All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S PERFECT MATE: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
A Heart in Ruins
Edward's eyes were fixed on the projector and the picture he was seeing right in front of him. He found it hard to believe and kept denying the fact that it was Ellie in the picture."I trust her. She isn't the one. She can never betray me," he kept saying in his head, trying to wave off any form of doubt. The audience was already gossiping and saying all sorts of things. Sophia, satisfied with the expression on Ellie's face and her dismay, smiled with satisfaction."I told you I would pay you back in your own coin. This is just the beginning. Chill and enjoy the ride as the real show is about to begin," Sophia said, laughing hysterically."Why are you doing this to me?" Ellie asked, with tears in her eyes."Why am I doing this? You dare to ask me that? You ruined my marriage! You stole Edward away from me! You made life a fucking hell for me and turned me into an object of ridicule, and here you are asking me why I am doing this? This is just the beginning of your torment, darling. L
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The Last Glimpse
Throughout their ride home, neither Ellie nor Edward said anything. As he drove, Ellie kept on stealing glances at Edward and she wondered what he was thinking inside of his head. She had expected him to react in a wrong way but he never did. He just fixed his eyes on the road, driving home at a high speed. Edward on the other hand too was hurt and angry but he decided not to vent his anger on Ellie. He thought she had been criticized enough and didn't want to add to her pain. He was hurt and heartbroken no doubt, but he decided not to say anything as he knew anything he says would hurt Ellie. "How could she have done this to me? Why did she lie to me? I asked her so many times if she was hiding somethings from me but she said "No". Why did she hurt me like this?", Edward kept on thinking. The more he drove, the more he got angry, clenching his fists on the driving wheel and driving at a fast speed. The silent treatment Edward was giving Ellie was killing her inside and when she noti
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A Shattered Night
As Edward drove with no destination in mind, he kept on thinking about what had happened that night. His heart was heavy and the pains he was feeling that night was quite familiar as it was the same pain he had felt the day his mother died and the night he found out Sophia was cheating on him. But the pain he was feeling that night was different; it hurts different. The pain was more than the ones he had felt before and he felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. He tried taking the scene off his head but he just couldn't. He tried focusing on the road ahead but he just couldn't. He also tried to brace himself up not to cry but he didn't know when tears started to roll down his eyes, making his vision blurred. "Why did she do this to me? Despite the love I have for. How could she deceive me and hid such a thing from me when I was so transparent and opened with her? Why do I get hurt every time I try to fall in love? Why can't I ever be happy? Just why?", Edward yelle
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Behind the Mask
"What was that about? What was Edward talking about? Who exactly are you?", Daniel asked, facing Allison. He had confronted her upon them getting home from the event. He had kept on thinking about Edward's allegations against Allison on their way home. "Could she truly be Molie? Did she actually staged Catherine's death?", he kept on thinking while stealing glances at her. "I …. I ….. can explain", Allison said, stammering as she realized she was about to be caught. "Were you scared I wouldn't accept you if I found out you were the one? Were you scared I would leave you and our son just as I had done before?", gullible Daniel cut in, saving Allison from getting exposed. Realizing it was a perfect umbrella for her to hid under, Allison pretended as if she was actually scared of what Daniel had said. "Yes, I was. I had thought you would abandon us again just like you did. I didn't want to cause Edward more pain as he was badly hurt due to the death of his mother. Hence, the reason
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Beneath the Façade
"Get the car ready", Daniel said, rushing to where his car was with Molie following suite. Daniel was restless throughout his journey to the hospital. Although, he never showed it, he loved Edward so much. The fear of Edward rejecting his love for him had stopped him from showing that he cared about him as Edward kept on blaming him for his mother's death. He felt guilty of Edward's accusation and so, he silently looked out for him with Edward not realizing it. When he found out Edward had finally found someone he was in love with, he had silently given them his blessing even before he met Ellie. Him asking Ellie to secure a collaboration before she could have Edward all to herself was all a disguise and a pretense, so as not to make Edward notice his affections for him. Allison noticed how tensed and worried Daniel was throughout their journey and she realized that something was off about him; something she was unable to place her fingers on. On getting to the hospital, Daniel quic
