All Chapters of The Billionaire's Bargain Bride: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
61 Chapters
SOPHIA I sat in the back seat as the Man who brought the package Damian sent to me was driving. I have been lonely and bored with the awkward silence in the car. I decided to keep myself busy by taking some selfies in the car. I swayed from the seat as he took a sharp turn and stopped almost immediately as the brakes screeched. Oh, I didn't buckle the seat belt and it never crossed my mind to.“What's the matter?” I asked impatiently, staring at him. He tilted his head towards me, “Sorry, Madam I have to pick up this Call from my boss. We will be off soon.” Okay, fine.There is nothing about him stopping, just that the turn he took was too nasty and my phone almost fell. “You can go ahead,” I said calmly. ‘Even if you don't tell him to go ahead he has to answer his call, Baby’ something in me uttered. It's beginning to piss me off as it's always getting on my nerves.I know, Baby.“Hello, Sir.”“Hello, Arthur, are you there?” Damian's low-pitched voice came through. “We are on o
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CHAPTER 12 DAMIANWe stepped out of the Lift as I gave her my hand she held onto it and a feeling of relaxation rained over me as our hands intertwined. I looked into those pairs of brown glittering eyes. I could tell they were feeling special and that feeling alone gladden my heart. Sophia suddenly stopped in her tracks, and I gave her a confused look wondering why she suddenly stopped. She heaved a deep sigh as she gazed at me, “Damian, thank you for everything you have done.” As she flicked her eyes at my face, her demeanor was explicitly calm. Finally, we are getting there like I said earlier, one step at a time. She will easily give in. I knew it, she would like the gift I sent Arthur to deliver to her. I can't imagine how happy she was when she got the gifts. And I must say she looks hot. Looking at her alone arouses the desire to grab her and start kissing her impatiently.“What for? I asked, pretending I didn't what she was talking about as I stared at her nonchalantly. “T
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DAMIAN She got dizzy as she lay loose in her chair, I signaled Arthur to come take her to the car as I waited for the party to be over before I would finally join them so we could go home. The party was over as Clinton finally met with me again before leaving with the pudgy damsel he got at the birthday party home to smack her ass. I joined Arthur and Sophia in the car as Arthur drove us home. My Pretty one who was still under the shackles of Chardonnay slept peacefully in the back seat and I sat by her side. I made her place her head on my lap as I removed my coat and covered her and she flinched at my actions. I must say I love teasing her but not all the time. She is extremely good for my liking. I played with her hair and my stern face, “Arthur, I need you to do me a favor.” Arthur slightly tilted his head towards me as he gripped the steering more firmly, “what do you want me to do for you, Sir?” Good! “I want you to run a background check on Sophia, I want to know everyt
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DAMIANI stopped slamming into her when I finally released and I moaned as I jerked. She lay moving her hands around her breasts slowly as she licked her lips with smiles filled on her face. I lay next to her as she snuggled into my chest shyly playing with my nipples as I messaged her lower back. I can't imagine how happy she is right now and I have to say I am the happiest man alive on earth. That was so sweet of you, Damian,” She said shyly, hiding her face in my chest as she accompanied it with a blow in my chest blushing foolishly.I couldn't help but blush uncontrollably, “You are just so sweet, baby.” She looked at me making puppy eyes, “Are you for real?” “Sure baby.” Winking an eye at her.“You know what? she stopped and thought for a while, her forefinger placed at her lower lips. I smiled salaciously, looking deep into her eyes, “I don't know shit baby, bring it on.” “I think we should go for another round,” For real? I think I have played my cards right there hittin
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SOPHIA Honestly, last night was wonderful. I had butterflies in my belly when I woke up this morning and thought about it. That man called Damian is a beast in bed and I must say I love the way he slams me. I am in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. Selena never wanted to let me do it but I insisted. There is nothing wrong with me washing the dishes. By the way, I don't have anything to do apart from sleeping, eating, watching my favorite series, chatting, and binge-watching reels on IG all day. It's all getting boring so I have to do other stuff. Excuse me, Madam,” Selena's calm voice caught my ears, I smiled at her, “What's up Selena?” “I think your phone is ringing.” Ugh! I left it on the table in the sitting room while I was watching a series on Netflix. Let me go get it,” I took the towel hanging on the dish rack and cleaned my wet hands as I rushed to the sitting room. 3 missed calls already? But why is he calling? I shrugged off the thought as I dialed his number. After a
