All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S PERFECT MATE: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
70 Chapters
Her Big Day
That morning, before Ellie left home with Edward, she stood in front of the mirror, admiring herself. She wore a long white gown which was an exquisite piece of artistry, crafted from the finest silk, Her hair was curled in waves, dangling down her neck. She wore a silver necklace which was gotten for her by Edward to compliment the dress. She looked like a fairy princess she had always been before her mother passed away.Her mother, a designer, always made sure she adorned her with beautiful dresses. The gown she was putting on was the sketch she had drawn a day before her mother died and was planning to show her the night she was burnt to death. The thought of her mother made tears rolled down her eyes, bringing back the memories of her childhood with her mother. Ellie felt that day was a big day for her. In memory of her deceased mother, she had replicated the sketch into the dress she was putting on. She had thought that day was a day that would bring ease to her worried soul, a d
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The Unexpected Confession and Proposal
'Hello, everyone. My name is Ellie and I am a representative of Lions Fashion Group. I will be taking you through the collaboration process today. We will kick start the process right away but before we dive right into the business, I will like to appreciate you all for taking your time to attend this event. You all are wonderful and unique people', Ellie said, which made everyone applaud her. This got Sophia angry as that was not what she had anticipated.'Thank you, everyone. So, we will be kick-starting right away. But I am so sorry I will be disappointing everyone today as I have a confession to make', Ellie said in a sad voice which got the audience confused and they wondered what she was talking about. Edward on the other hand, wondered what trick Ellie was trying to pull.'What is that witch trying to pull?', Sophia had thought.'Actually, the initial designs and dresses which were suppose to be presented today were not made by me neither by our Fashion Team', Ellie said, which
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Cornered by Confessions: A Shocking Turn of Events
"What? I don't understand what you are talking about," Ellie said to Clinton, who was still kneeling in front of her."I love you so much, Ellie. I have been meaning to tell you this, but I didn't know how you would react, which is why I stopped myself from telling you. But now, I can't hide it anymore," Clinton explained."Were you aware of this?" Natalia, who was in the dark, asked her husband, Collins."He actually told me about his feelings for her and his intention to propose just a few days ago," Collins responded."And you didn't notify me? I would have somehow prepared her mind. I am sure she is shocked and confused right now," she said.Ellie, who was confused, just stood still. She didn't know what to do. All eyes were on her, waiting to hear her response. She didn't want to embarrass Clinton in public and at the same time, didn't want to betray Edward. She looked in the direction of Edward, whose eyes were on her, and she could see jealousy in his eyes and him waiting for h
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Bound by Secrets
"How did you find out about the pregnancy?", Ellie had asked Edward while driving home, feeling guilty for not telling him. "I found out the day you collapsed. The doctor told me and I didn't mention it because I was expecting you to tell me but you never did'', Edward said, focusing on the road ahead. ''I am sorry. I didn't mean to hide it from you. I just didn't know how you would feel knowing about it. I was scared you wouldn't want to have a child now'', Ellie said, in a low voice, avoiding Edward's gaze. Hearing this, Edward parked the car by the roadside and focused his attention on Ellie. ''Why did you think I wouldn't want this? I have been praying for this to happen. I feel like you are going to leave me and the only thing to keep you by my side is if you have a child for me. When the doctor told me that day, I was so happy and glad. I couldn't contain my joy and I wanted to show how grateful I am to you for getting pregnant with my child but I couldn't because you were hi
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Beneath the Surface
"How can he will his property to a dead girl?", Sophia said loudly. "Will you lower your voice? What if someone hears you? He doesn't know they died 10 years ago. When I first heard he was looking for her, I had doubt that maybe the daughter survived and which is why I asked Jack to run an investigation on the girl. Jack came back with no record of the girl and I have also been keeping track on the investigator your father tasked with the responsibility but he hasn't found anything yet", Stephanie said. "Since nobody seems to have confirmed she is alive, is there a need for us to be worried? I am sure she and her mother died in that fire 10 years ago. Let's leave this and talk about how to save my marriage with Edward", Sophia responded, feeling relaxed. "No need to be worried? Did you even think as to why your father started his search for her? Don't you think at all?", Stephanie yelled at her daughter, shaking her head. "Maybe he remembered her or something. He might had actuall
