All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire’s Regret; Mummy, Daddy Deserves Your Love: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
77 Chapters
ALICE'S POVAs William stepped out of my room, I heard Jocelia’s voice. "Where's Alice? Is she back yet?""Yeah, she's inside," William replied."Get inside, we have things to discuss," she said, her tone urgent. They both entered my room, and I could see the determination on Jocelia’s face."Alice, we’ve got to talk about how to evict Sylvia," she said without preamble."Have you found out where she's staying?" I asked, sitting up straighter."Yes, I have," Jocelia confirmed. "And I also found out where her company is renting space. I asked around and got the details."I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. "Good. So, what's the plan?"Jocelia sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling out a small notebook. "We need to apply pressure from multiple angles. First, we can start with her lease. If we can convince her landlord that she's a problem tenant, maybe we can get her evicted.""How do we do that?" William asked, leaning against the doorframe."We spread rumors," Joceli
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GRAYSON'S POVPaul pulled the car up to the driveway, and I stepped out, the gravel crunching under my shoes. As I walked towards the house, my mind was still on the events of the day. That encounter with the Marlons had left a bad taste in my mouth, and I wasn’t going to let it slide.I reached for my phone and dialed Stewart’s number as I made my way to my room. He picked up on the second ring.“Grayson,” he answered, his voice crisp and professional.“Stewart, I need you to look into a family. The Marlons. They just enrolled their kids at Zenith and Zendaya’s school. I want everything you can find on them. Financials, legal issues, personal details—everything. And I need it fast.”“Understood,” Stewart replied without missing a beat. “I’ll get on it right away and report back as soon as I have something.”“Thanks, Stewart.” I ended the call, feeling a bit more at ease knowing Stewart was on the case.I pushed open the door to my room, the familiar space bringing a momentary sense o
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GRAYSON’S POVI glanced at her briefly, nodding in acknowledgment, but didn't say anything. My thoughts were elsewhere."You seem distracted," she continued, her tone probing."I'm just thinking about some work stuff," I replied, turning back to the TV.Alice sighed and took a seat at the table across from me. "You know, Grayson, you should really take some time to relax. All this stress isn't good for you."I gave a noncommittal grunt, my attention still on the news ticker scrolling across the screen. Alice's attempts at small talk were as transparent as glass. She had her own agenda, and I wasn't in the mood to play along.Maria placed a steaming plate of food in front of me. "Here you go, Mr. Grayson. I hope you enjoy it.""Thanks, Maria," I said, giving her a genuine smile. The food looked delicious, but my appetite was dulled by the weight of my concerns.As I took a bite, my phone buzzed on the table. I picked it up, hoping it was Stewart with some news. But it was just a notifi
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SLYVIA'S POVI eyed the young lady sitting on my living room sofa. She seemed nervous, but she was trying her best to appear confident. I had to be thorough; this was about my children, after all."Have you any criminal record?" I asked, watching her closely."Criminal record?" She looked a bit startled."Yes, DUI charges, battery, theft, you know what I mean," I clarified."No, ma'am, I don't," she replied firmly."And you say you are good with children?" I continued."Yes, ma'am. Children absolutely adore me, and I have never had any bad reviews from my past clients. Their numbers are right there on my résumé," she said, handing over a neatly typed sheet.I glanced over it. Her references seemed solid, but I needed to know more. "So what made you apply for the job?" I asked."I go to NYU on a scholarship, and I figured babysitting would help me with enough money to stay afloat because the scholarship is certainly not enough in this economy. I don't want to take a student loan and en
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WILLIAM'S POVIt had proven difficult to find the Marlons. They must have figured out that someone might be looking for them and gone into hiding. The school was my last hope; maybe they could offer some information on where the Marlons went. I needed to tie up this loose end before Grayson’s wrath came looking.I parked my car and walked into the school, trying to look as casual as possible. The hallways were starting to empty out as parents picked up their kids. I approached the front desk where a tired-looking receptionist was typing away at her computer.It had proven difficult to find the Marlons. They must have figured out that someone might be looking for them and gone into hiding. The school was my last hope; maybe they could offer some information on where the Marlons went. I needed to tie up this loose end before Grayson’s wrath came looking.I parked my car and walked into the school, trying to look as casual as possible. The hallways were starting to empty out as parents p
