All Chapters of The Billionaire's Bargain Bride: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
61 Chapters
SOPHIA As Andy and I left the house I sat in the car imagining how happy Dad would be if he got to know Damian doesn't treat me like trash. I can't imagine the thousands of smiles he would put on his face. When I got into Damian's office and he offered me the documents to sign I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't. I feel special. I know I'm lucky too. We finally got home and Andy halted the car. We got out of the car as we strutted to the door, I greeted everyone I came across in the neighborhood smiling at them. I stood at the door, pressing the alarm door, I could hear Dad's voice asking, “Yes, who is it? Wait a second I am coming.” And I smiled uncontrollably making a few touches on my phone screen as I tried to dial Damian's phone number, so I could inform him Andy and I arrived at my Dad's place safe. I changed my mind and decided to text him. I grinned as I swiftly typed the text,‘Hello Damian, I have reached my Dad's place. See you soon! Love ya!’ the text reads. After a
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SOPHIA I nodded as I smiled at Dad, taking up my spoon and I began eating again. Throughout the meal, Dad didn't say a word to me again but he kept staring at me nonchalantly. Whatever it was that he was thinking I didn't have a hint about it, but I guess maybe, he is just happy for me. I have known him way too long, whenever he is excited about something he doesn't seem to show that he is excited and I understand that is because of his age and because he values self-respect and reputation.I packed all the dishes to the kitchen after we finished eating so I could wash them, Dad and Addy headed back to the sitting room, and I heard Dad talking to Addy. Whatever they were talking about I couldn't hear them even though I tried to eavesdrop. So, I decided to avert my thoughts and focus on the plates I had in the sink for washing. I finished washing the dishes, and after drying my hands with the towel, I picked up my shirt and wore it on as I buttoned on while leaving the kitchen. I saw
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SOPHIAHe dropped the remote control on the table as he turned to me, looking at me nonchalantly. “Angel, I need to talk to you,” he said calmly as I stared into his green eyes. Before he could say a word, we all heard footsteps descending the stairs and I turned quickly just to make eye contact with a lady as he glared at me. Who is she? What have I done to her to deserve such an evil glare from her? I let a lump in my throat as I managed to grin at her as much as possible. My sight captured Andy who happened to avert his sullen face from the sight of her as he murmured, “No shit!” adjusting the space on his face. Reading his lips, I knew that's what he muttered. I slowly looked at Damian who sat passively as my heart jumped in my heart of its own accord. With the expression on his face and with the way the lady descended the stairs, swaying her curves in styles my heart began to sink into the doldrums. ‘Keep still, Sophie,’ A voice in my head instructed as I sat attuning all
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SOPHIA I had to excuse Damian and her woman since Melissa wouldn't let a minute pass by without sparing me an evil glare. I wonder if she is normal at all. “I think I have to be upstairs,” I muttered, clutching my purse firmly as I stood and ascended the stairs.Damian just stared at me passively, whatever he was thinking, he seemed to be lost very far away in his reverie. ‘Should I go in?’ I froze immediately as I reached out my hand to open our bedroom when I became conscious of Damian's mistress around. No, I can't go in right now, I had to be somewhere else. I sauntered to the rooftop and sat on the couch right in front of the swimming pool. The calm atmosphere gave me swift relief from the heaviness in my heart as I heaved a deep sigh. Lounging on the couch I closed my eyes as I lay calm. After a moment I was fast asleep but I was awakened from a phone call. I got up and frowned at the phone as it was disturbing my sleep. But when my eyes saw the caller ID my face suddenly
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DAMIANI know Sophia felt disappointed when she saw Melissa but she tried to keep calm to be herself. I knew she loved me and would not want to see me flirt around with any woman and I wouldn't want to see her do the same thing. I know she won't do it, she loves me.I should have told her about Melissa but seriously, I and Melissa weren't in talk for a long time. She came back telling me how she struggled with the thought of living without the one she cared about the most. She told me I was the only one she loved and would love to live her life with. I can't tell her to go away or not give her access to my life anymore. Why she leave, was never planned for. And it could happen to any of us. We all live today and the sooner, we are no more. I feel pity for you, Melissa. I am glad that Sophia understands me and that she is not vicious. If it were some kind of aggressive wench, I wonder what would have happened. They should have packed their baggage and the next minute, they were on th
