All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire’s Regret; Mummy, Daddy Deserves Your Love: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
77 Chapters
SYLVIA'S POVAfter dinner, I turned my attention to getting the kids settled into their new rooms. It was a relief to see their beds finally set up, thanks to the movers. Zenith's room had his favorite superhero bedspread, while Zendaya's was adorned with princess-themed bedding she adored."Okay, time for bed," I announced, leading them upstairs. Zenith was already bouncing with excitement, while Zendaya clutched her favorite stuffed animal.I helped Zenith into his pajamas first. He was still buzzing with energy, recounting every detail of his first day at school as I guided him through brushing his teeth. "And then, Mom, we learned about dinosaurs! Did you know that the T-Rex has tiny arms but huge teeth?" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with enthusiasm."That sounds fascinating, Zenith," I replied, smiling at his infectious energy. "But now, it's time to get some sleep. You need to be well-rested for another exciting day tomorrow."I tucked him into bed, smoothing out the wrinkles in
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GRAYSON'S POV I woke up to a text message from Stewart, my lawyer: "Call me when you get this." He sent it around 3 AM. Groaning, I stretched out my arms, feeling the effects of the previous night's drinking. My hair was a mess, and I probably had morning breath laced with the lingering taste of alcohol. Yesterday, I saw Sylvia with that fucker Raymond. I rubbed my eyes and picked up my phone to call Stewart."Hey Stewart, you found something?" I asked."Good morning, sir," he replied. "Raymond’s parents are Richard and Deborah. They divorced when he was 15. He got into modeling at 18. He has a few charges, but just DUIs—nothing too outrageous. He recently moved to New York after being signed to a modeling agency.""Oh, so he's a model," I said, my irritation evident."Yes, sir. A struggling one, but it seems he just got his big break," Stewart continued."What can you tell me about the agency that signed him?" I asked."MJ Modeling Agency," he replied. "They filed for bankruptcy tw
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GRAYSON'S POVPaul drove me to the address of the MJ Modeling Agency where Stewart was already waiting for me. As soon as I stepped out of the car, Stewart approached me, extending his hand.“Good morning, sir. They’re expecting us,” he said in a professional tone.“Morning, Stewart. Let’s get this done,” I replied while firmly shaking his hand. We walked into the building, greeted by the agency's receptionist. She was all smiles and polite, clearly aware of who I was.“Mr. Lockwood, Mr. Stewart, welcome to MJ Modeling Agency. The board is ready for you,” she said, leading us down a sleek hallway lined with fashion posters and awards.As we approached the meeting room, I could hear the low hum of conversation that abruptly stopped as we entered. The room was modern and stylish, with a long glass table at the center and floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city.The board members stood up as we walked in, their expressions a mix of eagerness and anxiety.“Mr. Lockwood, it’s an
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GRAYSON'S POV"What up, Raymond?" I shouted, making sure my voice carried across the room. He turned, surprise flashing across his face as he saw me. I could tell he was thrown off by my loud greeting."What... what are you doing here?" he stammered, clearly caught off guard. I draped my arm around his shoulders, steering him closer to where the board members were now standing outside the meeting room, watching the interaction with interest."Hey, for my first assignment," I said loudly, making sure everyone could hear, "I want my friend Raymond here headlining the runway show. I want his face all over the billboards and campaign posters. I want the whole of New York to know there's a new model to look out for."Raymond's confusion deepened. "What is going on?" he murmured, barely loud enough for me to hear.I released my arm from his shoulders and turned to face him directly. "I just bought this company, stupid," I said with a smile that didn’t reach my eyes. "And I just made you the
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SYLVIA'S POVI woke up early to the soft beeping of my alarm, stretching my arms before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. The house was quiet, still wrapped in the calm of dawn. I slipped on my robe and headed to the kids' room to wake them up."Good morning, sleepyheads," I whispered as I gently shook Zenith and Zendaya awake."Mmm, just a few more minutes," Zenith mumbled, turning over."Come on, it's your first day at the new school. We need to get up and get ready," I said with a smile, giving them both a little more encouragement.Once they were awake, we started with making their beds. Zenith pulled up his comforter, while Zendaya arranged her stuffed animals neatly. With their rooms in order, we headed to the bathroom."Time for a shower," I announced, helping them undress and get into the tub. I made sure the water was just right and lathered up the soap, washing away the remnants of sleep. The bathroom filled with the scent of their favorite bubble bath, a comforting
