All Chapters of The billionaire Wife Returns : Chapter 1 - Chapter 5
5 Chapters
Chapter One
Maybe it's cancer," I thought to myself, "That would be the only reason why I've been dizzy lately." So this was how I was going to die, without love. "Mrs. Graham?" A blonde female doctor called my attention and I followed her without a word till we entered her office."Doctor, how long do I have left?" I placed my hands on my chest waiting for her to hit me with the news. "9 months." The doctor smiled. How could she be telling me that I was going to die soon and she was smiling? "9 months? So I just have 9 months to live?" Tears glistened in my eyes. "Oh my goodness, Mrs. Graham! You're 2 weeks pregnant, you're not dying." The blonde doctor's smile widened. "What?" I stood to my feet, unable to contain the joy that bubbled up inside me, "I don't have cancer and I'm pregnant?" I couldn't believe my ears, and the doctor nodded, handing me the test results, "Thank you so much, doctor." I threw my hands around her like a child clinging to a favorite teddy bear. "It's okay, you ca
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Chapter Two
"Why Adrian? How could you?" I stumbled back, tears building at the corner of my eyes. "It's our anniversary, Adrian, do you hate me this—”"I have never loved you, Sonya. I made that clear." Adrian's words came out as a strained whisper, his eyes avoiding mine."And of all days to sleep with someone, it's our anniversary." I choked out, my eyes stinging with tears. "Like that even matters, Sonya, I made it clear that I do not love—" "Then why didn't you send me home?" I took a step forward, "Why didn't you send me home?" I repeated slowly this time, "You could have just set me free and I'll just get on with my life. Why?""I didn't force you to stay with me." Adrian's words hit me like a stack of brick, "Plus, I have the right to do whatever I want, I don't need your permission." His eyes blazed with anger. "Can you even hear yourself, Adrian?" I questioned, my voice trembling with disbelief. "You have the rights? Right, to sleep with my fucking sis—""No, no, Sonya," Melissa sna
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Chapter Three
"Where am I?" My head was spinning. I tried to sit up a bit and that was when I realized I was in a hospital and not the afterlife. I tried standing but I fell that same moment, and then something piqued my interest. I was hearing voices outside the wardroom and I looked through the transparent door it was two nurses, but I had a feeling that they were talking about me, so I chose to listen. "What's wrong with this patient?" One of the nurses, who was red-haired asked the other nurses who wore these oversized goggles. "She just lost her baby." The goggle nurse answered. Were they talking to me, my hands flew to my belly, was that why I felt drained? No, it couldn't be me. "Oh, that's so bad." The red-haired nurse sighed. "Stop sighing I did not lose my baby," I muttered to myself as my heart began to race. "And the worst part, I don't think she'd be able to get pregnant again." The red-haired nurse added, and they headed off. "I wonder why she will try swimming." The goggle n
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Chapter Four
"What is your problem, Adrian?" I shrieked, hitting him on his chest as tears welled up in my eyes. "I want a divorce! Why aren’t you listening?”My dark-haired husband steadied his eyes on me before a tiny grin played on the corners of his lips. "Melissa,” He groaned, his eyes still on me, "Please call the doctor, I think she's high on anaesthetics."Wait. What did he just say? How could he think I'm high? I was so furious. I felt like dragging my hair out of my scalp"I am not crazy Adrian, I just need a—""Divorce, yes you've made that clear, and I think you're either high or seeking attention." He winked at me before facing Melissa, "Hurry please.""If you take one more step, Melissa, I'm going to cut myself." I grabbed a pair of scissors and placed it on my wrist. "You must be kidding right?" My step-sister snorted."Try me." I was dead serious. The moment Melissa took a step past me, I slit my wrist and winced a bit as the blood began dripping on the floor. "She moves furth
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Chapter Five
"Did you buy this company to get back at me?" I seethed, every fiber of my being trembling with suppressed rage."Uhm, excuse me." Hannah excused herself. "Don't create a scene here Sonya, I don't know what you're talking about." Adrian frowned. How could he lie to my face? He must have known I applied for a job here and deliberately chose to buy it. It could not be a coincidence. The dark haired man did it on purpose."Create a scene? You wanted to create a scene the moment you walked in through that door." I retorted. "How was I supposed to know that you were working here?" I knew who I married, and every one of his actions was always calculated. "I don't know, maybe you hired someone to monitor me.""Sonya, let's resolve this like adults, let's just—""You know what, Adrian? I'm not ready for this or whatever you want to say." I grabbed my bag and moved past him. "Sonya!" He called, but I ignored him. He hated it when anyone ignored him, and lately, I enjoyed doing it. "Sir
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