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WILLIAM'S POVI drove to the school, hoping to catch the Marlons before they took their kids home. The address the receptionist had given me was in the south side of the city, a rougher part of town. As I navigated through the streets, the scenery shifted drastically. The polished buildings and manicured lawns of the upper city gave way to dilapidated houses and graffiti-covered walls."Guess the Marlons have gone back to their all too familiar abode," I muttered to myself, gripping the steering wheel tighter. The streets were filled with shady characters, street boys hiding guns under their shirts and dealing drugs openly. The air was thick with tension and the unmistakable scent of desperation.As I approached the school, a small, rundown building with barred windows, I parked my car a few blocks away and walked the rest of the distance. I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to myself. The school's entrance was crowded with kids and parents, all looking worn and wary.I sc
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SLYVIA'S POVI arrived home with the kids, but my mind was still stuck on the image of William entering the school. What was he doing there? Seeing him again after all these years stirred up so many conflicting emotions. When I first saw Jocelia at the restaurant with the kids and Grayson, I didn't feel like this because I never considered her a friend. But with William, it was different. I had confided in him when Grayson and I were having problems, welcomed him as an in-law and a friend, and he ended up lying to me and betraying me in the worst way possible. The hurt still ran deep within my soul."Mum, is everything alright?" Zendaya asked, looking up at me. I realized I had been standing there, lost in thought, without unlocking the door."Oh, sorry. Just thinking about grown-up stuff," I said, shaking off the memories. I unlocked the door, and we all entered the apartment. "Take off your uniforms first," I instructed the kids.I dropped my purse on the counter, trying to push awa
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As I was about to step out the door, I heard another knock. I paused, turning back toward the living room."Is someone else coming?" Jessie asked, looking a bit confused."I don't think so," I said, heading back to the door. I opened it to find Raymond standing there, looking as handsome as ever in a crisp shirt and dark jeans. His smile widened when he saw me."Hey, beautiful," he said, his eyes twinkling with admiration. "Ready for our date?""Hey, Raymond," I replied, feeling my heart flutter. "Perfect timing. I was just heading out.""Good evening, Mr. Raymond," Jessie said politely from behind me.Jessie’s voice coming from the living room. “Wow, you both look amazing together,” she said, her eyes twinkling as she looked at Raymond and me.“Yeah, Mom, you look like a princess!” Zendaya chimed in, grinning widely. Zenith nodded in agreement, his eyes full of admiration.I laughed, feeling a little bashful under their praise. “Thanks, guys. You’re making me feel like I’m going to p
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GRAYSON'S POVI was hunched over my desk, papers spread out in front of me and my laptop glowing in the dim light of my room. Jocelia was fast asleep on the bed behind me, her breathing steady and soft. The clock on the wall showed it was well past midnight, but sleep was a luxury I couldn't afford right now. The stakes were too high.My phone buzzed on the desk, breaking the silence. I glanced at the screen and saw Stewart's name. I picked it up quickly, my eyes darting to Jocelia to make sure the noise hadn't disturbed her. She shifted slightly but remained asleep. Deciding it was best to avoid any chance of waking her, I slipped out of the room and stepped into the hallway."Yeah, Stewart, you got anything for me?" I asked, keeping my voice low."Grayson, I found the Marlon family," Stewart said, his tone grave. "But there's a problem.""What kind of problem?" I pressed, my gut tightening with a sense of foreboding."They were killed a few hours ago, before I could get to them. The
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ALICE'S POVI was rewatching my interview on "The View," critiquing my outfit choice. "I knew I should have worn the Versace jumpsuit," I muttered, annoyed with myself. Just then, there was a knock on my door."Mum, it's me. Open up," William's voice called from the other side. I sighed, pausing the video, and walked over to let him in. The moment I opened the door, I saw a look of pride plastered across his face."What's happening?" I asked, curious but also slightly apprehensive.William stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "I took care of it," he said, a note of satisfaction in his voice.My heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady."I've dealt with the Marlon's," he said, pulling out his phone and showing me a news report. The headline read, "Local Family Found Dead in Apparent Robbery Gone Wrong."I scanned the article quickly, my mind racing. "Oh, I didn’t think you could pull it off," I said, a mix of surprise and relief flooding
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