All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire’s Regret; Mummy, Daddy Deserves Your Love: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
77 Chapters
JOCELIA'S POVAs soon as I saw Grayson leave, I picked up my phone and called Alice. "I just met with Grayson," I told her as soon as she picked up."Listen, child, I have better things to do than listen to you and Grayson’s relationship problems," Alice said, sounding irritated."Wait, Alice, that’s not the issue," I said quickly."Then what is it?" she asked, clearly impatient."He was having lunch with Sylvia," I said."Okay, they’re business partners now, so I guess that's bound to happen. This is not a reason for you to call and disturb my manicure session," she replied dismissively.I felt my frustration rise at her casual dismissal. "Listen here, Alice, the problem isn’t just the lunch. Sylvia brought two kids with her—a boy and a girl. They looked like twins," I said, my voice filled with urgency.I could hear the concern creeping into Alice's voice. "Who could be their father...wait, you don’t think Grayson could be their father, do you?" Alice asked, her tone shifting to one
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SLYVIA'S POVI woke up early to finish some work I needed to drop off at the office today. Glancing at the kids still sleeping peacefully, I smiled. Then panic struck me. "What about their lunch for school and breakfast? Shit, how could I forget?" I muttered to myself.I needed to get them breakfast before school and also sort out their lunch. Thankfully, I remembered that the school provides lunch for the students. I mean, paying almost six figures a year for each of them, the least they could do is provide lunch. But what about breakfast?I stood up and glanced out the window, hoping to spot a store that might be open. Then, my phone buzzed with a message. It was from Grayson. "Paul is coming over now to pick you and the kids up for school. He will be over in 15 minutes. Here is his number," it read. I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly called Paul."Good morning, Paul," I said, trying to sound calm."Good morning, ma'am. I'll be at your place in 12 minutes," he replied."Sor
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I finished most of my work for the day and called my assistant. "I'm going out for a bit," I said."Okay, sir," she replied."If anyone calls, tell them I'm out," I added, feeling a twinge of excitement.I glanced at my watch. It was almost time for Zenith and Zendaya to get out of school. I don't know why, but I wanted to pick them up. I wanted them to know they could rely on me. I hadn't felt this excited in a while. I took the elevator down, ignoring a few colleagues who tried to stop me with questions."Sorry, I've got somewhere to be," I said, brushing them off.I walked briskly to my car in the parking lot. I could have called Paul to drive me, but I wanted to do this myself. For some reason, I felt protective of those kids. I enjoyed the look in their eyes when they saw me.I got into my car and drove to the school. As I approached, I noticed Zenith and Zendaya coming out of an ice cream shop with a strange man. I looked again, thinking I must be seeing things. Then the man tr
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SLYVIA'S POVI was almost done with the meeting when my phone rang. I glanced at the screen and saw it was the movers. "Miss, we are at your house," the truck driver informed me."Oh god, I will be there in ten," I frantically replied. I turned to Lisa and the contractors. "You guys can handle it from here without me?""Yeah, we're good," Lisa assured me with a confident nod.I rushed outside, my mind racing with a million thoughts. I needed to get home as quickly as possible. I looked around, desperately searching for a cab. After a few seconds, I spotted one driving down the street. I practically ran in front of it, waving my arms frantically.The cab screeched to a halt. "Jesus, woman, you wanna die?" the cab driver yelled in a thick New York accent, clearly irritated."Sorry, I just really need to get to this address," I said, breathless, as I told him where I needed to go.The cab driver gave me a once-over, his expression softening slightly. "Alright, get in," he said, motioning
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SLYVIA'S POVI stood up to resume unpacking, but before I could get started, I heard a truck pull up outside. Moments later, I heard the excited sound of Zenith and Zendaya's little feet running towards the house."Mummy!" they shouted in unison as they ran inside and gave me a big hug."How are you?" I asked, smiling as I hugged them back."We're fine!" they both said eagerly.Raymond entered the apartment behind them, looking around appreciatively. "Wow, nice place, Sylvia," he said."Thank you," I replied, still holding onto the kids."How was your first day at school?" I asked them."It was good," they answered, their faces lighting up with excitement.Zenith took a deep breath and started, "Mummy, we did so many things! We played games, and I made a new friend named Tommy. He's really good at soccer."Zendaya chimed in, "And we painted pictures! My teacher said mine was really good. I drew a rainbow with a unicorn.""That's wonderful!" I said, beaming at them. "I'm so glad you bo