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SOPHIAI heard Damian calling my name as I shut the door and intended to head to the rooftop. I shouldn't have gone down after all but I did because I was so tired and I don't know why. The entire bones in my body are screaming as they need to rest and my brown eyes are also yawning for sleep. But seeing Melissa as she lay on the bed and gazed at me , a challenging smile tossed the whole fatigue and sleep in my eyes away. I have to head back there and get a hold of myself.By the way, it's not a big deal to me Damian already gave me his words. When he was telling Melissa where she would be sleeping as her room, I knew it was all falling on deaf ears with the looks on her face as she rolled her eyes. I could tell that. And Damian never saw it, even though she feigned I knew it. Maybe she is as good as Damian reputed her to be. She may be pulling all these dramas because she has a rival now, which happens to be me. Honestly, I don't like creating misunderstandings with people. If only
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DAMIANOh No! What's all this? I was just wondering where I would be spending the night just a moment ago and with the way Sophia asked me to go have a rest, I knew she knew that that was the thing I was thinking about that was giving me headaches. With the empathetic looks in her eyes, I get it, she understands me. I intend to spend the night with her already. It's not fair to leave her, she is my wife. If I leave her to go spend the night with Melissa, she will sleep in the lonely bed, pondering how I will spend the night with Melissa. My face went pale when I heard a mellifluous voice call my name, “Damian” and I abruptly looked at the door just to see the same Melissa in her usual transparent nightgown explicitly revealing everything underneath her. Why doesn't she want to respect our privacy, I mean I and Sophia's privacy. I crossed my hands over my chest, clearing my throat, “You don't just barge into a room like that” I walked past her as I headed to the door and Melissa's
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SOPHIA The brightness of the rising sun shimmered into the room through the window as the curtains were draped, the light shone on my face and I opened my eyes slowly just to see it in the morning. But wait a second, I placed my head on a soft pillow last night while I went to sleep. How come my head is lying on a hard surface? I snapped as I quickly sat up on the bed clutching my chest with my hands. My eyes fell on Damian who slept peacefully. He made me place my head on his chest. The batter in my chest dropped down as I heaved a sigh of relief noticing it was Damian. But why would he do that? I calmed myself as I looked at him frivolously before turning to sleep back on the bed. “Huhhhh, you are awake?” He said while yawning. I sat up looking at his sleepy eyes for a moment passively before greeting him, “Good morning Damian, How was your night?” He sat up and leaned at the head of the bed, “Good morning my Angel, my night was sweet with you by my side,” He smiled I smiled b
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MELISSA UNBELIEVABLE!!! This Sophia of a girl is….. I can't believe Damian doesn't even want to look at me just because of her. Oh gosh! Is this happening under my nose? It can't be and even if it's happening let me say I am just dreaming. But how can Damian stoop so low to be in love with such a crass of a girl called Sophia? Despicable!! I hate him for that.Here I am sitting in this house all alone, with no one to talk to, no Damian by my side, everything so boring. I am damn sure he is in her office right now like love birds playing together. When I was living with Damian it never crossed his mind to make me even a liaison between any of the companies but he did so for that crass.Not too long after he and Sophia get married, he has made her the queen of his life, Miss Kingsley. That sucks and I can't imagine she is even not a girl she chose for himself. She was sold to him. A slave. So despicable! I don't even know what Damian sees in her that I don't have. She can't be compare
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SOPHIAWhen the door opened a husky voice asked what was going on. I heaved a sigh of relief seeing Damian struts into my office. I stood motionless waiting for him to get closer to Melissa and me before I would say something.The next thing, Melissa quickly rushed to him, “Damian thank God you are here,” she said, snuffling continuously as she got to him. “Damian I don't know what has come over Sophia, I was tired of staying at home so I decided to come see how she is doing since she is the Head of the M.O Group and also congratulate and give her words of encouragement but started yelling at me.” She said fidgeting with her fingers. My mouth abruptly went wide at the same time as my eyes widened and my hand quickly clutched my mouth. What the hell! is that…. Is that…. This girl is something else. Damian stared at me, his face stiffened, “Sophia, it was your voice I heard, why were you shouting at Melissa? Don't you know it echoed in the entire company? How will your subordinates lo
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