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A Fight for Freedom
The following morning, Ellie woke up to the chiming ringing of her cellphone. Getting up tirelessly, she reached for her phone on the night stand and the caller was an unknown individual. So as not to disturb Edward's sleep, she silent the phone and quietly walked to the living room to pick the call. "Hello, who is this?", Ellie asked, on getting to the living room and picking the call but she got no response in return. She had thought the network was bad and kept on saying hello, thinking the receiver was finding it difficult to hear her. After several attempts of getting the caller engaged and with no response, she decided to end the call. But as she was about hanging up, she heard the voice of the man behind her nightmare. "Hello, wifey", Kevin said on the other end of the line, making Ellie shivered and cringed on hearing his voice. Although he was not present, Ellie felt his scary presence just by hearing his voice. Ellie couldn't respond and just kept quiet, trying her possibl
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Shattered Silence
"Don't come close to me", Ellie yelled, trying to get up from the bed and head to the exit. But before she could get up from the bed, Kevin moved towards her in a swift, and pinned her down on the bed, with no way for her to escape. "Please, don't do this", Ellie begged with tears in her eyes. "I am sorry, my love. You brought this upon yourself", Kevin said, leaning in. Ellie fought as hard as she could to stop Kevin but she couldn't overpower him due to his strength. And right there at that moment, Ellie was raped and molested. Despite Ellie's plead and cries, Kevin didn't stop."You are still as sweet as you used to", Kevin said as soon as he got up from the bed, after having raped Ellie. Ellie just laid on the bed, motionless, with tears in her eyes, overwhelmed by the horror of what had just transpired between them. On the day she was getting married and was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, she felt utterly broken. How could she have allowed for this to happen? At t
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Echoes of Tomorrow
"How did you find me?", Ellie managed to ask Edward, who was facing her. "I got scared thinking that you were kidnapped and I had no other option than to report you missing to the police. They saw the car dropped you here after watching the CCTV. Hence, the reason we found you here", Edward calmly explained. "I am so sorry for troubling you. I promise such won't repeat itself again", Ellie said in a low voice, which was evident that she was tired. "Can we head home now?", Edward asked, after noticing that Ellie was tired. Ellie responded by nodding her head. Edward drove Ellie home and all through their journey, none of them said anything. On getting home, Ellie sat on the couch in the sitting room, tirelessly. Edward moved up to her and also sat beside her. "Will you take a shower and head to bed?", Edward asked. "I will do just that", Ellie managed to say. "Okay. Let me run your bath for you", Edward said, getting up, ready to head to the bathroom. "Edward", Ellie called, up
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Vows and Secrets
"Today, I am here to join you two together as husband and wife. Can we proceed to sharing the vows and exchanging the rings?", the priest, who was a man in his early 50 asked. "Yes, you can", Edward responded, with joy evident in his voice and on his face, after getting a confirmation from Ellie that the ceremony could take-off. "So, can the groom go ahead and say his vows?", the priest asked. "Ellie, I knew you were the one who would bring my life to completion the moment I laid eyes on you. I'm not just standing here taking your hand in marriage; I'm also promising you my undying love. I promise to be your best friend, your steadfast ally, and your constant companion. I pledge to support you at your highs and lows, to rejoice in every victory, no matter how tiny, and to share in your pleasures and sorrows", Edward said, pausing. "I promise to love you unconditionally, to always treat you with dignity and respect, and to treasure each day that we have together. I promise to be a
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The Night Everything Changed
"What did I do to him three days ago?", Ellie nervously asked, trying to know the depth of the information Sophia had about her. "I know you killed him", Sophia said, whispering into Ellie's ears which made Ellie shivered and mute. Sophia was able to see through her and found out that she was scared. She took it as an opportunity to taunt and threaten her. "How do you think your dear husband would react if he finds out what happened three days ago and the fact that you actually slept with your ex-husband before killing him? Should I call him your ex-husband or your husband because you are still legally married to him? ", Sophia said, with a devilish smile on her face. "I didn't sleep with him, he raped me", Ellie said, trying to defend herself and clear her name. "He raped you? Did he force you to enter the hotel room? Do you think Edward would believe you when there are pictures of you guys kissing and a video of the nice time you had together?", Sophia said, mockingly. "Picture
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