All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire’s Regret; Mummy, Daddy Deserves Your Love: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
77 Chapters
SLYVIA'S POVI didn't want to put my phone on silent after Grayson's several attempts to call me during my date with Raymond. "What the hell would he be calling me over and over again for?" I muttered to myself, annoyed.Raymond and I tried to get back into our conversation. I looked at him, trying to push Grayson's intrusive calls out of my mind. "So, how's work been?" I asked, genuinely curious but also hoping to steer the evening back to a more pleasant vibe.Raymond's face lit up with enthusiasm. "It's been awesome, Slyvia! Magazines are calling me left and right for cover shoots. Even some pop stars want me to star in their music videos!" His excitement was contagious, and despite my earlier irritation, I found myself smiling."That's amazing, Raymond! Congratulations!" I said, genuinely happy for him. Raymond had always been talented and hardworking, and it was great to see him getting the recognition he deserved."Thanks," he replied, his smile broadening. "It's been a crazy ri
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SLYVIA'S POV Raymond and I finished having an exquisite dinner at the five-star restaurant. The ambiance was enchanting with soft, slow music playing in the background. Raymond, ever the gentleman, took my hands in his and with a charming smile, invited me to dance.I giggled and blushed slightly at his gesture, finding it both endearing and unexpected. We moved gracefully to the music, holding each other close as we swayed gently. Raymond leaned in and kissed me softly, and I reciprocated, feeling a rush of warmth and affection.As we pulled back slightly, I smiled at Raymond. "This has been wonderful, Raymond, but it's getting late. I need to get back home to the kids."Raymond nodded understandingly. "Of course, I completely understand. Let's head back."We walked out of the restaurant together, the cool night air differs from the warmth we felt in each other's presence. Raymond opened the car door for me and I slid into the passenger seat with a grateful smile. He closed the door
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ALICE'S POVI woke up that morning with a clear plan in mind, ready to set things in motion. The sun was just starting to peek through the curtains, casting a soft glow in my bedroom. I stretched, feeling a surge of determination coursing through me.First things first, I grabbed my phone and dialed my account manager. "Good morning, John," I greeted him, trying to sound as composed as possible despite the nerves. "I need 1.5 million dollars in cash today. Can you arrange that for me?"John sounded slightly taken aback. "Um, sure, Alice," he replied cautiously. "May I ask what it's for?"I chuckled softly, trying to maintain my calm demeanor. "It's for a project I'm working on," I said vaguely. "I'll explain later. Can you have it ready by 10 AM?""Of course," he confirmed, though I could sense his curiosity lingering in the air. He knew better than to pry too much, though. I trusted him with our finances, but some things were best kept private.After hanging up, I made my way to the
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SLYVIA'S POVI woke up early, feeling a sense of determination mixed with nervous energy. Grayson’s message about wanting to talk was still nagging at me, and I couldn’t shake the thought that I needed to confront him about meddling in my life. Today was the day I would pay him back every penny of the kids' tuition fees.I headed to the kitchen, starting breakfast for the kids. Pancakes and fruit—something simple yet comforting. While the pancakes sizzled, I kept thinking about the message Grayson had sent when I was on the date with Raymond. I couldn’t let him keep controlling aspects of my life, no matter how well-intentioned he might be.“Mom, are you okay?” Zendaya’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. She was already dressed, her backpack slung over one shoulder.“Of course, sweetie. Just a lot on my mind,” I said, forcing a smile. “How about you help me set the table?”As we set the table together, I could feel Zendaya watching me closely. She’s always been perceptive, my little
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SLYVIA'S POVAs we drove home, I tried to keep the conversation light, asking about their day and their friends, anything to keep my mind off the looming legal battle. Their innocent chatter and laughter were a balm to my frazzled nerves.Back at home, I set the kids up with a snack and some coloring books before retreating to my home office to make some urgent calls. I needed to get ahead of this lawsuit and figure out what was going on.My phone buzzed with a call from Lisa. "Sylvia, I've calmed everyone down and got them back to work. Do you want to go over the details of the lawsuit now?""Yes, Lisa, thank you. Let's get our legal team on this immediately. I need to know what we're dealing with," I replied, my mind already shifting back into work mode."Will do. I'll set up a call with them right away," she assured me.Hanging up, I leaned back in my chair and took a deep breath. One crisis at a time, I reminded myself. The lawsuit was a hurdle, but I had overcome worse. I looked
