All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S PERFECT MATE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
70 Chapters
The Torment Begins
Earlier that day, Ellie had called Sophia after having gotten her number from Edward’s phone.‘Hello, Sophia. It’s been a long time’, Ellie had said after Sophia picked her call.‘Excuse me, who am I speaking with?’, Sophia who was unaware of the identity of the individual she was on the line with asked, confused.‘Have you forgotten me so soon? Have you finally given up on Edward? Seems like you have already accepted the fact that he chose me over you’, Ellie said, smiling.‘Oh, it’s you. It’s nice hearing your voice once again. I have been meaning to get in touch with you. Do you mind me having a short conversation with you this evening? I will come over to the club if you do not mind’, Sophia said in a rather calm voice.‘The club? Seems you are not aware I do not work there anymore. I now work in a Fashion company as the Personal Assistant to the Vice-President of the company. At least, I have to try and meet up to Edward’s standard’, Ellie said, smiling over the phone.‘You work
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Collision of Fate
Closing the door quietly, Sophia moved toward the stairs with shaky legs. Her eyes filled with tears and frustration. Ellie’s mocking smile kept on replaying in her mind. She was heartbroken and pained. She felt heartbroken and pained not because she was in love with Edward but she just couldn’t stand seeing Ellie and Edward together. She wanted Edward all to herself. She couldn’t stand seeing another woman near the men she wanted.‘Why must it be her? Why?’, Sophia yelled in frustration as she walked down the stairs.‘I won’t allow this to happen. If he can’t be mine, he will never be hers. Who does she think she is? She is just a nobody!!!!!!!!!!’, Sophia yelled, venting her anger on her hand bag which she threw away.‘I swear with my life, I am going to kill her. Where the hell is Jack?’, she shouted in anger, bringing out her phone from her handbag which she had picked from the floor to call Jack.‘Where the hell are you?’, Sophia who was frustrated yelled at Jack over the phone.
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Her Misfortune
'So, what do you decide on doing? Do you want me to give birth to your child in prison? If you let this go, I may consider your request to pay your sick father’s medical bill. So, what do you say?’, Sophia asked holding her belly. Since she hit her stomach on the steering wheel earlier, she had been feeling pain, but she didn’t pay much attention to it as she had thought it was as a result of her stressing herself too much. ‘Are you being serious right now?’, Jack who was surprised by what Sophia had said asked. ‘Is that a yes from you?’, Sophia asked. ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t go back on your word?’, Jack who knew how dubious and manipulative Sophia was asked. ‘That depends on how you behave. If you don’t go running your mouth, then you have my word. But remember this, the day I hear about this from a third party is going to be your father’s last day on Earth. Is that understood?’, Sophia said, whispering in Jack ear, expecting an acknowledgement from him but which she never go
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Seeds of Vengeance
After being discharged from the hospital, Sophia decided to sped some days in her parents’ house, devising her revenge plan. During her stay at the hospital, neither Edward nor Richard came visiting. Sophia had warned Jack who apart from the Doctor and her parents knew about the miscarriage never to mention it to anyone.Several days of thinking on how to avenge her baby brought her to a decision; to work in Edward’s father’s company. Being close to Edward and Ellie would make her get her revenge on Ellie as soon as possible, she had thought. Since her father was a partner of the company, it would be easy having her way into the company.On one of those days when her father got home, she had made her intention of working in the Lions Fashion Group known.‘Dad, I will like to work with Edward at his father’s company’, Sophia had said.‘Is there a reason for that? Do you know since when I have been begging you to work for my company?’, her dad asked.‘Nothing, dad. Just feel like it’s ti
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The Uncertainty
‘Are you fine?’, Ellie asked the enraged Edward after Sophia had left. ‘Yes, I am. Just wondering what she is up to. Why did she choose to work here suddenly?’ Edward said, getting worked up. ‘Sit down and calm your nerves. It’s only when you are calm that you can figure out her plan’, Ellie said, motioning for Edward to have his seat. ‘I actually have something to ...........’, Ellie said after Edward had sat down but was cut short of her statement by Edward’s ringing phone. Edward felt hesitant about picking the call, but he eventually picked it. It was her father on the line. ‘Hello’, Edward said upon picking the call. ‘We will be having a family dinner tonight. I need you and Sophia to be here by 6pm’, Daniel said, hanging up on Edward. ‘Is anything the problem?’, Ellie asked upon noticing Edward’s facial expression after dropping the call. ‘It’s nothing. You were saying something earlier. What was that about?’, curious Edward asked Ellie. ‘Was I? Can’t seem to hav
