All Chapters of The Billionaire's Bargain Bride: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
61 Chapters
SOPHIA Arthur took me by my arm reluctantly like he felt sorry for me and I got up from my feet as I was kneeling on the expensive tiles exhaustively. I don't know how I was feeling guilt crept over me as I cringed my head in shame. It's all my fault if it were not for me, Mark wouldn't have jabbed him a blow in the face. Seeing the sneerly look on Melissa's face twisted my heart in pain but the shame over me never left me. As we were out of Damian's sight Arthur let go of my hand as he was holding me like a criminal who was brought under the law in court and he moved fast in front of me, “Follow me, Miss Kingsley,” He said his words full of emotions as he trailed without looking in my direction. I followed as he said or commanded, whichever one it meant I don't know and he stopped by a door as he inputted the password of the door and the device beeped at every button he pressed. Interesting, this is serious. Since I have been in this house I haven't seen any door with password l
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SOPHIA My brown orbs grew round as I froze in my tracks. “This ring I thought it was for me,” I muttered under my breath as he glared at me “You thought it was for you?” He screeched still pointing a finger at me and I never forget the blazing anger in his eyes. When I walked up and saw the ring, even though yesterday was a messy day for me, the ring made me feel special and I thought it was his way of making things right with me again. If it were not for me why would he keep it in my room? Is this truly the man I was married to who was always teasing me around, sending expensive gifts to me, taking me on prestigious occasions telling me how it was his way of showing me to the world as “Miss Kingsley,” winking an eye at me.Giving me the shocker of my life by giving me a position in his company when he barely knew anything about me. But when I asked him how he knew I studied Business Management in school his response was “I shouldn't forget he is Damian.” I narrowed my eyes looki
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SOPHIA “Shut up you bitch,” I snarled revealing my teeth, and a groan escaped my mouth as the expression on my face hardened, I slammed several blows on the bed continuously before tossing the quilt away from my body and I sat upright as I frowned. My gaze traveled slowly around the ample bedroom and the whole place felt too big and the silence made me frown more. Damian had become grumpy and mean. He keeps avoiding me. I turned and looked at the bed with my hand slowly placed at the spot he always sleeps and my heart was clogged with emotions. I missed you, Damian. I missed the days when you snuck into my room and made me sleep with my head placed on your chest. Don't I used to give you peace of mind anymore? I am not the girl who brought so much happiness to your life? That girl which you looked into her eyes and told her, she healed you from insomnia, and because of that you would make sure she is always happy and nothing can be in between you and her. I couldn't help but questi
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SOPHIA “Oh! Sophie, how are you today?” Melissa feigned in a mellifluous voice grinning at me. The heaviness in my heart raised to a higher peak and my chest kept heaving, rising and falling slowly as I scowled at her. How dare she ask how I am today? She already made my day worse than ever by just seeing her when Damian refused to give me listening ears but she has come to see him and they will play together and chances are that they can make love together. I looked at her without saying a word, the pain in my heart was still there and the triumphant smile was still on her face as she curved the corner of her lips again into another smile. I felt the sudden urge to dig my manicure nails in her throat with her painted face and her wobbling breast but instead, I darted my eyes at her with so much bitterness. I didn't care if Damian was looking at us all the time we stood there. We stood for more than five minutes at the door. I don't care. If he likes, let him take me to be the ba
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SOPHIA Hearing the voice made me close my eyes gently as I heaved letting my thoughts to a more calm place. I didn't need to look at who just spoke because I knew who it was. Even as I didn't look at him I was taken aback. What business does he have to do here? Or has he been following me up to know where I work as well? I wondered. Damian glared at him with his fists clenched by his sides. “Did my question rip off your tongue?” Mark said sneerily and the furious look on Damian's face became more stronger. “I ask again. What proof do you have to back that up?” He said calmly taking a few steps into the hall.Damian turned to us sitting around the table, “Everyone, leave!” He said huskily and immediately, murmuring filled the hall as they stood up to leave, each person talking to the other, their voices barely above a whisper.After a while, the hall was silent as the people Damian instructed to leave were gone. It was just us, Damian with Mark and Me with Authur and some other sec
