All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S PERFECT MATE: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
70 Chapters
Shadow of the Past
Walking into the club, all eyes were on Ellie. She dressed so elegantly that no man could resist her. Walking towards where Clinton was seated, Ellie smiled. ‘Hello, beauty. You look so stunning’, Clinton said, ravaging Ellie’s body with his eyes. ‘Thanks for the compliment’, Ellie said, taking her seat. ‘I heard you no longer work at Cheetahs. Seems like you have levelled up. That is quite evident in your body’, Clinton said, rolling his tongue. ‘Stop being naughty and let’s get straight to business’, Ellie said, crossing her legs. ‘So, you said you needed my help? What’s it all about?’, Clinton asked, sipping his drink. ‘I want to meet with your father. Can you secure an appointment for me?’, Ellie asked, unsure of Clinton’s response. ‘What? You want to meet with my father? Do you by chance have a crush on my father? Why don’t you check me out? I am everybody’s speck’, Clinton said, winking. ‘Can’t you be serious for once? I need to meet him urgently’, Ellie said.
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Her Fear
‘Am … Am I dreaming?’, Ellie, asked, stuttering. ‘No, you are not darling. It’s your darling husband standing right in front of you. I have missed you a lot’, the unknown man said, smiling. This smile on the man’s face got Ellie scared, making her slump, lying lifeless on the floor. Seeing this, the man left but without saying, ‘We will meet again, darling wife’. On getting home, Edward met Ellie lifeless at the entrance. Running towards where she was lying, pulling her close to him and trying to jerk her back to life. When he saw no sign of her waking up anytime soon, Edward carried her in his arms, making his way to his car and heading to the hospital. On getting to the hospital, Ellie was quickly rushed to the emergency room where she was admitted to by the Doctor. After making sure she was safe, Ellie was moved to a private room on Edward’s request. ‘What’s the problem with her? Is she fine now? What’s her current situation like?’, Edward asked, breathing heavily upon s
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A New Beginning II
The following morning, Ellie woke up much more earlies than she usually did. As she got up from bed, she thought about how she had lived her life so far. She remembered how she had lived in Kevin’s prison for years and how she finally got to escape from his hold. ‘Why did he come back now of all time? How did he find me?’, Ellie kept on thinking, trying to figure out what Kevin was trying to do. ‘But why did he leave that day? Why didn’t he take me along with him? What is he really driving at?’, Ellie kept on thinking, while pacing up and down the room. She had lived with Kevin not less than five years and she knew almost everything about him. She knew he was going to come back for her as he wasn’t someone who backed down easily. ‘I know he will be back, but I need to be ready for him. I can’t allow him to disrupt my plan and peace right now. I am just a few steps away from getting my revenge on the Porous family. I can’t let his sudden appearance disrupt my plan and I can’t let
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Her Nightmare
‘Hello, there. I didn’t see you at work yesterday. I heard you were hospitalized. Hope everything is fine with you?’, Sophia asked Ellie, in a tone that can be mistaken for that of care and empathy. Sophia had met Ellie in the washroom. ‘I am fine, thank you’, Ellie said, ignoring Sophia and washing her hands. ‘Is your baby fine?’, Sophia asked, smiling which made Ellie halt in her action. ‘What did you just say?’, Sophia said, surprised by the statement Sophia had uttered. ‘I asked about your baby. You are wondering how I got to know about your pregnancy? That’s why I am Sophia Porous, I find out whatsoever I want to know’, Sophia said, boastfully. ‘So, what are you going to do about it?”, Ellie asked, smirking. ‘Are you scared you will finally lose Edward to me?’, Ellie asked, smiling. ‘Scared? I don’t have to be scared because I know you won’t give birth to this child’, Sophia said, looking at Ellie’s tummy and laughing hysterically. ‘What do you mean by that?’, Elli
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Confronting the Demon
On getting to the last floor, Ellie saw Kevin standing at the reception. She tried taking a step further towards him but her legs were too heavy for her to carry. She stood still, trying to brace herself up to be strong and not to let Kevin manipulate her. While still on that spot, Kevin turned around, and his yes met with that of Ellie. Upon setting his eyes on her, Kevin smiled, a devilish smile at that. The smile on Kevin's face sent a chill down Ellie's spine, triggering a flood of painful memories and overwhelming fear. As Kevin took each step, moving close to her, Ellie was engulfed in fear and she started to recall the painful memories she was trying to run away from. 'Hello, Wifey. We meet once again', Kevin said, smiling. The voice of Kevin made Ellie shivered, the voice of the man that made living hell for her and that had inflicted both physical and emotional harm on her. Despite years of being away from him, the impact of his voice was immediate and profound. Her body te
