All Chapters of The Billionaire's Bargain Bride: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
61 Chapters
SOPHIAWhen the door opened a husky voice asked what was going on. I heaved a sigh of relief seeing Damian struts into my office. I stood motionless waiting for him to get closer to Melissa and me before I would say something.The next thing, Melissa quickly rushed to him, “Damian thank God you are here,” she said, snuffling continuously as she got to him. “Damian I don't know what has come over Sophia, I was tired of staying at home so I decided to come see how she is doing since she is the Head of the M.O Group and also congratulate and give her words of encouragement but started yelling at me.” She said fidgeting with her fingers. My mouth abruptly went wide at the same time as my eyes widened and my hand quickly clutched my mouth. What the hell! is that…. Is that…. This girl is something else. Damian stared at me, his face stiffened, “Sophia, it was your voice I heard, why were you shouting at Melissa? Don't you know it echoed in the entire company? How will your subordinates l
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SOPHIA “Okay I will be there soon,” I said with emotions in my voice as my chest pounded a little bit. What have I done this time? Why did he sound so furious? Might it be that something else got him angry? Whatever it is I will know when I get there. The call ended and I moved my hands gently on my hair making sure it was on good looks before leaving for Damian's office and at the same time my chest heaving in apprehension that I had done something wrong. I got up as I sauntered out from my office heading to the CEO’s office, Mr. Damian Kingsley. “Why do you sound so furious on the phone, you—” I said casually upon getting into Damian's office but kept my mouth shut and I froze in my tracks when I noticed the deadly looks in the eyes of Damian sitting on his chair with his fist clenched as he placed his hands on the table. What has gone over him? Who made him angry to such an extent? He glared at me for more than 30 seconds without blinking his eyes and I, who got uncomfortable
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SOPHIAWhoever did this to me I am going to find them and if I did I must make them pay for it. But why can't Damian believe my words for once? Is this what it looks like to tell someone you love them and never bother to listen to what they are telling you when things go wrong? That's so bad! I empathetically understand how he felt embarrassed in the meeting but he should have at least had a second thought that I am not someone to root for his downfall. I looked at him in disbelief as he stared back at me budging and with the looks in his eyes, I could sense he was done shouting at me and was just waiting for me to scram out of his office. “I am leaving, Damian,” I said just a little above a whisper and I got a glare from him for saying that. I turned and faced the door, walking towards it frustrated. Even though the experience I had in his office kept tugging at my heart with pain, I tried to make it not reflect on my face with emotions by feigning a nonchalant look. I got to my o
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SOPHIA “Who sent you into my life?” “Cut the crap, Miss Kingsley, all of that is not important and by the way, are you listening to yourself at all? If I had known you before now and you dare mess with me” she drew closer as she looked at me straight in the eyeballs “I would have finished you,” her voice growled and her facial expressions tightened. I am sure this was why my heart was always apprehensive that something terrible was going to be wrong with getting married to Damian. I see her whole intention is to make sure she spoils my reputation. Why are you this heartless? I wonder how such an adorable woman like her can be this fickle. Oh gosh, how can I deal with this woman? I see that no matter how I try with her, she will have an edge because Damian knows her to be good. But I won't let her see me as her plaything. Besides, he chose her as his woman willingly but, he was compared to marrying me not because he loved me in the beginning and chose to run after me like Melissa.I
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DAMIAN Since the incident at the company, we are back home but this girl is behaving like I don't exist in her life anymore, I mean Sophia. I know I scolded her for maltreating Melissa but I wasn't pleased with her actions. But right now I feel so sad seeing how emotional she has been since we closed from work today. I just regret my actions. If only I knew I shouldn't have done so. But why would she have a misunderstanding with Melissa each time they cross paths? When did she suddenly become so vicious and mean? I never knew her to be this straight-headed in battle. With the information Arthur gave me about her she was spotless or maybe she has suddenly become something else when she gets to know that Melissa was the one in my life before I got to know her. I think that's where she is getting it all wrong. Can't she get it? I've told her several times she has nothing to worry about Melissa because Melissa, for the past years I had lived with her is good and can be attention-seekin
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SOPHIA I have had the past two days thinking about how my life has been since Melissa got into my life with Damian. She is so innocent just like a newborn baby which makes it very hard for one to believe she can do all the things I had been complaining about unless they caught her right-handed. Honestly, my sanity has fallen apart. I never wanted this marriage but it's most women's dream to get married to a Billionaire. When I thought of it, as I was told by Dad to marry him without having a say, part of me was happy and the other part of me was shattered. I have got to know Damian as a good man under the Billionaire facade with the way things were going but Melissa is making him become something else. One moment he is mad at me either amid Melissa or in a public place like at the company and the next minute he will be soothing and pleading with me not to be mad at him. But he will still do the same thing he pleaded for my forgiveness for which I do forgive him as he does demand.