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GRAYSON'S POVI tried to step into the house, but Slyvia blocked me. Her face was a mix of anger and confusion. "What the hell is this, Slyvia? Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you or the kids?" I said, reaching out to hold her shoulders, but she pushed my hands away."What are you talking about?" I asked, bewildered by the sudden, out-of-context question. "I drove like a madman here to see if you were okay and why you didn't inform me that you were taking Zenith and Zendaya back from school today."Her face twitched at the mention of the kids' names. "Answer the damn question, Grayson. Did you buy out Raymond's Agency?" she spat."Yes, yes, goddamn it, I bought it! But what does that have to do with anything?" I replied, frustration bubbling over."The reason you don't know why that has to do with anything is exactly why I should have set firmer boundaries about our working relationship," she said, her voice trembling with anger."Working relationship? What the fuck are you talking abou
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GRAYSON'S POVJust when I thought things couldn't get any worse, the flashing red and blue lights outside the bar told me otherwise. The cops had shown up, probably called by the bartender while we fought. Great. Just what I needed.An officer approached me, his expression stern. "You're coming with us," he said, grabbing my arm."Wait, this is just a misunderstanding," I tried to explain, but it was no use. The other guy was on the ground, nursing a bloody nose, and the bar was a mess. There was no talking my way out of this one.They cuffed me and led me outside, the cold metal biting into my wrists. I could feel the eyes of the onlookers burning into me, their judgment palpable. They shoved me into the back of the squad car, and I slumped against the seat, my head throbbing from the fight and the alcohol.At the station, they booked me, charged me with assault, and threw me into a cell. The clang of the metal door closing behind me was like a final nail in the coffin of this disast
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GRAYSON'S POVI stumbled into the mansion, barely aware of my surroundings. The grand entryway, usually a symbol of stability and wealth, felt suffocating. Alice and William were in the living room, their conversation halting abruptly as they caught sight of me. I could feel their eyes on me, taking in my disheveled clothes and the blood still crusted on my face from the bar fight."What the hell happened to you?" Alice's voice was sharp, and honestly I don't have her time.William just stared, his expression a mix of shock and curiosity.I ignored them both, my only focus on getting to my room. The weight of the evening pressed down on me, and I couldn't muster the energy to engage with either of them. Their judgmental glances were the last thing I needed right now."Grayson!" Alice called after me, but I kept walking, my steps heavy and unsteady.I reached my room, shutting the door behind me with a thud that seemed to reverberate through the silence. Leaning against the door for a
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JOCELIA'S POVI picked up my phone, a smirk already spreading across my face. Alice, sitting across from me, noticed immediately."Oh oh, you have that smirk again. What are you about to do?" she asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and amusement."Hastening the Sylvia breakdown," I replied, dialing my contact in the news. As the phone rang, I could already envision the chaos this would cause for Sylvia. When my contact picked up, I didn’t waste any time."Hello, it's Jocelia," I began, my voice low and conspiratorial. "I have a tip for you. There's a new lawsuit against Sylvia's company—fraud and false advertising. I need you to leak this story, make sure it gets maximum coverage. Destroy her credibility, ruin the reputation of her business."I could hear the excitement in my contact's voice as they agreed. They knew a good story when they heard one, and this one had all the makings of a scandal."Consider it done," my contact said before hanging up.I put my phone down, still smirking
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SYLVIA'S POVI drove back home, my mind still spinning from the confrontation with Grayson and the looming lawsuit. I had to pull myself together for the sake of the kids and the business. As I parked the car and walked inside, I mentally prepared myself for the day ahead.Once inside, I headed straight to the bathroom. The warm shower was a brief respite from my thoughts, the water washing away some of the tension. I quickly dried off and picked out a plain blouse and skirt from my wardrobe, something that matched the somber mood I was in. No bright colors today—just the basics.Dressed and ready, I headed back to the car and drove to the office. As I walked in, I was greeted by Lisa, my ever-efficient assistant. "Good morning, Lisa," I said, trying to sound more upbeat than I felt."Good morning, Sylvia," she replied with a warm smile. "Can I get you anything?""Yes, please. Could you bring a coffee to my office?" I asked, grateful for her support."Of course, right away," she said,
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