All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S PERFECT MATE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
70 Chapters
Heartfelt Reunion
"You know him?" Ellie asked, confused, wondering how her grandmother knew him. It was when Granny called his name that Ellie learnt his name was Kevin."Yes, I do," Granny responded in a low voice, walking up to Kevin, who was sitting on the bed."Where have you been all this time? I searched everywhere for you and your sister, but you both were nowhere to be found. I'm sorry I let go of you both that day; I shouldn't have," Granny said, touching his face, with sadness written all over her face. She observed Kevin and noticed that he was dressed in clothes that could almost be mistaken for rags. His hair looked rough and dirty, and he looked very unkempt. He was so thin that it was evident he had not been eating well. His state was devastating, making Granny tear up."If not for me and my family, you wouldn't have ended up this way. It's my fault this has happened to you and your sister. If I had raised my son properly, this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry for all the pain we have c
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Forging Family Ties
Granny, with the help of the teacher, was led to the principal’s office alongside Kevin, Carla and Ellie. After several pleas and apologies, granny who had requested for the boy to be expelled for bullying her granddaughter, later let go of her grudge. But before she left the school premises, she made the boy apologize to Carla in front of the students he had disrespected her. She also made sure both the principal, alongside the boy and his parents made a written agreement, assuring her that such wouldn’t happen again.Afterwards, they all left the school premises and headed to a restaurant to eat as granny had requested for them to eat out instead of eating at home. While in the taxi on their way to the restaurant, Carla sat beside granny with granny holding her hand in hers. “Come here my daughter”, granny said, pulling Carla close to her and hugging her tightly.“I have missed you so much. I am sorry I let go of you. If I hadn’t, you wouldn’t have been bullied. I am sorry, Carla”
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A New Dawn
On getting home that night, while lying on their bed, Ellie had decided to question her grandmother about the people they had met earlier that day. She really wanted to know the connection between them and so, she asked.“Granny, can I ask you a question?”, Ellie asked, turning over to face her grandmother who was rubbing her aching ankle with a balm.“Sure, you can go ahead. I am all ears”, Granny responded, continuing what she was doing.“The people we met earlier, who are they?”, Ellie asked and immediately she did, she noticed a sudden change of mood in her. Her face became pale, as if it was something she didn’t want to remember.“If you do not not want to talk about it, it’s fine. You do not have to do something that will hurt you”, Ellie said, upon noticing her grandmother’s mood.“It’s fine. It is when one talks about what hurts him, that he will be free of the burden”, granny said.“Do you remember me telling you my son and his family died in a car accident?”, granny asked.“
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Her Past
Just as discussed, Kevin and Carla moved in with granny and Ellie few days after. They were still managing in the small room until the said apartment would be sold. The apartment had been put up on sale already but no buyer had been gotten yet.They were all living in peace and everything seemed to be going on smoothly for them. Ellie and Kevin too seemed to have been drawn to each other as they couldn’t do without each other. Granny was the one taking Carla to school and also picking her up after school. Kevin on the other hand, wouldn’t report back home without Ellie. Once he was done with his work, he would go to the convenience store and wait outside until Ellie was done with her shift before they would head home together. People often mistake them to be lovers not knowing they were siblings.They share a lot of secrets about themselves together and often talk about their future. Ellie cared for Kevin a lot and always made sure he goes out with his inhaler. On one of such nights w
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Silent Desperation
Carla had been frequently the hospital for her eyes, hoping a miracle would happen. Although the doctor had already informed them that she had to undergo an operation which would cost about $15,000 to $20, 000 but Kevin couldn’t raise the money. They hoped that a miracle would happen without her undergoing the surgery and so, they kept on visiting the hospital for check up.On one of such visits which granny had tagged along, the doctor dropped a bomb shell. The doctor had checked Carla’s eyes and after he was done, he had called both granny and Kevin to his office, making Carla stay with one of the nurses outside his office.“I am sorry to have taken out of your precious time but there is something I need to discuss with you”, the doctor said, facing granny and Kevin.“There is no problem but hope everything is fine, doctor?”, granny asked, feeling anxious.“I am scared to say that Carla might never regain her sight again”, the doctor said, with granny’s mouth wide agape.“What? What