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I looked at him with my eyes narrowed trying really hard to be sure I knew him somewhere as he dragged one of the chairs back from the table before elegantly holding his shirt from behind him with the tip of his thumb and forefinger pulling it up before sitting down and taking a sip from the glass of whatever he was drinking.“So I ask again what is a beautiful woman like you doing here all alone, mind if I keep you company?” He asked, looking at me nonchalantly as he dropped the glass of the drink in his hand on the table. “I think I know you somewhere,” I said pointing a finger at him with my gaze narrowed at him.“Oh really!” He said quickly opening his arms by his sides as he sat quietly and I was sure he was trying to remember if he had known me as wellDefinitely, I know him somewhere just because it's been long and I have forgotten his name. I just need some time to think. I sat for a moment with my finger across my lips as I tried to remember his name. I said excitedly aft
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SOPHIA The time spent with Mark was tremendous. It just felt like the other times we shared while we were in school and I am the happiest woman alive now. I don't feel like that sorrowful woman who just walked into this hotel moments ago with a heavy heart like a big stone hung around my neck. We remembered the memories we shared back then and I blushed inwardly at the thought of it. Smiles.“I think I have to go,” I said after looking at my phone screen my eyes widened, realizing I just wasted a lot of time outside and the thought of the consequences dawned on me. When I left Damian wasn't at home and Andy must have told him I tricked him to leave the house without him.Mark swung the remaining drink from his glass, he kept the empty glass on the table gently, “The day is still young for crying out sake,” He said calmly in his usual voice motioning his hand in the air nonchalantly.“I know but I have to focus on some uncompleted tasks before it's Monday again,” I said, my voice tre
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SOPHIA “I can't stand by and watch some kind of guy treat you like trash,” Mark said calmly with his chest heaving as he looked at me. “No, but you shouldn't have done that,” I muttered under my breath as I stared at him with my eyes widened and my chest pounding. I don't just know what will happen next. Damian will misunderstand the whole thing by saying I left home to be with my lover, not only that my lover has the guts to assault him. Mark drew close to me as I looked at him in disbelief for fear of what Damian would say and do, he traced the back of his hand at my cheek, “Are you okay?” He said compassionately as he stared into my eyes, “I just want to make sure he does not hurt you.” I took some steps back feeling unease in my heart as I raised my hand and pushed his hand away from my face slowly looking away from him as my eyes met briefly with Damian who stood with his mouth widened looking at me and Mark. With the look on his face, I could tell he was trying to fathom wha
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SOPHIA “KNEEL,” Damian said huskily as he stood in front of me with his hands fisted and his face aloof. I cringed my head not knowing how I was feeling as I collapsed on my knees staring in the space blankly with my tears trickling down my cheeks on their accord. “What is going on?” Melissa asked in a calm voice as she clung right to Damian's left hand smiling at Damian before turning to look at me briefly then her eyes back on Damian. Damian didn't answer as Melissa inquired to know and I wasn't the one to tell her what was going on. Even if she doesn't ask, she will get to know every dick and harry. So let her just chill. The dreadful looks on Damian's face never softened at all. I wonder what kind of woman Melissa is that she can't even soften him down after standing by his side. I am even minding her? This is the kind of thing she always wanted for me so why would she want to lure him down? If I think she will do so, then it's not gonna happen. Damian pulled his hand off M
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