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SOPHIA As Arthur left to pick up Damian, I walked elegantly into the clothes store, greeting the securities at the entrance with muscular build as I waved at them grinning.I am just moving around the store as every outfit I see seems to be very beautiful and stylishly made. Honestly, I don't know which one to go with. After admiring almost every dress my sight captured, I finally made the best choice for my taste. While I was searching through the dresses, the sales girl was following me as she was showinshowedrious types of female outfits they had available in their shop. I pointed at a dress, “That one,” as I walked towards it excitedly.I was about to take the dress up when I suddenly heard a voice, “Sorry Madam, don't touch it.” She said curtly. Oh my goodness! I was stunned as I slowly turned and looked at her confusingly, “Sorry, you say what now?” My brows furrowed.She stroked the pen she was holding on the book in her hand, “That dress is pretty expensive and from all in
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SOPHIA “Yeah,” I replied, looking into those pairs of intense green eyes as they flicked across my face. He smiled, caressing my cheek with his fingers, “That look on your face, I know what it is.” “What?” I rolled my eyes waiting impatiently for what he would say next. “You are just curious,” he removed his sunglasses from his jacket suit and slowly wore it on his face looking into space.“Susan,” He called “Package that which my Angel chose, we need to leave now.” “Yes Sir,” she moved and packaged it as she walked over to me, “Here Madam,” “Miss Kingsley,” Damian corrected her as she let a lump down her throat, “Here is your dress Miss Kingsley,” “Good,” Damian added looking at her as he took out his phone, his gaze lowered on the screen. This side of him is so sweet, I lack words to express how I feel. Oh my God, he made the manager sack her employee because she looked down on me with contempt. Now, he still corrected the manager herself for calling me Madam, telling her
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SOPHIA “Okay, tell everyone I'm on my way I will be at the Company in a jiffy,” He hung up tucking his phone in his jacket suit pocket as he heaved a sigh then he looked out the window, with the look on his face I could tell he is far away in his dreamland. Could it be that he lost a deal? Or maybe his company has been in the tank lately? He seemed to be lively a moment ago, but all of a sudden he is just sitting quietly like a log of wood, far away in his thoughts. Well, why am I even bothering myself, here we are going to his company and whatever it is, it will come to light. “Are you okay?” his calm voice came through and I looked at him, his orbs staring at me. I forced a smile looking at him, “I am okay,” nodding my head. “But you seem to be worried lately.” “No, I just sat quietly, no issues.” I am the one who is supposed to ask you if you are okay, you were cool a moment ago and you went silent. From the expression I noticed on your face you seemed to be thinking ab
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SOPHIA “Notify everybody to be at the hall,” he gazes at his wrist watch, “In the next 5 minutes I will join them,” He hung up placing the intranet in its place as he winked an eye at me. I wonder why he loves doing it. He opened his system as he got carried away trying to get some work done while I sat quietly wondering how I would be living with the new burden mantled on me at the head of the group. “I'm not sure I can do it,” I said swiftly breaking the silence within us. He looked at me from the system, as he heaved a sigh, closing the laptop slowly, “You can do this, Angel.” Mr. Damian, I don't like it when you call me different names, when I think you want to call me, “Mrs. Damian” that is when you will come up with another name, “Miss Kingsley” and before I know you will come up with another. “I can't Damian, where should I start?” I said quickly cringing my head. “Miss Kingsley, from what I know, you studied Business Management at the University and also had dreams of
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DAMIANMy Angel, I am yet to tell you the revival you brought to my life and how I always feel good around you. I made a promise to myself to make your life way better and this is just the beginning. I only offered you to be the leader of M.O Group and you wondered if it was for real. I was kidding it was for real. We got home and I glanced at Sophia silently but she never knew. I could sense she was very happy about the whole situation just that she never expected such a treat from me. +++++ I sat in the sitting room as I kept myself busy with games while I sipped chilled juices from a glass. Mehn, this game is very interesting. My opponents seemed to be very tough but I am too good when it comes to playing martial games so I have an edge over them. Since I have been playing, they only got their chances at me twice while I have won eight of the ten rounds so far played. “Sorry to bother you, Damian,” I heard a calm voice as I was busy trying to knock down my opponent with my eye
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