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GRAYSON'S POVMy anger spiked when I saw this so-called Raymond guy’s hand casually draped over Sylvia’s shoulder while they ate Chinese food. Who the fuck did he think he was? My blood boiled, but I tried to keep my cool for the kids' sake."Hi, Mr. Grayson," Zenith called out to me with a smile, breaking me out of my thoughts."Hi, Zenith," I responded, forcing a smile. Not here, not in front of the kids. I couldn’t cause a scene."Sylvia, can I speak to you?" I asked, trying to keep my tone even."Umm, sure," she replied."Privately," I emphasized."Okay?" Sylvia said, standing up. I grabbed her arm and led her outside the house."Hey, stop it. Why are you so pissed off?" she asked, yanking her arm away."Who the hell is that man inside?" I demanded."What? Raymond? Why are you asking? What is this?" she responded, confused."I saw him picking up the kids from school today," I said, my voice tight with anger."Yes, I couldn’t make it, and he agreed to help," she explained."I wante
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SYLVIA'S POVAs soon as I closed the door, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. "Are you okay? What did he want?" Raymond asked, concern etched on his face."It's fine, don't worry about him," I said, waving it off, though my mind was far from settled.We sat back down at the table, and the kids resumed eating their Chinese food, chatting animatedly about their day at school. I tried to focus on them, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Grayson's intense gaze and his heated words.Raymond was saying something about his drive from LA, but I could barely concentrate. Grayson's voice echoed in my mind: "I will move the heavens and earth, I will do everything so you and the kids are mine, even if it means destroying Raymond." The way he said it, with such conviction, sent a shiver down my spine. Why did I find that confrontation so attractive? Why did I like the way he wanted to fight for me?"Sylvia, are you listening?" Raymond's voice cut through my thoughts."Yeah,
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GRAYSON'S POVI reached home, and my mind was utterly consumed with thoughts of Sylvia. No matter how much I tried to push them aside, they kept creeping back in. I threw my keys onto the table and slumped into the armchair, rubbing my temples in frustration. Just then, Jocelia entered the room. I barely noticed her until she started caressing my legs."What are you doing?" I asked, trying to keep my irritation in check."We haven't spent any quality time together," she purred, her fingers tracing circles on my thigh. "I thought we could, you know..." She slowly removed her top, exposing her bare skin."I'm not in the mood," I said flatly, trying to look away."Come on, Gray," she persisted, sliding onto my lap. Her hands roamed over my chest, trying to ignite a spark that just wasn't there."Jocelia, stop. Get off," I said, pushing her away gently but firmly. I stood up, needing some distance."Am I wrong for wanting to spend time with my man?" she shouted, her voice breaking with em
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GRAYSON'S POVI went back into my room, pacing around as frustration and determination coursed through me. I had to know who this Raymond guy was. The uncertainty gnawed at me, and I needed answers. "I need to call my lawyer," I thought, my mind racing. Stewart, my lawyer, used to work for the government, and he had the resources to find out anything about anyone.I picked up my phone and dialed his number. After a few rings, he answered, "Good morning, sir.""Hey Stewart, I need your help. I need you to find everything there is to know about a man named Raymond Keller, his friends with my Ex-wife," I said, my voice urgent."Is he a problem?" Stewart asked, always quick to assess the situation."I don't know yet, but I want to make sure," I replied, pacing even faster."Alright, I'll check into it and get back to you as soon as I can," he said before we ended the call.I stood there for a moment, my phone still in my hand, staring out the window. If this Raymond thinks he can take Syl
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ALICE'S POVI ran down the stairs, clutching my purse and breathing fast, glancing over my shoulder. "Mom, is everything okay?" William asked as he bumped into me.I stammered, trying to find the words. "Did you talk to him? What did he say?" he pressed."William... I... I..." I began."Yeah, yeah? What did he say?" he urged."I have never seen him so angry, his eyes, the way he looked at me," I finally managed to say, my voice trembling. Jocelia walked up to us, with a concerned face."What's going on?" she asked, noticing my reaction."We need to get rid of Sylvia, that's what should be going on," I snapped, irritated that Jocelia hadn't taken care of her as she said she would."I know... Grayson hasn't even touched or looked my way since she came back into his life. Six years. Six years she was gone, and now she's back and has this hold on him," Jocelia said, and her face changed to a deep frown."Well, stop complaining and start planning. If she's not gone soon, it could be bad
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