayed. "Where should we eat?"His gaze felt strange to Lexi. It was as though he was holding something back.However, Lexi didn't think much of it since it wasn't important and flashed a sweet smile at his response.Her bright red lips looked full and inviting as she smiled. Her cheeks flushed.Zachary altered his gaze to appear indifferent, though he was aware his heart had skipped a beat. But the feeling was fleeting.He felt a pang of pain when Lexi had her accident, but he figured it was because they had been together for four years, and was simply used to having her around.Zachary walked on ahead. Because Lexi was wearing heels, she found it hard to keep up and was soon out of breath as she followed. Zachary slowed his pace.Lexi caught up to him with a beaming smile. "I made a reservation at Whisk Eats. You have a weak stomach, and I heard their soup can help with that."She then mumbled to herself, "Strange. How do I even know about your sto
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Chapter 76
Zachary paused. "I didn't think it would be necessary to throw it away."Lexi smiled. "True."She draped the jacket over herself again, and something flashed in Zachary's eyes.As they left Whisk Eats, Lexi said, "You guys go ahead. I still have something to attend to. I'll pick up the car I left at the office tomorrow."Quinton reminded, "Be careful. Call me if you need anything."Lexi nodded.Zachary entered the car and pursed his lips at the lively Lexi outside before turning away. "To Royaltree Estate."Lexi took another selfie after Zachary and Quinton left. This time, she was pictured wearing his suit jacket. She posted it on her social media again. "My clothes are a little revealing today. It feels a bit chilly."She smirked to herself. "I hope you enjoy my gift, Yvonne."At Royaltree Estate, Yvonne was still recovering postpartum. She took her daughter from the babysitter and tried to feed her with a bottle."Has Zachary returned home yet?" she asked, gazing
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Chapter 77
Lexi knew she was diving headfirst into danger. One wrong move, and she would be doomed.Zachary had fawned over Yvonne for years and even had a child together. It would be hard to make him cheat on her. But Lexi thought that was okay. After all, she wasn't planning to win Zachary's heart. She only wanted to be a constant thorn in Yvonne's side and create misunderstandings between the two.Despite the bright city lights outside, Lexi appeared lonely in the car.Lexi went to a club. The people inside danced wildly, releasing their pent-up desires.When Lexi grew tired of dancing, she turned to drinking. She took out her phone. At this hour, Zachary and Yvonne were likely to be asleep.Lexi narrowed her eyes and sent several messages to Zachary. "What should I do, Gwen? I feel like I can't win him back."Why does the alcohol here taste so bitter?"Ugh. He doesn't love me."Gwen, come out and drink with me."Lexi smirked after sending the messages. She put her phone away.She
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Chapter 78
Back at the hospital, Claude calmly put his phone back into his pocket.Lexi had been sick for two days before finally going to the Jenkins Corporation parking lot to retrieve her car. Naturally, she also needed to return Zachary's suit jacket.When she arrived at Jenkins Corporation, she called Quinton. "Mr. Shaw, I have Mr. Jenkins' jacket with me. Can you take it to him?"Quinton told her to wait a moment and hung up. He knocked on the president's office door. "Mr. Jenkins, Lexi has brought your jacket back."Zachary paused before saying, "Go and get it."Lexi waited in the reception area. Soon, Quinton came out from the lift. "Lexi, Mr. Jenkins is busy right now."Lexi arched a brow and joked, "Is Mr. Jenkins afraid of me?"Quinton cleared his throat. Lexi used to be so aloof and would never make such jokes. She handed the jacket to Quinton and left briskly.Quinton delivered the jacket to Zachary's office. "Lexi has left.""Alright. Just leave it there," Zachary r
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Chapter 79
When Yvonne finished her call with Zachary, she couldn't stop thinking about that familiar female voice she had heard. With her child in hand, she took a car to the ranch.When Lexi saw Yvonne appear with her infant daughter, she smiled. Yvonne was actually anxious."Zachary, is this your daughter?" Lexi's voice was soft as she curiously examined Yvonne and the baby. "What a petite baby. How cute."Lexi reached out to touch the child, but Yvonne turned away. "She's sleeping. It's been a while, Lexi." Yvonne sighed. "I'm sorry about Cade."Lexi looked confused. "Who's Cade?"Zachary interrupted, "Let me hold the child, Yvonne."He was signaling Yvonne not to continue.Yvonne nodded and handed the child to him with a gentle smile. She couldn't believe how unaffected Lexi was at the mention of Cade.Zachary and Yvonne looked like the picture-perfect family, along with their child. Lexi sneered to herself, though she put on a sorrowful look.Zachary noticed this.Lexi
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Chapter 80
"Alright. Thank you, Lexi." Gwen left the kitchen and sat on the couch to watch TV while waiting.After Gwen exited the kitchen, Lexi smiled helplessly. She thought her own acting skills were impressive. She managed to convince everyone to think that she was still in love with Zachary.Lexi's cooking was excellent, and the two ate until they were stuffed."Lexi, there's an auction in two days. Can you accompany me?" Gwen asked."Sure. What are you planning to bid on?" Lexi hummed."The blue heart diamond." Gwen looked determined.…Two days later, Lexi and Gwen went to the auction. Lexi didn't wear anything too revealing, as it wasn't appropriate for such an event.As they exited the car, a silver car pulled up in front of them. The driver got out and opened the door. Claude stepped out, dressed casually in a black shirt with a few buttons undone.On the other side of the vehicle, a woman in a fitted dress stepped out and walked over to Claude. Gwen was about to call o
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