All Chapters of The Billionaire's Bargain Bride: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
61 Chapters
DAMIANDamn it!!! It's been ten minutes past the time scheduled for the meeting with the new investors who showed interest in investing in my company and I am all alone in the boardroom. What's going on? I took out my cell phone from my pocket suit. I dialed Authur’s number and I placed the phone to my ear. He picked after a few rings. “Where the hell are you?” I growled. “Sorry Boss I just finished using the restroom and I will be with you right away," he said subserviently. "You better." I hung up. These new billionaires who are investing in my company their deals are worth millions of Dollars. I couldn't help but smile to myself at the thought of it.I got on from my seat and I trailed around the boardroom with my hand tucked in my pockets. I held footsteps and I turned around just to see Arthur strutting into the room with worry written all over his face. “What's going on?” I asked impatiently with my arms opened by my sides. He cringed his head in reply which got me more c
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DAMIAN“Hello, Mr. Damian Kingsley. We are sorry to let you know our company can't collaborate with you anymore. Our standards demand that we work with businesses that have high values and we can't partner with you anymore due to circumstances beyond our control. Thank you.”“Can we please talk about this?” “Hello!”“Hello!”I heard no answer from the other end of the call. I stared at the phone screen blankly just to see the call end. It can't be true. Someone, please tell me they are joking. I hastily dialed the number as my hands trembled and sweat immediately trickled down my head. "The subscriber you dialed is switched off, Thank you.”My heart hit my rib cage and my eyes fluttered countless times staring at the phone screen with my eyes widened, I dialed the number again. “The subscriber you dialed is switched off, Thank you.” “Fuck!” I shrieked, smashing the phone on the tiles and it shattered. I stood blazing with anger as I stared blankly at the spoiled phone on the floo
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DAMIAN I scoop Sophia in bridal style strutting furiously out of the hotel room and then towards the elevator. Authur carried her stilettos and her cell phone. Her grip around my neck tightened as she stared at me with erotic eyes. I halted in my tracks glaring at her which was short-lived then shook my head swiftly in reprimand to her actions. Even in my hands she never stopped squirming and my grasp around her body tightened just to prevent her from falling to the ground. She looks too innocent for what she just did. Despite all the nonsense she has been doing lately all my reactions towards her is to keep her in check so she can change her ways. She still does something to my heart. But right now what she has done is nothing compared to her past scandals. We descended in the elevator and then walked out of the hotel to the car. Authur opened the car door for me, I laid her in, as she lay loose on the back seat. I glared at her then I shook my head, slamming the car door, as ang
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SOPHIA “Ohh!” I yawned with my hands stretched then I turned over in bed and continued with my sleep. I moved my hand beside the pillow in the quest to get a hold of my phone so I could check what time it was. After moving my hand for a while without getting a grasp of my phone, my eyes widened,“My phone,” I muttered to myself, sitting on the bed. Damn it! I remember vividly, yesterday I was waiting for Mark on the street then two guys walked over to me and we were talking the next thing I felt a poke at my neck. When I woke up I was in a hotel and that dick head forced a drink down my throat. I am glad he didn't touch me. if Damian had delayed any further the idiot would have smacked my peach. Af!! At first, the idiot was touching the sensitive parts of me when my tits stood firm, he left me to take his bath. I couldn't resist his touches because I was already weak. The opened and I looked in the direction just to see Damian piercing his cold gaze at me which made me nibble at m
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SOPHIA How could I have believed Damian would slap the hell out of me? Not just once but twice. He once promised me I made his life easy so he wouldn't let anything happen to me. Not even he will dare to place his hands on me but he has done it. He has been hurting me. This time around he didn't lock me up like the other time, but he did the most painful thing to me by taking my phone away from me. No making of calls, no binge-watching of contents. The thought of it is making me lose my mind. My phone is the next thing that keeps me going aside from Selena. For a week now, I haven't heard from Dad because I can't afford to lie anymore to him when he requires to know if I am fine. At first, I was telling him we were living well and everything was fine but he kept on telling me he was worried about me. I understand the fatherly love but if I tell him all that has been happening recently, he will blame himself for giving me out for this marriage in the first place and he won't forgive