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MARK I wonder why sometimes people are so gullible. My partner keeps allowing himself to be fooled around by a woman who left him. And because of her, he has been ill-treating the kind-hearted one Melissa is using as the scapegoat. But how did Sophia agree to marry a man who treats her like a stranger? That I will ask her when she feels better. I guess if I bring up that now it will just make matters worse. As we were driving I asked her if I should take her to her husband's house since she said she was not working again but she said she doesn't want to go home now. Staying somewhere else or going with a stranger she doesn't know is better than going home since going to her husband's house will make her more emotional. So I guess we are going to my house then. She pleaded with me to stop by the coffee shop so she could grab a cup since she thought a cup of coffee would make her feel better. We stopped at the coffee shop as she demanded and we went in to get her a cup. She sat on t
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SOPHIAAs we sat in the car not knowing where Mark was taking me, I cried till I couldn't cry anymore as I sat with my head placed on his chest and his arm wrapped around me. I didn't know when I gave in to the exhaustion and I drifted off to sleep. The next thing I felt was my head placed on a hard surface as I was held in bridal style. I resisted the urge to open my eyes and look at him and also where he was taking me since I had so much trust in him, he couldn't do anything silly.After a while of strutting with me in his hands, I heard the sound of a door creaking as it opened and he went in with me in his hands. I felt my back placed on a soft surface then my head laying calmly as well on the soft surface. I guess that was the bed he was laying me on. I felt my stilettos taken off from my feet and the next thing, stiff clothing covered my body and I writhed, turning to sleep on my side. I heard footsteps walking away from me and then the sound of the closing door. Immediately
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SOPHIA What is she doing at home? I thought she would be busy with some work at her husband's company since I resigned. Didn't Damian give her a promotion? I don't forget how she walked to me the last time telling me she would make sure she took everything from me, including my life. She has just started work. Bad bitch! I cursed her inwardly seething.I stood glaring at her as my weak hand slowly closed the door. She stared at me snidely then the corner of her lips shifted into a smirk. I couldn't help myself but clenched my fists by my sides till my knuckles turned white as I stood blazing with expressed anger. All the happiness I had a moment ago crumbled to my feet at the sight of her. I glared at her as I nibbled at my lower lip terribly as I had millionaire questions in my heart to ask her, why she had been after my life. Why has she been tainting me at each chance she's got? I resisted the urge to do so and that only broke my heart to a thousand pieces when it occurred to m
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SOPHIA For the past four days, Damian did not let a day pass without drinking himself to a mess and I am angry with him for doing so and also for not delving deep into issues before passing his final judgment. Why would Damian of all people let himself with all his wealth be deceived easily? If Melissa could run a background check to find more details about me, tell me why can't Damian do so for crucial matters. He is just so gullible. He is so blinded by Melissa. Seeing him drink himself to mess made me sad. Deep down I know I still care even though I am grumpy and reserved these days making sure I mind my business but it's hard for me.The day I slept away from home in Mark's house, it's been just me and Selena. After I felt better, I had a warm shower and got dressed in comfortable clothes before heading down to the dining room for dinner. I asked Selena if my husband had come home but she told me he hadn't. All through the dinner I wasn't comfortable, my instincts kept troubling
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SOPHIA As I walked out of my room dressed in blue trouser jeans and a white top, my hair tied in a ponytail, the first person I met was Selena carrying breakfast to the dining table which I was sure was mine. These days I normally have my breakfast alone. Sometimes Selena will sit along with me as we chat. Although at first, I was kind of resistant to it, she kept on engaging me in conversations and I had no choice but to give in to it. I know she has been trying to show her concern for me which I appreciate a lot. I am getting used to talking to her alone in this big mansion and I don't care if Damian talks to me or not. The one thing that breaks my heart is I always see myself desperately craving for his attention which is what I hate.He talks to me though which is not more than greeting and the other is when I have done something wrong which he will mean to me. Still, I do crave his attention because I have been sleeping all alone to myself in the cold hands of the bed. I need h
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