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Her Unstoppable Quest
‘Hello, Clinton’, Sophia said, sitting right on the chair in front of Clinton. ‘Hello, Sophia. Seems like you are not in a good mood today but anyways, you look stunning’, Cliton said, complimenting Sophia’s body while at the same time, looking at her frowning face. ‘I am good. Someone just pissed me off. So, how is the arrangement to meet with your dad going?’, Sophia asked. ‘It’s going well. I plan for you two to meet at my upcoming birthday party but before then, I will have told him about you. Don’t worry baby, the collaboration will be yours’, Clinton said with deceit, which Sophia was oblivious of. ‘Ok, that’s what I came here to ask. I would like to be on my way now’, Sophia said, aiming for her bag. ‘Going? Without playing with your baby?’, Clinton said, winking. ‘I am not in for this today. Maybe next time’, Sophia said, getting up from her seat and planning on leaving. ‘Don’t worry baby, I will put you in the mood’, Clinton said, holding Sophia’s hand and kissi
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Crossroads of Destiny
Walking back to Edward’s office, the only thing Ellie thought of was how to stop Kevin. She was at the crossroads as she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want Edward to get hurt and at the same time, she didn’t want to go back to Kevin. Opening Edward’s office door quietly, she peeped, looking at Edward who was reviewing some files. She couldn’t think of being separated from Edward and at the same time, she didn’t want her child to grow up without his/her father just like she did. She kept ruminating of a way out of the mess she had gotten herself into. She at first, thought of opening up to Edward about her dark past but she changed her mind after thinking of how hurt he would be. 'He has been hurt enough, I don't want to be the source of his pain. Growing up without his mother, witnessing his father betraying his mother and his wife cheating on him with his bestfriend is such a painful memory. He finds solace in me as I do in him too. I want to be his source of happiness and com
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The Turning Point
Everything was going on well for Ellie and the plan she had set in motion was moving well in her favor. She was still worried about how to handle Kevin but at the same time, she was focused on getting Daniel's approval and the only way to get that was to make the collaboration with the Oswell Fashion Group happen. Since the day she met with Natalia, she hadn't gotten in touch with her to give her the feedback on what she had proposed, as Edward had advised Ellie not to. Edward wanted Natalia to be the one eager to meet Ellie and not the other way around, hence, the reason he advised Ellie not to communicate with her for days. This suggestion of Edward actually worked as Natalia couldn't hide her excitement the day Ellie finally called.'Hello, may I know who this is?', Natalia had said the day Ellie called.'Hello, Natalia. This is Ellie, the lady you met at the mall …..', Elle said, trying to explain herself but couldn't finish her statement as she was cut short by Natalia.'You do no
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Unraveling Alliances
On her way back to the office, Ellie's phone rang and it was Clinton on the line.'Wow, I salute you. You are such a goal getter', Clinton said, before Ellie could say anything.'I was just about calling you. Collins agreed to the collaboration. I am so happy right now', Ellie said with excitement as she couldn't hide her joy.'I just got informed by dad and which is the reason I am calling you. I heard the collaboration will be finalized on my birthday. What a great day that would be. But, I sincerely admire your courage and determination. You are one special being, I must say', Clinton said.'It's all thanks to you. If not for you, I wouldn't have had the idea of getting close to Natalia. I owe you one', Ellie said, smiling.'My phone has been buzzing since. Sophia is aiming for my life right now. How did she get to know about the collaboration?', Clinton asked.'I was about asking you that. She came over to our meeting place and she was there when Collins made his intention known.
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Behind the Veil: Sophia's Scheme
"So, what do you need me for? Is it about Ellie?" Kevin asked."This meeting wouldn't take long since you already know why I asked to meet with you. I saw you with her the other day at the company. You two seem to go a long way. I want to know your relationship with her and what you know about her, not for free though. Name anything you want, I'm in for it," Sophia said."What if I do not want to divulge any information to you and what if I tell you I do not need anything from you?" Kevin asked."Are you sure you do not want anything from me? I can pay you with my body if you want, as long as you are willing to give the information I need," Sophia said."Nothing interests me about your body. If you do not have anything else to say, then I think it is high time I left," Kevin said, standing up, ready to leave."What about giving it a thought and getting back to me? Here is my card. You can call me if you have a change of heart.""I do not want your card. I know how to find you if I am
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