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SOPHIA I huffed to calm myself from the nervousness his glaring gaze had on me then I stepped into the room hesitantly, carefully closing the door, making sure it made no awry sound so I wouldn't make things worse than it was. I stood in front of Damian as his gaze scanned me, my eyes flickering like I had done something awry and was brought under the law. “Can we talk?” I said quickly as my voice came barely above a whisper, my heart pounding so hard in my chest. He sat still, glaring at me, and that only stiffened the expression on his face. I managed to maintain eye contact with him for a while and I must tell you that all I saw in his eyes was hatred. I understand, for a man of authority and prestige like him all that I caused him, I mean all that I was used as a scapegoat that I caused him is something to be mad at me. But I can't take the blame. I didn't do it. Didn't Dr. Lucas tell him I was given an aphrodisiac that day at the hotel? He ran a test on me when I was carr
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SOPHIA Melissa got up from the couch and ran towards Damian, grinning with a broad smile plastered on her disgusting face. She opened her arms for a hug and Damian also did the same. Instead of Damian hugging her, he held her by her hands and drew her close into a deep kiss. They kissed passionately and Melissa was moaning in pleasure. I don't know if she was doing that to get me pained but for sure it tugged my heart with pain. All those while, I shut the newspaper and calmly kept it by my side as I seethed staring at them. Oh yeah, I never wanted them, none of them to think I am hurt seeing lovebirds make love sneerily in my presence. I couldn't help but reveal the unexpressed anger on my face as a groan escaped my lips as I frowned at them.They pulled away from the kiss, Damian's hand possessively encircled Melissa's Waist and his other hand around her upper back. Melissa hung her hands around Damian’s neck, their smiling faces locked together. They leaned in and pressed thei
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DAMIAN For four days now, I have been seeing how lonely and emotional Sophia has been. The only person she talks to is Selena. Yes, she messed up. She did the worst scandal I ever thought she couldn't do. I never thought she could be like that but she did be. At times I do wonder if all that Authur told me about her was true. He told me she wasn't a pervert but now I am seeing a different Sophia. How bad can she get? Huh? I couldn't help but question myself and if someone could give me a reasonable answer to the question I would be the happiest man on earth. If not for the fact that Authur has been working with me for years and I trusted him so well I would have made him suffer for giving me false pieces of information about Sophia, or was Authur right about her? Or did she suddenly change? I don't know sh*t. I made up my mind to avoid her but… but whenever I set my eyes on her she does things to my heart. My blood does rush down there and my head always ends up being a mess at th
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SOPHIA When I heard Melissa greet someone “Good morning Sir,” I was about to wonder who it was but I tossed the thought when Damian's scent caught my nostrils. The smiles I had on while I was talking excitedly with Selena vanished in the blink of an eye. My face became aloof and my heart pained like someone squeezed it into a piece of paper. What is he doing here? I couldn't help but question the hell out of myself. I tried not to put on a frowning face but I couldn't since my heart was heavy with emotions. My face has to follow my heart. I can't pretend to be unaffected after he believed all the lies and made me the bad egg. I just needed him to believe in me that I didn't do anything of those things flying around that I didI stared at him briefly and I could see emotions in his eyes. I am sure it is because of the last deal he lost that is becoming a big deal for him to pass over. I wished you would have lost a deal again and again and again for all I know is I don't care. The e
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SOPHIA. I leaned at the wall near the window with my hands crossed over my chest, frowning at the beautiful view of the countryside. Different thoughts ran through my head and I was also tired of the kind of life I was living. I am so dumb for thinking in the first place I married the right one for myself.A lonely tear found its wall down my cheek which I had no idea it formed in my eye. I just felt it trailing down my cheek. My phone rang, I slowly turned to look at the phone beside the pillow and the sound of the ringing phone only deepened the frown on my already emotional face. “Who could be disturbing me?” I thought lowering my hands from my chest as I stood still like I had no life in me. The ringing came to a halt after some time so I decided to keep frowning at the view of the countryside through my window. At least, it's a good thing to look at.I snarled when the phone started ringing again, “The person won't quit” I uttered inwardly with my fists clenched by my sides
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