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His Retaliation
‘What did you just say?’, shocked Daniel, asked Edward.‘I said I want a divorce. I am fucking tired of living my whole life just to please you. I don’t even love her. Do you know she is cheating on me?’, Edward yelled at his father.‘And so what? I married your mother despite the fact that I didn’t love her but I did that for the sake of my father and the sake of the company. I abandoned the woman I loved just to be with your mother. These are some of the things you sacrifice for the sake of the company. Stop being immature and grow’, Daniel yelled back at Edward.‘Is that why you and your mistress killed her? Immature? I am not the immature one here, you are. You wouldn’t have cheated on and betrayed my mother if you were mature. You wouldn’t have left the woman you claimed you truly loved just because of your own selfish interest. You chose the company over her, remember?’, Edward said back at his father. This got Daniel angry making him slap Edward on his cheek.‘Don’t you dare ta
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The Unforeseen Request
With Ellie resting her head on his lap, Edward played with her hair. ‘How was the family dinner? Hope it went well?’, Ellie asked Edward. ‘I caused a ruckus amidst the dining’, Edward said. ‘What? What happened?’, Ellie asked, sitting up. ‘I made my intention of divorcing Sophia known which got dad angry’, Edward said. ‘You want to divorce her?’, Ellie asked surprised. ‘Yes, I want to. You can’t expect me to continue living with a woman carrying my brother’s child in her belly. Or don’t you want to spend your whole life with me by your side?’, Edward asked, facing Ellie. The question was sudden but at the same time, Ellie felt butterflies in her belly realizing the fact that Edward wanted to spend his whole life with her. ‘That’s not what I meant. But wait, your brother’s child?’, Ellie restated, confused. ‘I actually found out recently that Richard is my brother’, Edward responded. ‘What? How is that even possible?’, Ellie questioned. ‘Do you remember the woman I
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The Meeting
Waking up the following morning, Edward had gotten dressed up for work and when he had thought Ellie was also getting ready for them to head out, he found her in the dining room, still in her night dress, setting the table. 'Why are you not dressed yet?', Thought we will be heading out together to work after having had breakfast?', Edward asked, dragging the dining chair to sit, ready to dive into his food. 'Sorry, I forgot to inform. We won't be heading to the office together today', Ellie who had also sat down at the dining responded, dishing her food. 'Why is that?', Edward asked, raising his eyebrow and munching his food. 'You remember my friend who called me last night? I have to meet up with her this morning. There is something I need to assist her with', Ellie said nervously, praying silently for Edward not to see through her lies. 'That's fine. Will you be coming to the office once you are done?', Edward asked, not suspecting anything. 'Yes, I will be ', Ellie
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The Deal
'What do you want me to do?', Ellie asked. 'Do you know why I chose Sophia to be my daughter-in-law? It wasn't because I loved her but rather, because of what she was able to offer. With the union of both her and Edward, I was able to pull through her father's partnership with my company which actually helped a great deal with my company's visibility and growth. I choose people I relate with not because I value them but because of the value they will add to my company. What I want you to do is very simple, depending on the way you want to handle it. Have you heard of Oswell Fashion Brand before?', Daniel asked. 'The largest Fashion Brand in the United States?', Ellie said, wondering what Daniel was driving at.. 'Yes, you are right. I have been trying to have a collaboration with the company but all my efforts proved abortive. I tried setting up meetings with Collins Evans, the owner of the company countless times but he didn't grant me an audience. I heard through an insider re
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Challenge Accepted
'I met with your father earlier today', Ellie said. 'What? How come?', Edward asked, shocked. 'He was the one who called me last night. He said we needed to see', Ellie said. 'But you told me that was a friend', Edward said. 'I am sorry I lied to you. He told me not to inform which was why I had to lie. But after giving it a thought, I realized you need to be aware of it', Ellie said, trying to convince Edward that she never meant to lie to him. 'That's fine. So, what did you talk about? Did he bully you?', Edward asked, getting worked up. 'No, he didn't. Actually, made a deal with him', Ellie said. 'A deal?', Edward restated aloud. 'Yes, a deal. He promised to let us be and let through of your divorce with Sophia if I am able to complete a given task within three weeks', Ellie said, looking into Edward's eyes. 'And you believed him? What if he goes back on his word? What is the task all about?', Edward asked, showing keen interest. 'I need to secure a collaboration with Osw
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