All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire’s Regret; Mummy, Daddy Deserves Your Love: Chapter 71 - Chapter 77
77 Chapters
GRAYSON'S POVMy phone buzzed, and I saw Paul's name flash on the screen. I picked up quickly. "Hey, Paul. What's up?""Sir, my brother's agreed to meet with you about the job," Paul said, sounding relieved."Great. Tell him to bring his résumé and meet me at my office tomorrow," I instructed."Yes, sir. He’s looking forward to it," Paul replied before ending the call.I leaned back in my chair, feeling a mix of anticipation and determination. This was a critical step in ensuring Zenith and Zendaya’s safety. I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that they might still be in danger, and having someone reliable watching over them would bring some peace of mind.SLYVIA'S POVAfter I finished the laundry, I realized it was already getting dark. I headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner, enjoying the brief moment of calm. As I chopped vegetables, my phone rang. Seeing Raymond's name on the screen brought a smile to my face."Hey, Raymond," I answered, feeling a wave of relief wash over me."H
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SLYVIA'S POVI woke up feeling a bit better than last night. It was Saturday, and I had plans to meet Beverly for drinks later in the day. I wanted to make sure everything was in order before the babysitter arrived, so I started tackling some house chores. Sweeping and cleaning the whole house felt therapeutic, like I was clearing away more than just the dust.As the morning went by and I was cleaning the windows, I noticed a truck pulling up outside. It was a moving company. I watched for a moment, curious. "Guess the new neighbors are settling in almost immediately," I thought to myself.The kids stirred awake, their footsteps padding softly towards the kitchen. "Good morning, my loves!" I greeted them with a smile."Morning, Mommy!" Zenith and Zendaya chorused back, their faces still a little sleepy."Alright, brush your teeth while I finish up here, and then I'll make us all some breakfast," I instructed.They nodded and headed off to the bathroom while I returned to my chores. As
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ALICE'S POVWilliam strolled up to me by the pool, his face shadowed by a hint of curiosity. He took a seat beside me, adjusting his sunglasses."How's it going with the Morris family?" he asked, his tone casual yet laced with genuine interest.I leaned back, letting the warmth of the sun envelop me. "They've settled in," I replied, a satisfied smile spreading across my face. "The movers are currently bringing in their stuff. Everything's going according to plan."He nodded, a sly grin forming on his lips. "That's good to hear. Have they had any interaction with Slyvia yet?"I couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh, yes. Slyvia, in her typical naïve fashion, brought them pancakes as a welcome gift."William laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. "She doesn't even realize she's feeding the very people who will be her downfall.""Exactly," I said, my voice tinged with amusement. "She has no idea what's coming. It's almost too easy."We shared a conspiratorial laugh, the irony of the situation
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After I finished the chores and everything else, I decided to take a bath to freshen up from the stress. I ran hot water into the tub and eased myself in, letting the warmth envelop me. As I sank into the tub, I dipped my head fully underwater, staring up at the ceiling through the bubbles and water.Flashes of Grayson entered my mind, unbidden. I remembered the first time we ever made love. It was in the shower, much like this one. We had finally gotten close after he had resented me for what he believed was me forcing him to marry me through his father.He had walked up behind me in the shower, parting my hair to the side and planting soft kisses on my neck. I could still feel the warmth of his skin, the way his touch made my body respond instinctively. He had wrapped his arms around me from behind, his hands cupping my breasts as I leaned back into him, surrendering to the moment.I instinctively raised my head from the tub, the vivid memory pulling me back to reality. "What am I d
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SLYVIA'S POVAs the kitchen filled with the comforting aroma of cooking, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. I was grateful for these small moments of normalcy amidst the chaos. I finished preparing dinner, setting everything up so the babysitter wouldn't have any trouble. Just as I was putting the final touches on the meal, I heard the doorbell ring."Perfect timing," I thought, as I went to greet the babysitter. Now I could leave with peace of mind, knowing my kids were taken care of, and I could focus on a much-needed evening out with a friend.Jessie arrived right on time, her usual bright smile lighting up the room."Hey, Jessie! Perfect timing. Come on in," I greeted her warmly."Hey, Slyvia! Smells amazing in here," she said, taking in the aromas wafting from the kitchen."Thanks! I'm making the kids' favorite tonight. How have you been?" I asked as we walked back to the kitchen together."Oh, you know, busy with school. But I'm hanging in there," she replied, setting her bag
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WILLIAM'S POVI had been cooped up indoors for too long and I needed to let loose, party, and have some fun with the girls. It had been a while since my last party, and the itch to get out was too strong to ignore. I put on my favorite leather jacket, strapped on my diamond watch, and felt that familiar rush of excitement.Heading down to the garage, I couldn't help but admire my collection of cars. Tonight, it was the Ferrari's turn. I slid into the sleek, red beast and started the engine, feeling the powerful purr beneath me.As I pulled out of the garage and onto the road, the city lights ahead seemed to beckon me. "It's time to live a little," I said to myself, grinning as I floored the accelerator and felt the wind whip through my hair. Tonight was going to be epic.I made it into the city night, the vibrant energy of New York humming all around me. I wasn't in the mood for my usual nightclubs where everyone knew my name. Tonight, I craved something different, something new-a "fr
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SLYVIA'S POVI looked over at Beverly, feeling a surge of irritation. "Do you know him? Did you know he was gonna be here? Is that why you brought me here, to ambush me?" I demanded."Nooo, I don't even know him! I just got here a while ago, and I literally just asked him if he was William Lockwood because he looked familiar," Beverly explained, her eyes wide with surprise.I turned to William, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Long time no see," he said, trying to sound casual."I saw you weeks ago, entering my kids' school. God knows why," I shot back, watching his expression change to one of fear, like a deer caught in headlights. I wondered what he was up to there. "And no, it's not nice seeing you after how you betrayed me.""I see you're still salty after all these years," he replied, a hint of a sneer in his voice."Fuck you, William," I snapped."You've done that already," he sneered with a grin."You wish. Even if you were the last man on earth, I still wouldn't sleep with you
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