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SYLVIA'S POVI drove the kids to school, enjoying the quiet hum of the car and the morning sunshine filtering through the windshield. The kids chattered excitedly in the backseat about their new school and the friends they hoped to make. When we arrived, I parked and walked them to the entrance, each of them holding one of my hands."Have a great day, you two," I said, giving them each a kiss on the forehead. "Be good and listen to your teachers.""We will, Mom!" they chorused, giving me quick hugs before running off to join their classmates.As I watched them go, a woman approached me with a warm smile. "Hi, you must be Zenith and Zendaya's mom," she said, extending her hand. "I'm Britney, their teacher."I shook her hand, returning her smile. "Yes, I'm Sylvia. It's nice to meet you.""Your kids are wonderful. They're adjusting really well," Britney said, her eyes crinkling at the corners."That's good to hear. They've been looking forward to starting school here," I replied.We chat
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GRAYSON'S POVI glanced at my watch. The kids' closing time was approaching, and I knew I needed to be there. A grin played on my lips at the thought of that prick Raymond not showing his face today. I picked up my phone and called Sylvia.“Hi,” she answered, her voice a bit hurried.“Hey,” I replied.“I’m sorry, do you need something? I’m about to pick up the kids,” she said.“That’s why I’m calling. I’m on my way to pick them up,” I said.“Oh, really?” she sounded surprised.“Way to sound surprised,” I teased.“No, it’s just that I didn’t think you still wanted to,” she said.“I told you earlier that it’s something I want to do,” I reminded her.There was a pause on her end before she spoke again. “Look, Grayson, the kids have been through a lot. I have been through a lot. I don’t want someone in their lives that they get attached to who might disappear at a moment’s notice.”“Do you really think that of me? Sylvia, I feel a connection with these kids, and I won’t do that to them,”
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GRAYSON'S POVAs we drove, I kept stealing glances at them, my heart aching for Zendaya. I wanted to find a way to connect with her, to let her know that she could trust me and lean on me. I was determined to be there for them, no matter what.We pulled into a small ice cream parlor, and I turned to the backseat. “How about some chocolate fudge sundaes?”Zenith’s eyes lit up a little. “Okay.”Zendaya shrugged again but didn’t protest. I took that as a small victory.Inside the parlor, I let them pick whatever they wanted. Zenith chose a colorful sundae with sprinkles and gummy bears, while Zendaya quietly picked a simple chocolate cone. We sat at a small table by the window, and I watched as they slowly ate their treats.“So, how was school today, besides... what happened?” I asked, trying to steer the conversation to a more positive note.Zenith shrugged. “It was okay, I guess.”Zendaya remained silent, licking her ice cream without much interest. I racked my brain for something to s
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SLYVIA POVI was just walking out of my room, having just changed out of my work clothes, when I heard the kids' voices approaching the door. They rang the bell just as I reached it. "Mummy!" they shouted, their faces lighting up when they saw me. I hugged them tightly, feeling their little bodies vibrate with excitement.They rushed inside, laughing and playing with each other as they ran to their room. "Careful not to fall!" I called after them, smiling at their energy. As they disappeared down the hallway, Grayson walked in."Hi," I said, closing the door behind him."Hi," he replied, a warm smile on his face."Thank you for bringing the kids," I said gratefully."Sylvia, I already told you, you don't have to thank me," he said, brushing off my gratitude."Still," I insisted, "I appreciate it."He paused, then said, "Umm, the kids were being picked on today as I was about to bring them home.""Oh God, not again," I groaned, touching my head with my palm. "I really thought this scho
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ALICE'S POV"Mr. Marlon, you’ve got to be out of your mind to call me like this without the designated time I gave you. What the hell is this?" I lashed out as I paced back and forth."Sorry, ma'am, but Grayson heard us picking on Zenith and Zendaya," Mr. Marlon said, his voice trembling."You fool, how could you let that happen?" I shouted, opening my room door and quickly closing it behind me to avoid any unwanted ears listening in on my schemes."It was a mistake. We didn’t see him coming," he stammered."Shut up, you idiot. I paid you more money than your poverty-stricken eyes have ever seen in your entire life, rented you an apartment in Manhattan, and paid for your children’s fees to go to that expensive school. I just needed you to do one thing for me: get your kids to make Sylvia's kids' lives a living hell so she'd move back to LA. And you failed, you useless buffoon," I sneered."Ma'am, it won’t happen again, I promise," he pleaded."Of course not. I’m withdrawing every bene
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