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Shattered Promises
Ellie had managed to get herself into the house after she felt a sharp pain in her heart that night and she had collapsed on the floor. She managed to make her way to her couch and laid on it in a helpless and devastating state. She had become a shadow of herself. Her eyelids had become dark and her eyes were swollen. She laid helplessly on the couch, looking at the ceiling with a blank mind. She was too weak to the extent that she was unable to think and when she finally thought, she had thought about where Edward was and in what state he was. She was worried that Edward might be somewhere hurting himself while at the same time, blaming herself for hurting him so badly. She was extremely worried and restless and when she couldn't bear the thought of Edward hurting himself, she decided to check up on him by calling his line. As soon as she unlocked her phone, she had seen several missed calls from Edward and which made her heart skipped. She wondered why Edward had called. "Has he f
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Forsaken And Forgotten
"Carry on with the plan as we had discussed. Make sure to report to the police tonight", Sophia said, instructing Jack on the phone that night, after she had hung up Ellie. "This is just the beginning of your torment. I will make sure you spend the rest of your life in prison. That's the only way I can keep Edward and make him mine forever", Sophia said smiling, after she had finished her discussion with Jack. With her grief overtaking her, Ellie sat immobile on the side of her bed, the room around her a haze. Her once brilliant eyes, now bloodshot and dull, gazed off into the distance as though trying to catch a glimpse of the life she had known. Her face was gentle and delicate, the traces of grief deep in it, her cheeks tarnished by innumerable tears. Her disheveled and twisted hair, which she used to take great pride in, now hung limply around her face, representing the turmoil inside her thoughts. She appeared to have lost the vivid energy that formerly radiated from her, leav
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The Beginning of Her Turmoil
She was just a 17-year-old girl, shuffling between three part-time jobs and, at the same time, working as a sketch artist for a designer. She was doing all this to fend for herself and gather money to further her education. She was about to enter college when her mother died. She witnessed her mother burn to death in a blazing fire while trying to save her. Since the death of her mother, she had been on the run, fleeing her hometown to a place where she knew nobody, just to escape the people who had killed her mother.She didn’t allow her mother’s sudden death to hinder her from achieving her goals, so she worked tirelessly, jumping from one part-time job to another. Her life hadn’t been perfect since her mother died, but she was still managing to pull through. Her daily routine involved leaving home as early as 7 a.m., heading to the designer’s store to make sketches in exchange for money, then heading to the coffee shop for her shift. Afterward, she would go to the local kitchen to h
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A Night in the Emergency Room
She was in a confused state and didn’t know what to do. Eventually, she decided to seek assistance and rushed the lifeless body to a nearby hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital, he was rushed to the emergency ward where the doctor began to examine him.There was a continual, urgent hum in the emergency department, a cacophony of sounds mixing together in a frenzy of activity. The room is harshly and clinically lit by fluorescent lights, which give every nook and cranny an uncompromising glare. With experienced precision, nurses in multicolored scrubs raced quickly between beds, their faces fixed in determined attitudes as they checked vital signs, adjusted IVs, and comforted patients.The intense chats between doctors and nurses were punctuated by the continuous beeping of cardiac monitors. The sporadic alarm blare, indicating a critically ill patient, brought an abrupt acceleration of the already hectic pace. As they were pushed quickly around the linoleum floors, medical carts fi
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Unexpected Bond
Early the following morning, Granny called Ellie’s line again, but Ellie still didn’t pick up. Granny didn’t know what to do or what had happened to Ellie, but she decided to keep calling, hoping Ellie would eventually answer.Ellie, on the other hand, was still sleeping peacefully, her head resting on her folded arms on the guy’s bed. As the guy's eyes flickered open and the harsh light of the hospital room came into focus, he slowly came back to awareness. The air smelled of antiseptic, but his gaze was immediately drawn to the figure beside his bed. In the silent room, a young lady was hunched down in a chair, her head supported by her folded arms, her breathing calm and steady.Despite his discomfort, he couldn't help but notice her face's exquisite features as she slept. Her hair framed her face, falling softly across her cheek and accentuating her natural beauty. Her long, black lashes cast gentle shadows on her cheeks, and her slightly parted lips added a touch of vulnerability
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