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A Night of Peril
As she walked home that night along the valley, she heard a group of four guys chattering behind her but she never paid attention to them as she was so engrossed with thinking about what could have happened to her family. What was on her mind that night, was to get home as fast as she could and find out what was going on but she never knew that wasn’t going to happen.The group of four guys were coming back from the club and they were heavily drunk. They all seemed to be in college and should be around the same age as that of Kevin.They had lost their senses of reasoning and were just walking along the valley, sprouting nonsense. One of them seemed to have noticed Ellie who was walking in front of them and that was where everything began.“Wait guys, don’t you love the skirt that girl is putting on?”, the guy, whose eyes had fallen on Ellie said, shifting the attention of the other guys to her.“Wow!!!! Her skirt seems nice, exposing her smooth thighs. I love her thighs and all I want
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A Night of Terror
Ellie was all caught up in fear and the only thing she could think about at that moment was an escape route. She rose up to her feet and ran as fast as she could but she didn’t run far before Clark’s friends got a hold of her. She was dragged back to where Clark was standing, with him laughing hysterically and bringing out a packet of cigarette from his back pocket, getting ready to smoke.“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to say all I said. It was just a slip of tongue”, Ellie said, pleading vehemently, while kneeling in front of Clark, who was now puffing his cigarette.“You are sorry? Are you getting scared already pumpkin? Thought you said you didn’t give a fuck about me, so why are you pleading now?”, Clark asked, trying to mock and ridicule Ellie, who he was aware that, she was anxious and scared.“Please, just forgive me for all that I said. I am sorry”, Ellie kept on pleading, hoping Clark would have a change of mind and let her go.“Forgiveness? That word is not in my dictionary. Yo
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A Night of Peril II
As soon as he saw her, he rushed to where she was lying. He covered her up with her clothes that were scattered on the floor and held her in his arms.“Ellie, I am sorry I came late. I am sorry I didn’t come to pick you up at the convenience store. If I had, this wouldn’t have happened. Who did this to you? Is it someone you know?’, Kevin queried Ellie, who was just lying motionless in his arms and was tearing up without saying a word. She just kept on crying with Kevin apologizing over and over again as he felt it was his fault that had happened to her. Amidst her crying, Ellie passed out, which got Kevin scared.“Ellie, Ellie, are you still with me?”, Kevin asked, jerking Ellie’s body but he got no response from her. Without wasting time, he carried her on his back and rushed her to a nearby hospital. She was admitted and was given proper treatment after Kevin had narrated what had happened to her to the nurse. While at the reception, Kevin kept blaming himself for getting carried
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Her Silent Scream
Ellie was quickly attended to and the bleeding was stopped. After having her arm stitched, she was taken back to the ward, with her granny and Kevin by her side. She was sedated and had fallen into a deep sleep, unaware of what was gong on around her. As granny watched her, she felt sadness and guilt within her and at the same time, felt anger towards the person that made her granddaughter this way. All she prayed for at that moment was for Ellie to wake up and narrate what exactly had happened to her. She promised herself to get justice for Ellie, no matter what it would cost her.Night came and Ellie still hadn’t woken up. Kevin who had briefly gone home to check up on Carla, was expecting to meet her awake on getting back to the hospital but he had met her, still sleeping soundly. In the process of the wait for her to wake up, both granny and Kevin slept off, only to be awoken by the yelling and cries of Ellie in the middle of the night. This cries of hers, woke the other patients
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The Mask of Innocence
In no time, the attention of the media was drifted to Ellie, with the light of their cameras, flashing across her face.“What do you mean by that? Are you saying he is the one who hurt you?”, granny asked with a shaky voice, facing Ellie to confirm what she had just said. “Yes”, she nodded in affirmation, sobbing. Granny, who couldn’t hold back her anger anymore upon seeing the man who had raped her granddaughter, dashed at Clark. She held his suit and slapped him across the face as many times as she could, without giving him a breathing space. Even under this condition, Clark still put on a devilish smile, as if mocking granny for wasting her energy. This got granny more upset and she continued to hit him as hard as she could. With the help of the bodyguards, Clark was freed from grandma’s hold. This caused an uproar in the ward, with the media, taking note of every little information they could gather.Carlos Wordsworth, Clark’s father was an aspiring politician at that time, who wa
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